Drama Holiday Romance

I have come to your city with a new hope,

Eyes open in the morning, seeing a beautiful dream

If we can't meet me, Its my destiny

But the desire is only that

If these are closed, than seeing you last time.

Have you ever heard that one can hate his ancestral city so much that he agrees to give up his love for her as well. Our choice was found in almost everything, but not in the case of living in a city. The street in which I have spent the best moments of my life, that is, childhood, today I have avoided going in the same street. Here are my own, as well as the most beautiful gift of my life. But there was a lot things that I have lost and I consider this city responsible.

I said your city because I did not always dislike Hazaribagh, Hazaribagh is a city in India which was only in Google map but outside it no one has any information about that city. Why, what has this city given to the world till date. On the one hand, where I hated this city, she loved this city more than that. She used to say that this city has given me the best gift of life. I have studied here from junior to high school, and that year is included in the most beautiful moments of my life.

It was only when she was in junior school that her father was transferred to Hazaribagh from Ranchi. One morning eyes opened and saw a white colored Innova was standing at the door. The door opened and she came out, she was wearing a light pink top on black jeans. Half her hair was open and half tied, she might have fallen asleep on the way. Perhaps she was telling her friends that she has reached here with safety

She was also reading it while typing the message. I could easily tell what she was typing by looking at her pink lips. He wrote 'Yes, man, I have finally arrived. I will miss you all.” Those people had come to my house as tenants. When we went out to play cricket every evening, she used to stand on the terrace. I often think that maybe she is watching me? We used to bump into the house less often. At that time, everybody used to call me a pony, there was one who kept a hand on my shoulder and said, 'You are not a pony'. Well to be honest, I was a pony. The boy who loves a girl for the last 4 years, but never talked to that girl. She used to study in the school near me. Me and my friends often pass by her school gate to see her. At lunch, all the friends used to have fun, but me and my friend Sharin used to take a walk near her school gate. During the last days of school, I also got very abused and beaten up by my friends because every second or third day I was prepared so that I could tell my heart about it. That's because after school I was going to Delhi forever. My father passed away when I was in tenth standard. Riya and her family had helped us a lot then. Yes, her name was Riya, the beauty of queen.

When you go out on a journey during the winter season, it is important that you check your bag again, if you have forgotten to put hot clothes. By hot clothes I meant there must be a sheet. Perhaps I could not follow my point. This time also I did not want to come to Hazaribagh. But the same thing happens with every lover, he has to bend before the insistence of his girlfriend. The last time I was in graduation, I came here to meet Riya. This time too, the plan were made to go suddenly and the reason was Riya. Therefore I was able to book the sleeper seat in the train. The night was dark, people sitting around were rubbing their eyes, it was clear that people were feeling sleepy. In the evening, a 17- to 18-year-old boy sitting on the adjacent seat had said, 'Brother, give me the seat with the window'. . Since he was sitting in the train every time I found him sticking with the phone, so I asked him 'Why brother? Just like you look out of the window, so can the rest of the people. '

'No no ... Actually there is a charging point here, and I have to play the game, so I am asking you to get up from this seat.'.

In this age, we used to use only Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram in mobile. Well, I advised him not to use the phone much during the journey and sent him to his seat. But in the sleeper coach, the cold winds and the slight shivering voice coming from inside kept haunting me for that decision. After all, why did I not listen to him at that time. In that case, you have only one way to escape from the cold. I also did what you do. After twelve, we wanted to sell the house and become Delhi Settle. So my grand father first told Riya's father that he wanted to sell the house. The exam was going to be two months later. Therefore, the formality of selling the house was almost complete. I remember that evening Riya's father's health got a bit worse. There was no other man in his house except him. So my uncle and I helped him a lot. He was taken to emergency Delhi for treatment. I also went with Riya, her mother, and uncle. That evening, my uncle and Riya’s mother were in the lobby of hospital. Me and Riya were sitting on the terrace just looking at the city. We had come to know each other for 4 years, but till date I had not spoken to her nor did she. For example, when a bird takes a dip in the water of a calm lake in a deserted forest for years all the water in shaken. just like that one her voice had awakened many sleeps desire inside me. That was the first time she had spoken to me.

'Thank you vikash .. Thank you for everything ... she was holding my hand while saying that.

I kept staring at her, she just kept saying. And her tears not stopping.

When I pulled my hand from her hand to give her handkerchief she hold grabbed me in her arms like a 6-year-old child gets scolded by his father and clings to his mother. She was also crying like that child. That night, on a bench kept on the terrace, he hugged me with the strength that his grip had eased only in the morning.

In the same way I shrunk my body, took my knees up and tightened the bag and held it in my arms. At that time I was playing the role of Riya and Bag is  Vikash.

The next morning we came to Hazaribagh with his father. Now there was talk among us, now in the evening I did not go to play cricket. I told my friend Sharin everything. He asked to take advantage of the opportunitydie.

'What are you waiting for now? Tell your feeling to Riya.’

"When I give the result of 12th, I will say." I told Sharin.

‘you will remain a pony of a pony, after the exam you will all go to delhi. Then what will you do?’

Well he was right, but I was afraid that just now her father had just been sick, than what would she react on this situation.?

The wheel of time turned around and after examinations, we came to Delhi. Till the result came, we used to talk a lot on the phone.

Just like Mumbai is famous for Ganesh Puja, Kolkata is famous for Durga Puja, similarly Hazaribagh is known throughout India for Ram Navami. It is not that I have always disliked Hazaribagh, there are some old memories that make me hate Hazaribagh. I had spent the most beautiful moment of my life i.e. childhood day in the streets of Hazaribagh. There was a festival of Ram Navami in which I was allowed to roam all day with my friends. That too without any hindrance. That evening was the last evening of Ram Navami, my father and I were wearing new clothes. I was ahead of him. There was a fight between two groups in a street. This was common during the days of Ram Navami, but who knew that a common battle would change my whole life  in a single moment. It was not known when that ordinary fight came down to cruelty, and a heavy handgun coming from the crowd gave the father's head. Dad stayed for a few days but that pain took his life. From that moment on I started hating Hazaribagh, and I was determined never to return after school. But watch the game of luck, I had to come here after getting a job. As always, for Riya, she insisted that she wants to take seven rounds of marriage to the temple of Hazaribagh.

She remained with me for a years of marriage, but in the second year, her transfer became Hazaribagh. Luck brought me back here again. I knew my mother and grandfather did not like to live in Delhi, it was my tenacity that made them come here. Then my insistence was , now I had to come back here because of the family. By the way, I had to go to Hazaribagh next week to find a new house but as usual this city is taking revenge on me. As soon as Riya went there, an accident happened with her car. ShE is in the hospital today, and i'm cursing myself After all, why did I obey her? I wish I had brought her family to Delhi too, so maybe she would have stayed with me.

She liked the city because it was quiet. Compared to the rest of the city, the atmosphere here was clearer, people seemed familiar. I said that I have many reasons, because of which I hate this city.

September 16, 2020 09:15

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Sidney B.
18:32 Sep 24, 2020

I can definetly see a story in here, but sometimes it's a bit hard to understand because of the vocabulary you use, that's something you could work on! :)


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04:02 Sep 24, 2020

Heyyy The majority of problem is grammar, I would request edditing software like grammarly. Otherwise, it's cool.


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