ABBY MEANS JOY by Jerry Watson.

Submitted into Contest #41 in response to: Write about an animal who changes a person's life (for better or worse).... view prompt



My sister and I press our selves into the kitchen corner. We sit staring down the dark corridor. We hear a low growl, but we can't see Abby.

"Jerry, I'm scared."

"Luci, we'll be alright."

I lie. 

"Were Mommie, Jerry?"

"She's upstairs—safe in her and Daddy's bedroom. "

In a slither of moonlight, I see my Mom lying motionless with the phone near her hand. I dip my shoulder, blocking Luci's view. She digs her nails into my shoulder. 

I lean away. "Stop it, Luci. That hurts!"

I forget for the moment why we are shaking. I forget for the moment why we are terrified.

As Abby slinks closer towards us, we could hear her nails click against the hardwood floor. 

"Why is Abby acting like this, Jerry?"

I fight back the tears. Luci expects me to be her brave big brother, and I couldn't disappoint her now. 

"I don't know, Luci, maybe she's as scared as we are." 

 As Abby stalks closer and closer, my mind wanders back to the day when our Dad brought her home. 


"Yeah, Jerry."

"Remember the day Dad came home with Abby?"

Not waiting for an answer, I continue. 

"We weren't happy with old, fat Spats, the cat. He wasn't fun enough anymore. We nagged Dad for months about getting us a dog."

I force a chuckle.

"Yeah, he said no a million times. Right, Jerry?"

"I don't know if it was a million," I smile at the excessive amount, "but it was a lot. Dad said we weren't responsible enough to take care of a dog. I think he changed his mind when Mom said she would help."

I glance over at my Mom. 

Abby's snorts are short, steady, and growing nearer.

"Remember that, Luci? How Mom helped?"

Between sniffles, I feel Luci nod.

"Yeah, Mom said she'd help us, and the next month Dad brought home a cute German Shepard pup. We were so happy you named her Abby. Abby. Her name means Joy, Luci."

Tears fill my eyes—Luci's sobs. 

"Where's Daddy, Jerry? He's a policeman. He can't help us."

"He's working, Luci. You know that."

Abby's amber eyes glisten through the darkness. Her snarls are closer. We both shudder at the sound. 

"The day Dad brought Abby home, her head and paws looked too big for her body. She was so shy she hid cringing in the corner of her cage for weeks."

"Oh, yeah. You let me name the puppy Abby, right, Jerry? I was the first person to make friends with her. " She hugs me from behind.

"Yes, you gave her her name, Luci. And yes, you made friends with Abby first. She huddled up in the corner of her cage, yawning, avoiding eye. Every day, you sat by her pen, talking to her. She was a sweet pup, Dad would say. After a few months, her behavior changed."

I felt Luci lay her head on my back and sigh.

"Yeah, she started howling at everyone but me. Abby jumped on the furniture. She ripped the curtains. Mommie was so mad."

"Yeah. Abby didn't like strangers. She yanked off the table cloth and all the food crashed onto the floor. Abby did even eat the food. Mom said she was out of control."

"Why did Abby change like that, Jerry?"

"Well, Luci, when Dad got us the puppy, he thought it was a German Shepherd. He found out later Abby is what they call a Wolf Dog."

Luci peers around my shoulder. "A what?"

"A Wolf Dog. Abby is a Wolf Dog."

"But Abby looks like Mr. Williams dog King from across the street. He's nice and friendly,"

"Yes, Luci, Abby looks like Mr. King's German Sheperd, but that's because Abby is part German Shepherd, but more Wolf. Dad said Abby is 75 percent, Wolf. He didn't know it at the time he brought him."

"Is 75 percent a lot?"

"Yes, Luci, it almost the whole thing."

"Wow! Jerry, is Abby bad like the Big Bad Wolf in the Three Little Pigs?"

"I don't- "

The sight of Abby's teeth startles me. Her head and body pass under the moonlight that filters through the kitchen window. When her tail pass, I swallow and hold Luci's hand. Tears roll down my cheeks as I instinctively press against Luci to protect her. Abby steps are measured. 

A car alarm beeps. Abby stops and looks around. Growling, she moves her head from side-to-side, searching. Abby crutches and waits.  

I look over at my Mom and the phone. If I could somehow distract Abby, I might be able to see if Mom's alright, grab the phone, and run upstairs. I will have to run fast, though.  Faster than I did when I won the 40-yard dash on field day. 

But how can I leave Luci? My mind whirls. Should I tell Luci? She will see Mom if I tell her my plans. Would Abby chase me or attack Luci? Uh, oh. Too late. Abby howls, then turn her gaze at us again. She growls, lifts herself, and continues towards us. 

Now, she's closing in for the attack. Abby was so close I could see the drools dripping off her teeth. She inches closer and closer. So close, I could smell her breath. I close my eyes.

"Hold on. Luci. I'll never leave you."

Abby shrieks. I look up, and Spats is clinging onto Abby's back. Abby spins, bucking trying to shake off Spats. They tumble over and over, rolling around the floor of the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room. 

I grab Luci's hand and run up the steps to her room. 

"Luci, stay here and lock the door. I"ll be right back." 

Not waiting for an answer, I close the door and run to my room,

Grabbing the baseball bat from the floor, I race back downstairs. To my surprise, the lights are on. I could hear the rumble. Could the battle still be raging? My Dad comes home and joins the fight. They crash through the basement door. I run to the top of the basement steps and stare into the darkness. The screaming, howling and screeches finally stop. 

I step back, bat on shoulder ready to swing. My Dad walks up slowly with a wounded Spats cradled in his arms. I rush into him.

"Where's Luci?" My Dad looks around.

"Upstairs in her room."

"Okay, let's go check on Mom."

I grab Spats and give him a great big hug.

May 16, 2020 03:56

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