Contemporary Mystery Suspense



"I'm tired of this excesses called life, I have given up. Never to try again." Could be heard from the back yard. The appearance of AKIDI could be imagined as if eyes going fault again. Akidi, the bastard, believed to have gone a decade ago, today, comes in agony of trial temptation. The bastard, who have been seen messing and kicking his own life treasures. Learned and touring the world moreover in clear despair was even never his own making. He never for a moment wished to be a bastard, the leading mechanism of his own toiling, for he had no voice. Akidi steered his own wheel of humiliation, first when he encountered the journey to living that however got him a total slave in his own disguised workhouse. The legitimacy was never a tale of "blood is thicker than water" any longer.

But if it was not for his causers' misdeeds, Akidi would act a master role in this workhouse. He was unlucky his underground father did leave even any written note about Akidi's whereabout and howabout. Never did Akidi know he was a blood slave of a blood master. For decades never ceasing, Akidi left open handed towards a jungle life, may be could land him into the land of honey. Let's give it a go ahead mandate.

Nevertheless, disgusted of his whereabout, Akidi started a journey of a million dollars miles, to where, he too did not know. Hell was all he could dream of, as heaven was the praises of the faithful. Akidi had lost faith in himself. With bargain about his own life, Akidi strode towards the Lord's of the jungle vultures. Helpless of himself, his condition would worry even Satan on death's mission. Akidi was welcomed with a jar of rusty mixture of boiled water and liquor kept for the defiant rascals of Lord's order's violaters sent for a stone aged mission. He drunk in merriment without sensing the second coming of the Lord's mandates. Weakness could gradually vacate his had overwhelmed relentlessness.

Nights and days passed by, Akidi could be paraded, he too seemed a senior having over worked himself to get a menial. Akidi showed hundreds of successes in his trial attempt, the new master liked him as well. This time round, Akidi could only be sent on hot deal mission. He started liking it though his body was willing, the heart was not. The master could not open his heart to read what was inscribed there.

However, one day, having been mandated to lead a raid, Akidi as his master's eye, sent to a more tougher relief mission. Before, something had crossed Akidi's mind, but like a loyal servant, could not tell his master. Disguised, Akidi went, not knowing this was time for him, infact his blessings in disguise. They too walked in clear agitation. The mission was 'beautiful.'

Akidi, the acting lord was the last to leave the mission ground, he got shot in the thorax. Akidi became weak and could not fuck off his gains, blissfully rode home. The master of this ground mission workhouse was still taking rest. The men in boots could not violate their master's piece of shunning any stranger before his remarks. Akidi survived this false temptation. The master to his eyes, could not imagine Akidi. The heavy drop from Akidi's heavenly eyes, could only be escorted by thunder.

Akidi, having been tried and brought before the counsel of elders, asked about his intentions and his whereabout, Akidi rather sobbed in tears.

Before Akidi's mother had passed on, he could hear something about his fatherhood which he kept in mind upto date. This however, was the only truth Akidi could tell about himself. The elders having had knowledge about this, were awed. Akidi and the elders could not believe this fate that kept on driving him towards this workhouse.

Akidi's magical return could be welcomed with cheer dances, even though his old master, now a brother could not smile about it. The elders acted the opposite side of the story for their had lost son, now home. Akidi's property was rendered to him with holly tears in his eyes above.

Akidi for once in his lifetime became a master in his own workhouse, a magical storyline. Moreover with slaves under his orders. Having known the pain of slavery, Akidi treated his servants with much love and care. Not for a while, Akidi won praises for his jolly being. Akidi had much respect for the elders and his tale though bitter, could gather crowds more so the life pushers for hope of tomorrow. Akidi became a living inspiration to his society and his existence was the living testimony.

I too love Akidi's tale, for even though he was once treated with harshness by his one time blood master, Akidi did not take any account of revenge. For the brother too did not know. Indeed, wonders of Akidi will never cease, just that all his twists for decades was driven by a normal fate in a mere blink of an eye.

Akidi, having dully believed now of being home, could only ask God if could pardon his mother back to life just to see the bastard she had left.

Akidi having been known for his written knowledge in his might, could not even for once blame his parents for the holly mess, was only to bring a lost sheep home. A blessing in disguise!

I don't really think if for once Akidi ever dreamed of this mystery in his weightless wakeful slumber. Even if he did, he did not believe this 'nightmare.' I think the only dream he could believe to ever come true was of death rolling and lion's roars towards him by the bedside. But for once, dream has ever come true though he had nothing about this coming.

The twist of Akidi was really sponsored by fate. The wages were only meant to be paid by Akidi's patience and endurance that greatly paid him. However, had been worn-out of life, Akidi kept the patience of preserving his dear life, little did he know patience would pay him someday when the light of today will be turned on. Indeed, God has His mystery which none can fathom.

To rest my case, Akidi returned home in fatal betrayal. Indeed, fate will always find its way. I now correspond that, " every dog has its own tail." I now submit that something which is meant to be, will always be, whatsoever the pain will be worth it. Not further than, The Twist Of Akidi.


July 07, 2021 14:22

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