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Horror Holiday Fiction

"Mary! Mary? This isn't funny! I'm sorry! I thought...But you had everything.... we're still together right? Right?", Jessica screamed into the night and fog. She was sure that Mary was inside somewhere, but Jessica had never been very brave; that was always Mary's trait.

She searched franticly around the perimeter; and saw nothing but fog and graves. Jessica slumped to the ground, and screamed at the moon to take mercy on poor little Mary.

In all truthfulness, Jessica didn't care about Mary; she just didn't want to be hanged as a witch. The villagers were wicked, and already assumed her a witch.

Her mother could heal any illness, and so the story began that the old sweet lady who lived on 24th street was a witch; and not as sweet as everyone had deemed her.

Several Hours Earlier

"But I heard that Mary is so wealthy that...", Jessica trailed off as Mary walked into the corridor. "Oh, hello Mary. Fancy seeing you here.", Jessica said. She motioned for her friend to leave.

"Well, it is my manor. I was off searching for you like a hound, when you left me to deal with your assignment.", Mary said. Jessica turned red in the face. "Well, the assignment was for the both of us to finish...", but she trailed off when she realized whet she had said.

"Yes, and so on that note, we might as well get back to work.", And with that, Mary walked back out of the corridor, but not before saying "I thought I could trust you to not bring anything in here, when apparently you need a nanny to watch your every move.", Mary shot at her. Then she was gone.

After a while, things had settled down remarkably, and soon they were making dares. "Alright Mary, my dare to you is to go to Mason's Graveyard, and put this dagger in the soil of Karen Reveler to prove you didn't get frightened.", Jessica said triumphantly.

Jessica had been thinking about it all afternoon. Finally, she would be rid of the Mary that tailed her around like a dog, finally she would be rid of the real witch. Jessica knew that plenty of young boys and girls go out and mark that they had been there.

But what she had kept from letting Mary know was that there was a pattern. The first child who went into Mason's Graveyard had disappeared. The villagers had said that a witch had eaten her. Others said she was dragged into a grave. Whatever the case, her body was never found.

The second child had been a brave little soul. He had gone in search of his friend; he never found the body either, but he made it out unscathed. The villagers didn't know what to make of it. If the child had been older, they would have burned him at the stake, but he was too young, so they made stories. They said that he was a hero to survive it.

The next child went in, and didn't come out. The villagers were getting spooked by all of the children disappearing, so they built a large iron gate around the outside of the small stone wall.

Jessica had been keeping track at the Academy. The next child who went in the woods was to disappear. She couldn't wait.

Mary raised her eyebrows. If there was one thing she was afraid of, it was graveyards. "Alright.", was all she said.

Mary stood up, and grabbed her fur coat. Jessica looked at her; confused. "You dared me to go to the Graveyard, right?", Jessica nodded slightly. "Then there is no better time of the day to do it. Or shall I be more accurate. No better time of night to do it.", with that, she turned on her heel, and walked out.

She hurried down to the kitchen, grabbed a dagger, waved at the butlers and cooks, and grabbed a loaf of warm bread, fresh from the oven. Mary knew this could take a while; she may get hungry along the way. Mary took her school sack off the wall, and carefully put her bread in it.

She was almost there, she thought. She just wanted to get this dare over with. Mary stopped short. Jessica was following her; yet Mary didn't care; she had reached the iron gate. Mary slung her school sack over her shoulder and scaled up the wall with ease, while Jessica had trouble.

Mary walked around, searching for the right grave. Carol....Mason....Karen. Mary looked at Jessica. Jessica nodded and left the iron gate.

Mary took a deep breath; and stabbed the dagger in the soil. She stood, relieved that this was over. She tried to turn and walk away, but something was holding her back. She squealed, and turned face-to-face with a little girl. Her eyes were carved out of their sockets, and her mouth was dribbling blood. "Who are you!?", Mary screamed at her. "Don't worry. She said that I would be free if we trade.", said the little girl in a quiet voice.

"I'm not trading anything with you!", screamed Mary. The little girl sighed. "That's what I said...and look what happened.", the little girl pointed at her wounds. There were many.

Mary's heart was melting for this little girl to be free. "Alright. I will trade places with you to be free.", Mary said, still scared. The little girl looked like the most joyous child in the world. But then her face fell.

"How did you know that we had to switch places?", the young child asked. Mary looked at her.

"That's how it works right? One soul for another?", Mary spoke to her. The child sighed. "I thank you greatly. You will have to be stuck somewhat like this, but you will have your chance to regain it...", The girl said. With that, she gingerly picked up the dagger, and wounded Mary, to replicate her vital wounds.

Mary screamed and screamed throughout all of it. When the child was finished, all she said was "I'm sorry.", to Mary.

Jessica searched the outside of the gate. Mary was supposed to be back by now; if she didn't come back, Jessica's friends and family would deem her a witch, just like her mother.

The fog was draping over the graves, like a thick and dreary and frightening blanket.


Mary floated towards Jessica. She had heard Jessica's screams; but the wind had told her all of Jessica's secrets and created her blood to boil. "I'm here Jessy..", spoke Mary. Jessica turned and as soon as she saw her wounds she cried out "Bloody Mary! Bloody Mary!", and with that, Mary came closer, blood boiling like fire.

"What about you Jessy? How bloody will you be when you scream out all the truths you thought of me at the stake? They will only believe you killed me.", Mary said. Jessica pleaded her case with Mary, but Mary could only hear the truth, because Mary was such an innocent and pure soul.

"Come with me! We're still friends right? I know we are! We can speak to the court the truth, and tell them that I didn't kill you!", screamed Jessica.

"We were never friends. You used me, just like the court and villagers will use you to be the witch.", replied Mary.

And that is how the legend of Bloody Mary Started.

October 28, 2020 13:54

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1 comment

Bracy Ratcliff
01:57 Nov 05, 2020

I would've bet it had something to do with vodka and tomato juice, but , , , nice story, Addison, fun and imaginative. Good job!


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