
My name is Jon Centina and I am 15 years old and I live on the island of Cozumel, Mexico. My dad is a cruise ship captain, his route always passes Cozumel every 3 days so we moved here. My mom, dad, sister, brother and I live together in a beachfront villa. My brother's name is Brady and my sister's name is Lindsay. On the island, I work as a part-time tour guide and I'm known for being very honest, a tourist dropped her diamond-encrusted purse, it had more than a $1000 in cash, her credit and debit cards and her passport. I had alerted her immediately and she was so glad because if she had lost her passport it would have been a nightmare for her. The lady had asked if I wanted a bit of her money, but I deleted Once this elderly man was yelling at me because he hadn't expected that he would have to climb and walk so I gave him a nice gift to make it up. But, I have a funny story to tell that happened last year, it was the day before Christmas Eve when my mom and dad told me that we will be going to my cousins' house in Canada tomorrow. I was so excited and surprised to go there but the cold is just too brutal. I told my mom "Mom, I'm so excited!". My brother and sister said that they don't like the cold. My mom told us to pack our bags and to sleep early. I packed the clothes that my aunt had sent us from Canada. I fell asleep and I woke up the next morning to everybody waiting for me, I apologized and quickly got ready. We hopped in the taxi and drove off to the airport we were there in about 10 minutes. We had a layover in New York, the flight was long and tiring but we finally made it! We took the taxi and my cousin's house was in the suburbs of Toronto. We went inside and I quickly fell asleep. The next morning my aunt gave me my gift, it was light and in a box, I quickly opened it after she left and she gave me 3 pairs of socks. I was so annoyed, I never felt this before. I felt like yelling but I just took it in. I knew she'd ask during lunch but I didn't want to lie to her. I didn't know what to tell her during lunch. I decided to just think about it later. I had my breakfast and I had my sister and brother walk-in to my room and they were complaining, my brother got a used toothpaste tube and my sister got a used t-shirt. I told them to be grateful and they left but in my head, I was like "You're being a Hippocrates". I decided that socks were good enough so I was content with my gift. We had an Italian themed lunch, there were pizza and pasta and other Italian dishes. I decided to take the pizza and Chicken Alfredo. I ate it up within 5 minutes, it was very yummy. During lunch, my aunt had asked me if I had liked the gift, I said "The gift was very nice and thoughtful, I am grateful for this lovely gift. My aunt was delighted and kissed me on the forehead. I was getting this regret feeling, in my head, I was like "why did I lie?". My aunt went to go do some errands, my mom pulled me over and said: "She has Alzheimer's, it's making her forget and mix everything up, what did she give you?". I felt relieved so I said: "Mom, she gave me a pair of socks and to Lindsay, she gave her a t-shirt and to Brady, she gave me him toothpaste tub". My mom said, "It's fine, she will realize it and give you the real gift". A week passed and it was time to go back to Cozumel, I was hoping that she'd give it, but to my surprise, she dropped us off at the airport and left. I was shocked and disappointed. We got on the plane and we flew back. The skies were blue and the beach was filled with tourists, I missed Cozumel! I thought about writing my aunt about the gifts she gave us, after 2 days of consideration, I decided to write to her about the gifts. I wrote a short and sweet paragraph and I sent it to her but immediately leaving the post office, I felt embarrassed and shy because I'm acting selfish and I'm starting to think that the gift my aunt gave me wasn't by mistake, she chose that. Anyways, I thought about going back to the post office but to be honest, people in Cozumel don't use the post office much because most of the people on the island don't live here more than a week. I went back to the post office but just my luck, the letter was already sent to the airport because it was one of the first letters to be sent after a long time. Depressed, I went to the beach to watch the sunset into the beautiful, blue ocean. A few days passed and I forgot about the letter until I got the letter back. My aunt said "Oh honey, I'm so sorry to ruin your Christmas like that, I have gotten the latest Video Game console for you, for your sister I got her a makeup kit and for your brother I got a Football signed by his favorite player. I'm sorry to let you know that I have Alzheimer's and I misplace a lot of things, Love Aunt Lucy". I felt so bad for reminding her, I showed my family and they said I did the right thing. I didn't feel so good so I decided to call her and I told her that I'm sorry for asking and she said: "I'm happy you reached out before I threw all those stuff away, Thank you for letting me know honey and don't feel bad for asking, you did the right thing". I felt so relieved, it felt like everything got off my mind and chest, and that was my Christmas last year, today was Thanksgiving and everybody came home, it was a wonderful dinner and we laughed about it at the table. The End

March 17, 2020 02:17

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