Romance Funny Urban Fantasy

Are you there, God it’s me Sy and I just wanted to ask you why? Why must everyone I love the most be taken away from me. Why must my heart yearn for the flaws in others, to heal them knowing they'll leave me one day? Why do I self-sabotage with the ones who wanna love me? Everyone has their purpose but what is mine? I write to God almost everyday as if he could somehow write back to me. After ripping yet another undone letter in half . I demanded my body to get up and go to the kitchen. Instead of sitting in my own self pity party, I think it's best if I eat something. Woke up late today at 2PM, and in LA time is money. My air fryer has been my best friend ever since I moved out on my own. I never cook much, last time I remember was with my mother. She's gone now so I leave those memories in the past. I had to be in the office in 30 mines so an apple sauce and fruit bar would have to do. Black fitted mini dress with red pumps and my trench coat I thrifted from the local salvation army. Walking towards the elevator of my building and seeing the stairs right next to them. The elevator took way longer than usual to open, I looked at the stairs and they looked at me. Overthinking, I should just take the stairs since it's 2:25 PM. I was about to take the stairs after staring into my apple watch, the doors finally opened. Once I got it I heard someone ask for me to hold it for them. I really didn't want to because now I had 3 minutes to get to work. The doors were closing and right when he stepped up I saw him and waved him goodbye. Petty? He should learn time management. Why should I pay the price? I'm not usually a rude person. My job was only  a mile away, but I drove anyway. “Good Morning Mrs. Kindred” one said, “Good Afternoon Mrs. Kindred” said another. “You have an interview at 3, with a new lawyer who you wanted to join the company. Lunch, will it doordash out or dine in?” said my assistant Pam. “Good Morning everyone Good Afternoon Everyone Something is better than never lets get to it” turning around and glancing over at my team. “Good morning Pam how are you, thank you for the reminder, and I'll take the dine in  for lunch.”. Sitting down in my office and reading CEO next to my name, I wanted to cry. Having my mom never see me live my dream gets to everyday. Hearing the ringing of the work landline. “Hello This is Kindred Law Firm Mrs. Kindred speaking may I ask who's calling?” my same old same old introduction. “Girl you know dang well you are not married you don't even have a boyfriend when will you stop lying to yourself Syna? Haahaa'' said my little sister Kayla. “Kayla what did I tell you about calling the work landline, you literally have my phone number, use it!” rolling my eyes and smiling. My sister loves bothering me at work. It's like a hobby of hers. “If I would have called you on your phone you wouldn't have answered and you know it, '' she said, smacking her lips. She was right, work was work and she was personal so I would have answered. “True, so what's so important that you called during  school hours?!” I said, realizing her class schedule. “Whaaaaaat I have class right now I didn't even know. No, but for real Syna can you doordash me Chick-fil-a for lunch today thank you love you bye!” hanging up without letting me reply I just shook my head and ordered her lunch. By the time I was done with her lunch order for the day it was time for my interview. “Mrs. Kindred this is Eli he’s here for the int-” as Pam introduced the guy who I  rudely let the elevator door close on as I spaced out. What if he doesnt wanna work here anymore , because I was rude to him? Maybe he didn't see my face, maybe he won't even remember me. “Hello Mrs.Kindred?” Pam said, knocking me back into reality. “Im sorry, give me a moment, I’ll be right with you” watching them both walk out of my office I searched for my remedy for it all. Pulling out my anxiety medication taking just one. I was ready “Pam Mr. King can come in now.” I said fitting things on my desk. There were no words exchanged in the first 1 minute of us being alone together in my office. He obviously remembers me, he hadn't even sat down yet. “I'm sorry, for the elevator thing it was rude of me.” breaking the silence. “I was trying to help my daughter get ready for school so I was rushing to the elevator but hey” sitting down in the chair in front of my desk. “I'm beyond sorry right now, It wasn't right of me to do that to you I should have understood-” my distressed words were cut off by his laughter. “I don't have a daughter, I was simply getting you back, even?” he smiled with his eyebrow raised. “Hahaha very funny, that's not funny.” rolling my eyes and fixing this I already fixed before he walked in. Looking up and seeing him already looking at me, our eyes locked. Naturally I would run from things and feelings like the ones I'm feeling right now. There was something about his gaze on me like he wouldn’t hurt a fly let alone my heart. His eyes screamed safety and guidance rather than me being the leader. I can't recall how long we adored one another. I forgot that it was an interview for a second or two. “Umm Okay so You're one of the best Lawyers in East AND West coast so I had to try and get you onto my team. If you let me pull up some of our cases we have gone through you can see our vision.” Trying not to get shut in his gaze again I turned towards my iMac to pull up the paperwork films. “Hello Mrs. Kindred I was wondering if I could-” stopping Pam from her question she asks every other week. “Pam I’ve told you months ago, you don't have to ask me to put your family first. I'll always understand, tell Emma I said hello '' releasing my assistant to go pick up her daughter, to spend time with her since she didn't have custody. “Yes.” He said right after Pam walked out. “Excuse me?” I said looking at him with my hands still on my keyboard. “I wanna be on your time, I see great things for this company, You and I could be a force to reckon with me may I add.” He said handing me his card and standing up. “Thank you I'm glad you think so, should I send you the files when I get a hold of them?” I asked standing up walking around my desk. “No you don’t have to I read up on all of your companies' cases and they're amazing.'' He was talking to me but I couldn't even focus, too busy comparing our height difference. “Let me show you to your office then.” I said walking in front of him as he followed me. I wanted him right here all the time, having my back with only good intentions. Leading him to the room right next to my office led him inside and opened the blinds. “I love it way bigger than my desk from amazon in my living room with a folding chair.”he told me while looking around. Realizing this would be his first time working for a company, I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to know everything about him. “Kindred’s would be your first firm, that's right may I ask why you just now decide to work for a firm?” I said sitting on the edge of his new desk with my legs crossed. As he stared out into his new view of LA “It’s a long story if you have time we can have lunch together and get to know one another?” ending his sentence off with him gazing into my eyes with wonder. “I was going to lunch right after your interview so I think that's a great idea.” standing up and walking over to the window and looking out on the citizens. “You dont wanna check in with Mr. Kindred?” he said, turning to me? Wasn't a real question, he really wanted to know if I would observe someone like that and belong to another. “Oh I'm not married, actually single, My mother was Mrs. Kindred until she died, I just wanted a part of her to be attached to my firm.” I said touching the glass on tracing the buildings. “I'm sorry about your mother, it's beautiful. We can go to this place not too far from here.” he told me, waving his hand for me to go first. 

   When we made it down stairs, I walked over to get my keys from the front desk. Suddenly Mr.King walked up beside me and told Harold I “She simply does not need them, for we will be walking today.” he walked outside after words and I followed. “Where are we going? You know I have heels on.” Stepping away and showing him my outfit. “It’s right across the street I assure you Mrs. Kindred your feet will never suffer when you're with me. If somehow they do I go to this salon that has the best of the best body care.” He grabbed my hand and led me across the street. A man who takes care of his body, God I see you working and sending me my blessings. “Hey Henry, can I get a table for two with the sky view?” He spoke and I followed. Henry led us upstairs to the sky view area glass walls with air holes at the bottom. The view was better than my office view. We talked for hours and he made me laugh more times than I could count. “Just a moment Mrs. Kindred my brothers calling” answering the phone and putting it on speaker. “Hello Jayden, what do you need this time?” shaking his head while picking up his folk. “HEY I'm a businessman now, it's Mr.Penland to you” his brother laughed after. JAYDEN PENLAND?! My ex best friend aka my ex husband! 

   My was beyond racing, I'm not a try the whole gang type of girl, this could ruin my companies name! It’s just lunch, nothing but lunch with a Boss and her employee, right? I know how I felt so it wasn't just lunch to me. I know your thinking, if he's his brother, how come you never met him? Well, let's just say there's a place called Vegas and a thing called being young and in love. Jayden and I were both in our last year of college when we decided to get married. I clinged to him more than I thought I ever could to a human, My parents both died the year before and he was there through the grieving. He cheated on me with his assistant and I found a text message on his computer screen one night. He let me have everything just on the fact that he was the only one who cheated and broke my heart. I can't stay here with his brother. Looking down at my apple watch I said whatever came to mind first “Look at that I have to get home I have a package delivering today cant miss it!” dropping cash for lunch on the table I stood up and left. “Wait Jayden I’ll call you back just a moment.” hanging up on his brother I could hear his footsteps coming after me. “Wait, why are you leaving? Did I do something?” He asked, standing at the head of the stairs. Walking back towards the  office I ordered my keys and I drove home. I hope he doesn't think I'm weird. This is so stupid I’ll just have to see him monday. Walking upstairs to my building, I realized that he lives in my building. I can't win for losing just when I thanked you for being a man into my life you make me have to choose my values over love. Looking up at my ceiling fan, I must be crazy to be talking to my fan. Hours went by before I realized my mothers bracelet was missing. It had my name engraved but it was probably lost forever now. Slept like a baby despite the stress I put myself through just by overthinking the situation. 

   “I could have sworn today was Saturday. Why is my phone ringing like it's Monday morning?” cracking my neck. Checking my phone thousands of messages from Pam, other people from the firm, and News reports. “CEO Sy Kindred of Kindred CO mothers tennis bracelet was reportedly missing after spotting her running out of Musso & Frank Grill.” blah blah blah blah. The press love to talk but never have anything important to say. WAIT “Mr. King not even 10 mins later walked out of the same doors. Secret affair? Is Mrs. Kindred cheating on her husband? Does Jayden Know his brother is screwing his ex wife?!” I can't live without drama for one day? Well at least the picture of me isn't all that bad.  Hearing knocks at my door, Pam thanked God for coming to the rescue. Pam wasn't just my assistant, she was my best friend. Opening the door and seeing Mr. King wasn't what I needed, but at least this way I can explain myself. He didn't even  speak, he just reached in his pocket and pulled out my bracelet. He was turning around and one side of me said let him leave but I couldn't. “I didn't know he was your brother…” I said just to put it out there. He stood there for a moment then turned around and came in. “I know you probably don't see why I'm explaining myself but-” my words are being cut off by his kiss. We stood there in my hallways when he kissed me and even in this moment without his suit and tie he was still the most handsome man in the room. “I know why you're explaining because you felt what I felt. Every second of every gaze and that's why it hurts even more that we can't be.” He said plopping down on the edge of my bed. I sat next to him, and we just sat in silence. “We could just stay here and watch movies and doordash you into anime?” I offered, pulling his face to me. “Sounds like a plan. I like that alot, who likes anime? I love anime” he said, sitting back and looking at me in shock. 

February 10, 2022 22:59

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