
Simmi and Jacob were school sweethearts.

They have been together since sixth grade and were inseparable.

Jacob was a basketball player in the school team and had this amazing muscular body and charming face.

Simmi was not very fond of sports but she was good in academics. She was sweet and cute

at the same time, kind to everyone.

They didn’t know each other till grade five maybe because of their different interests.

Then one day when the teacher saw Jacob not paying attention to lectures. She made him

sit near Simmi , Jacob was not letting Simmi concentrate on lectures so she shouted at him

in front of the whole class and after that day Simmi was the only one who could make Jacob

quiet. She used to help him in his studies , made notes for him , taught him during exams

and as a payback Jacob used to take her on a ride ,treat her with ice-creams and

chocolates, this is how their friendship started.

They used to hangout at the pool, driving around in his Royal Enfield, going to prom nights

together, the whole school thought that they were dating , but they never admitted it because

they were not.

Jacob was so charming that he had his separate fanbase, many girls proposed to him but

what was driving him crazy was Simmi's smile, her eyes but he couldn’t say it to her. He

loved her so much that he even asked other boys not to ask her out for a date.

Simmi was a beautiful girl but she always thought that she is an average looking girl and if

no other guy has asked her for a date why would Jacob want to go on a date with her, And

they remained best friends.

At the school farewell party they both dressed the best they could, Crying inside but

managed to smile because they knew it was the last time they were seeing each other.

Before leaving they promised to stay in touch and hugged so tight and did not want to leave.

It was so hard for them to say goodbye. That night both cried for hours after locking themself

in a room. They packed their bags and took all the gifts they have exchanged on birthdays

and decided not to meet before going to college as this would break them.

Said goodbye to their families but deep down they wanted to see each other so desperately

and wanted to hug one more time, wanted to tell how much they love each other but they

could not.

Simmi went to University of Southern California because she was not able to focus on

anything else other than Jacob and Jacob went to Harvard University because his father

wanted him to join the same university as his, both started dating someone to get over with

each other, but their feelings and love never got faded. They got themself busy, So that they

don’t not get time to miss each other.

But after all this there was not a moment when they did not miss each other. After some time

of dating they both broke up with their partners, because they never really loved them.

Simmi imagined her pillow as Jacob and talked to it for hours and Jacob started writing

songs which was only about his love for Simmi.

It’s been four years that Simmi and Jacob have not seen each other though they checked

each other's profile on social media but could not text. Their love could have been just a

memory which they would have always cherished, but suddenly they got this news that their

school is organising a reunion for their batch. All they wanted was to see each other again,

and wanted to tell how much they have missed being together. So they showed up at the

reunion. At first they were hesitating about how to start a conversation but later they just got reconnected. They felt the same warmth as before and felt like nothing has changed

between them even after so many years of not talking and not meeting .They just got

reconnected instantly. They were roaming around in school revisiting all the places where

they had so much fun in their school days. They went to the canteen where Simmi used to

teach Jacob during exams, then they went to their chemistry lab where Jacob mixed

chemicals which resulted in an explosion, they visited the basketball court where Simmi

used to cheer for Jacob during his matches and went to their fifth grade classroom from

where they started their friendship and later went to their hangout place near the pool.

When Simmi was telling Jacob about her college and her friends Jacob was looking at her

and could not resist himself from kissing her.

He told her that he loved her since school days but could never tell her because he never

wanted to ruin their friendship. Simmi smiles, tears shimmering in her eyes. She told Jacob

that she loves him too and all she dreamt of is this very moment.

The happiness on their faces cannot be imagined, they promised that they would be together

forever to take care of each other, to make each other happy and to love each other with all

their heart.

The Experience of our first love is unique and we all remember it , because it’s the sweetest

and never forgetting memory from our teenage.

Even after 25 years of being together Simmi and Jacob still thank their school for that

reunion as it gave them a second chance to express their love, Otherwise they would have

always regretted their decisions of not expressing their love to the person who they loved


Some people get this second chance and some do not so we all should express our true

feelings. If you are meant to be together you will stay together and if not maybe God has

better plans for you, but we should try our best maybe it’s God’s way to test our love.

August 12, 2020 18:06

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