love knows no rules

Submitted into Contest #57 in response to: Write a story about someone breaking a long family tradition.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Drama Romance

When i saw her at the first time i forgot everything , every issue and anxious breath i ever took and got lost into her wet black hair with the rain waiting for the bus with a broken umbrella and a book completly ruined from the rain in a dramatic stormy day , i felt like the time stopped for a while and the only think that was running on my mind is that she is forbiden for me and she would be for generations because of our wierd family tradition that i don't know yet my position at , but when the time came back i realised that every rule has an end ...

Traditions are a thing that made before even you got born but you grow up respecting it and in my case obeing it , and our family has one tradition that we should obey as a rule even if we don't know the results of breaking it , and that rule is that a boy of our family should marry a girl chosen by his mother and nobody else , it start's ages ago in our family my father and his father before and my grand grandfather did the same thing bying a fish in the water , i never knew what could happen if someone decided to choose his own partner because all the men before me followed the tradition making the same steps without thinking out of the box , they say that love is something that can be builed by time but i was never convinced for this because love is something to live with until it became a part of your soul making you live inside your lover admiring her hobies breathing the same ideas as her, share the bad and good moments together and laugh about later in life , sometimes i wish if i had a brother that i can take advices from him and give him ones sometimes because that the only thing i need right now and that's why i used writing as my second soul that i can be free with spreading my feelings without any secrets or tides .

I work as co-pilot spending the most of my life time in the sky travelling around the world closing my heart for any girl because i know that maybe it's ment for me to follow the path of my cousins even if deep inside i wasn't convinced for this beleiving that every human has the right to live his own life without be manupilating by others , and after i turned 25 and complited all the terms which are owning a home , a car and a job i was afraid to obey them or not , i took a day off waiting for my mother in the living room when she knocks the door accompanied by a small family of a father with a big grey beard and a black hair holding the hand of his wife who was looking at me up and down and behind them there was a shy young girl with a blond hair and green eyes which was looking me as she is beaging for mercy to live her life as she wish to , they entered the house and her mother was looking everywhere while her father sat on the couch and tried to start a conversation with me and then started asking me questions about my personal life and my plans for the future , i looked at the girl who was holding the tears in her eyes and i realised that her parents are going to take her teenager life from her without a permision and she remined me of my self and made me think that maybe we would be ment for each other in an another circumstances but not in this ones , and at that moment i left my jacket and excused them to leave the house and looks of disappointment and anger on my mother's eyes that made me sure that i took a decision there is no back in , i walked downstairs and the looks of shame and disapointement on my father's face who was entering the house with a black and white suit that he bied it espicially for this day , i was in a war of doubt with myself ... im i doing the wrong thing ... maybe the reach for my happines will hurt so many people that i love .... and maybe this the meaning of life ... choices , we can't make two choices on the same time even if both of the available choices are good in things and bad in others we still make a choice because of our curious soul that allways pushing us to ask one question " what if " , we may regret about the results but if we stay at the midle and don't make any move we will regrets about both of the choices we lost , because those hard moments are the ones that creates the showcase of the person .

I walked a long way without knowing where im going with a brain full of thaughts acompanied by the rain that started to fall in a deep dark atmosphere where i stand alone in an alley that i don't even knew it name and there i forgot everything when i saw her , when her angel eyes looked at me my heart woke up for the first time in two and a half decades , at every step and every laugh with her that night i felt like im breathing for the first time , i traveled the most of the world but i never saw a star brighting as her eyes , i never saw a sea smoother than her tears , there is no planet bigger than her heart , after tasteing what i feel whit her i recognised that every happy feeling i felt before was fake coming from my brain to let me forget the void inside me , i took a choice that will love forever and thank god that had the chance to ...


September 03, 2020 19:04

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