
The cold, sugary liquid dripped down my hand. It’s source was the long red, white, and blue popsicle I held. I always ate it from the bottom up, but this way took too long. It started melting and stained my hand. I ran my tongue over it, but it still left a little mark.

A few leaves fell down from the tree branches overhead and landed next to my foot. I stared down at them, wondering what had caused it to fall. It was still nowhere near Fall or Winter, it was barely the beginning of Summer. More leaves started falling and I looked up. A girl stared down at me. I dropped my popsicle on the hot pavement in shock. 

She giggled, and climbed down. I glared at her. “You made me drop my popsicle!” I accused. 

She put her hands up innocently. “I didn’t do anything, you dropped it,” She retorted, smiling cheekily.

Her hair was rainbow on one side, and the other side was a silverish black. She looked only about 16 compared to my 17. She was short too. The popsicle- if you could call it that- was already a puddle of purple and a popsicle stick. 

“Ugh, cmon it's burning out here!” I complained, to which she shrugged. “It’s a pretty good temperature for me though.” 

I got up and started to walk away, but she sprinted after me. “Are you really that mad at me? I can buy you another one if you are..” She said, looking genuinely sorry. “Nah, it’s alright, you don’t need to.” I answered. I was a bit annoyed but I wasn’t mad. I was at Mariposa Park, a spot I loved to come during the summer because of all the greenery. There were little seats all over the place to sit, and even four long seats that wrapped around the four corners of the park. Engraved in the seats was the word “Butterfly” in a bunch of different languages. 

The young kids playing on swings, chasing one another, playing with dolls and action figures, climbing on the climbing net, racing on scooters. It reminded me of myself when I was younger. I sat down on the long stone bench, crossing my legs. “I insist, let me at least buy you a new one,” she pressed. I shrugged, “I mean okay, no complaints.” I got up and she led me to the ice cream cart man. He was wearing a plaid cap, and he had a folding chair sitting underneath a tree that he rested on. 

He smiled and waved a greeting, and I pointed that I wanted the popsicle that I had dropped before. He nodded and dug around in the cart and pulled one out, handing it to me. The girl handed him 3 dollars, before turning back to me. “There, now you can sit all alone again eating a popsicle upside down,” She said, and started to walk away. “W- wait!” I stammered, placing a hand on her shoulder. 

I flinched away as she whipped around, her colorful hair flowing soon after her. I forced my hand to my side and looked at my feet. “Uhh, would you.. Um.. like to sit with me?” I offered shyly. She looked up in hope. “Really? Yeah! I mean- uh- if you really want to,” she shrugged as though it were no big deal but I saw the happiness in her eyes. 

We sat together, as I ate my popsicle she started talking about how she had always liked spying on people from the trees. She was a bit weird but so was I. “Do you think I’m weird?” She asked suddenly.

“Yes,” I answered, and she looked a bit sad. “But that doesn’t matter, because you're really nice,” I added quickly. “Th- thanks..” She mumbled, and I saw her flush a bit. She pointed at the popsicle. “Can I have some?” She asked. I looked hesitant but tilted it towards her. “Only because you bought it though,” I reminded as she bit into it. 

“Ah! Brain freeze,” She said. She closed her eyes and She looked a bit unsteady on her feet. “Hey, are you okay?” I asked, putting my hand on her shoulder. She fell forward onto my chest and looked up. “H-huh? Oh sorry, I got a bit dizzy heh,” she said, backing away embarrassedly, leaving me as red as a strawberry. “I- it’s fine,” I assured her. The popsicle had already started melting, so I threw it away in a trashcan close by. She rolled her eyes. 

“I just paid for that and then you’re just gonna throw it away?!” She said sarcastically. “Oh I’m so sorry, was 3 dollars too much for your budget?” I joked. She flinched and for a second the happiness in her gaze went away, but she blinked and started laughing. “I- I’m sorry if that was a sensitive topic..” I started.

She put her finger over my lips. “Don’t apologize,” She said quickly. 

I was so used to apologizing, and nobody ever told me not to, so I was in shock. “You didn’t do anything, and it’s not your fault,” she explained after a few seconds.

She smiled sadly and turned. “If anything I should apologize, for getting hurt so easily..” she murmured. 

I wrapped my arms around her from behind, holding her close. “I said I’m sorry, accept my apology or I won’t let you go,” I said half jokingly.

“Ugh whatever, fine I accept it!” She said, laughing and pushing me away jokingly. I smiled and bent down to her level. She suddenly got all serious, and put her cheek on my cheek. “Ah- Sorry!” She yelped, flinching away, but I grabbed her hand before she could pull away. She looked into my eyes and I looked into hers, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. They fluttered frantically, looking for a way to escape, so I gave them one. 

I leaned into a soft kiss, and she didn’t pull away. I used my free hand to run through her hair. Her lips felt so smooth against mine, and they had a hint of the popsicle still on them. I felt as though I was gonna float away, but she kept me down, until we pulled away. She hid her face in her hands, looking away. 

A butterfly landed on my nose, and I gasped quietly. She looked up and noticed the orange and black insect, which was fluttering its wings on my face. It flew away after a second, and I saw her still giggling. I smiled, and looked away, not wanting her to see my blush.

August 05, 2020 19:39

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P. Jean
04:15 Aug 13, 2020

Nice! Simple! Fun!


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Doubra Akika
13:27 Aug 09, 2020

Your writing style is really creative! I love Barbie so I liked that the park was called Mariposa 🤣. Great job! If you’re not busy, would you mind checking out one of my stories? Have a nice day!


Its a park in real life, too! With the COVID cases its unfortunately closed but it's been my favorite park since I was about 6


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Deborah Angevin
11:12 Aug 08, 2020

A sweet story marking the start of a relationship; I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, Isabella! Would you mind checking my recent story out, "(Pink)y Promise"? Thank you :D


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