
She came home early. Much earlier than I was used to. She was talking into the box in her hand. I hate that box, she stares at it too much and takes something she calls "selfies" with it. Though when she includes me in the "selfie" I don't mind. I usually get lots of kisses then. She sounded really upset when she was talking into the box. I immediately went to comfort her, but she sort of brushed me off at first. I gave a soft whine to let her know I was there. I could tell she was talking to Mike. I don't like Mike much. He smells nice, like lunch meat, but other than that he has no really endearing qualities. He is always coming between me and Katherine, pushing me out of the room and telling me to "go lie down." But I lie down in THAT room. He never rubbed my ears.

As soon as she got off the the talk box though, she wrapped her arms around my neck and proclaimed, "Oh Bixby! you would never leave me would you?" She ruffled the fur on my head. I licked her hands reassuringly, of course I would never leave her. That was the start of the best week ever!

First, she took me for my walk. Always grateful to stretch these long legs. Apartment life isn't always easy on a dog of my size. Luckily our apartment is nice and roomy.

When we got back from our walk, Katherine went to the fridge, which is a magical place. Light streams forth, and a plethora of tasty morsels beckon to be devoured. I was hoping for a treat myself. She grabbed a container from the coldest spot and grabbed a spoon. I knew exactly what she had, one of my favorites, ICE CREAM. "The best dinner for the heartbroken," she sighed and lifted the lid off the carton. We sat on the couch together, watched something on the bigger box, and ate ice cream together. We fell asleep right there on the couch.

The next day, she came home early again! We went for a long walk in the park and played fetch. We usually only get to do that on what Katherine calls the weekend; which, to my recollection was still a few days away. When we got back to the apartment, Katherine gave me hot dogs! I almost didn't eat them. Katherine only gives me hot dogs with something gross stuck in them. I couldn't smell the gross hard thing though so I ate the whole thing. Every day after Katherine would come home around the same time. I love this so much!

I didn't notice until today, but I haven't seen Mike. I wonder why? I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't like Mike. It's just weird that he suddenly isn't coming around anymore. Katherine seems sad regularly too. I see her staring at the talk box. I know she is waiting for it to ring, ding, buzz, or play a song. Sometimes it does, and she will either talk to it or look at it disapprovingly, like when I get into the garbage. Usually when she answers it is Maggie. I like Maggie. Maggie calls me "Sweet thing" and always rubs my ears. She brings me treats too. Today Katherine was looking at the box a lot. She kept rubbing her finger across it in a upward motion. I wished she would do that to my ears so I laid my head across her lap. Katherine looked down at me. I saw tears in her eyes. As she laid the box down I noticed a picture of Mike before it went blank, but that wasn't Katherine in the picture with him.

Katherine played tug-of-war with me today. I love that she keeps coming home so early. She takes me for longer walks. We have dinner together and watch movies until bedtime. I haven't wagged my tail this much since I was a little pup! Katherine seems in a much better mood lately as well. Maybe, she is okay with Mike not coming around anymore.

Maggie came over! I love Maggie! She brought me a treat that tasted like bacon and a new chewy toy. Then they took me for a walk down to the park and I got to play with the other dogs there. I like being able to see my friends more than just on the weekend. Some of the other dogs go there every day. When we got back to the apartment, Katherine and Maggie sat on the couch a long time talking and drinking that weird dark liquid that smells funny. They ordered pizza. Another personal favorite, especially sausage. As they ate pizza, I stood nearby trying not to drool. Maggie said through a bite of pizza, "I never liked Mike." I am glad I wasn't the only one. Maggie took out her talking box and began that weird rubbing gesture. "Check it," she showed it to Katherine. I decided to come see what they were looking at and Maggie began rubbing my ears. I don't know what they were talking about exactly because the ear rub was way to good. I managed a couple of happy grunts and hear Katherine say, "I guess so. Set it up."

Huh... Katherine is late today. I keep looking out the window watching for her car to pull into her space but it hasn't come yet. I really need to go out. I have been used to leaving the apartment earlier. I'm a good boy, I don't want to go in the apartment but we are cutting it close here. Finally! She walks in the door and there is a strange person with her. I don't know this guy, but there was something about him I instantly liked. He looks at me and says, "Aww, is this Bixby? He is so much cuter than the pictures you showed me." He puts his hand close and he smells interesting, I can't quite figure it out. I let him rub my ears.

"Yep, This is Bixby. And Bixby, this is Jason. You ready to go for a walk boy?" As we leave the apartment, I figure I might not see as much of Katherine in the coming weeks, but I can already tell that Jason is better than lunch meat.

March 27, 2020 00:47

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