
Someone told me, school is a place to learn and acquire knowledge. Yes I believe this is true: everything changed when I got admission into the University. I had to move to the hostel. My parents wanted me to learn how to live alone. They wanted me to be independent. I never wanted to leave home because of my brother. My brother, Nick was the only person who understands me. He was my favorite person; we get along so well. We always spend quality time with each other.

Welcome to my world, my name is Princess Sally Jones; a college student who has passion for success and greatness. Life was beautiful and simple because I was studying my dream course. My dreams were so big that even my friends think I can’t achieve them but I was a good fan of hard work. Procrastination is my enemy; I don’t let it get in the way of my success.

In this part of the world, being a nerd was a curse. I couldn’t help it when people see me as one. They even tell me to my face. I was just trying to make my parents proud for it was the only way I knew to make them happy. I had three friends: Elizabeth, Sarah and Leo; we were called the “Nerd Gang.’’ Life as a nerd wasn’t all that easy; it was difficult because everyone saw you as the enemy who wants to take everything from them. I can’t help it too, am just good at everything. It is not my fault; I guess I was born that way.

One a Monday morning, my friends and I were in a rush to attend lectures. On my way to the class, my phone rang, it was my brother that was calling then I picked the call. The only thing I could hear was “my leg is stuck; I think its broken Sis, am lost someone took me but I got away. I can’t find my way home and am wounded. I can’t see anyone here but I can send my location through Google map”. I was shocked and I didn’t know what to do. After few minutes, I got a message which entails his location and how to get there. I called the police and explained all he told me. They took some of their men to search for him. He was my only sibling; we are just like twins that cannot be separated. Gentle Nick can’t be taken away from me. He is a big part of my life, we do everything together. This can’t be happening.

We got to the place, it was a dark forest which was restricted to people and that was where my brother was stuck. We started the search then I heard screams in the woods. I followed the sound as it echoed. It was so loud that I could hear his voice calling for help. Minutes later, I couldn’t hear him anymore; I was still trying to figure out where he could be. One of the Policemen called out I have found him, he is right there. I ran towards that direction. When I got there all I saw was his corpse laying on the ground. I cried out who could do such a terrible thing to an innocent boy like my brother. A flash of his beautiful smile was all I could see. His love, care and attention gave me more reasons to live my life. He was my inspiration and he motivates me to strife hard daily. My life came crumbling right before eyes. Someone took away my happiness by leaving me to suffer again on this lonely road. I would be in this world but I have stopped living.

I remembered the first time, I held him in my arm. His first smile when he stared into my eyes. My mum had him ten years after I was born. He hasn’t explored the world yet. We had a list of a hundred places we would want to visit before we have a family of our own. We have only visited three places during our holiday. Who would have done this to him?

The Rescue team called an ambulance and his body was taken to the mortuary right in front of me. I cried all the way to the car, I couldn’t believe what was happening. He left me to suffer alone, how could you do this to me? That wasn’t our agreement Nick. 

After we got to the mortuary, I told my friends to inform my parents about what had happen. I will be waiting for them here so we could do the necessary things for his burial. Immediately my parents’ arrived, mum broke into tears when she saw her son lying down without saying a word. She almost lost her sanity; the pain she felt before having him, her struggle and her sacrifice all went in vain. “Mum, get a hold of yourself, I can’t lose you too” I said: and she hugged me and held me so tight without letting go. Everyone was hurting even if my dad didn’t say a word I knew he was also in pain. My mum and Dad took care of everything about his burial. We didn’t want him to spend a week in the Mortuary. 

Few days later, we buried him but I vowed to look for the person who murdered her brother. We hired a private investigator to look into the case. The killer must be someone who really knew us because we found a text message on his phone which made us so curious. It seemed like Nick was bullied by someone in school, he had to give the person his allowance every month. Nick never told us about it, days became months then years we haven’t found this mysterious killer. The Police tried to trace the number; all their effort failed. They didn’t find anything; I was determined to find who did this terrible thing to my brother.

 It is two years now, there is no one to hold responsible for Nick’s death. Mum and Dad decided to close the case; this decision made me so angry. I can’t move on until I find out the person behind my brother’s death. Sally don’t always have a say when it comes to decision like this, Nick isn’t here to support me. He was always by my side, no one could bully me. He looked like my older brother.

The next morning, the case was closed. So we packed all Nicks thing from his room. I gave it to the orphanage; for that was what he always did during our holidays together. Sarah and Leo came to help me out. When we were packing we found Nick dairy, a picture fell from it. It was someone who looked exactly like Nick. They both snapped together. Nick wrote, “Behind that smile no one knew what was happening”. It caught my attention then Sara told me to read further to know the truth. I might find a clue which would lead me to the murder. Leo asked me to respect my brother’s privacy so I let it go.

In the evening, mum dropped the bombshell; she said we were living Bee town to a nearby town. I couldn’t believe this, how will she want me to forget all that had happen; no one is leaving that was my response. I went upstairs to cry my eyes out; I felt it was only Sally who truly loved Nick. I guess she was concerned because I stopped living for myself. All I could think about was finding Nick’s killer. With my discovery, I wasn’t going to give up. I kept asking myself this question, Was Nick a twin. I saw an address in his dairy surprisingly it was the same town mum told me we were moving to. So I accepted her decision to go with her. I had to clear my papers to transfer to a new school due to depression. His death affected my studies; dad told me to let nick soul rest. Am Princess Sally who is not giving up until the truth was finally out.

Fresh town was so beautiful, it looked exactly like Bee Town but people here were not friendly at all. When we got there; I wanted to go for a quick tour. I walked down the street and guess who it saw? It was Nick clone. I was about to cross the road and there he was standing right in front of me waving then I waved back. He ran towards me then gave a big hug. It is actually Nick, I thought you were dead, but I am right here in front if you don’t you recognize my smile. I don’t know what to say; this is a miracle. Nick called out my name; “Sally we need to talk. There is a lot I have to tell you, let’s go to my favorite spot. It was an old park. Nick told me he dropped several message on my mail but I didn’t respond. It’s a long story Sally. Do you remember the day I went out of town to visit a friend I met on Facebook who looked like me. His name is David: I thought he was just using my picture or he liked my kind of person. When I got there; I was shocked when I saw him. Few days after my arrival, I asked dad to send me some money. I used it to pay for our DNA test but to my surprise we are not related. We just looked alike; God really creates us in twos. 

Months later, I got a text that David was in trouble. He was friends with some guys who had bad influence on him. David sold drugs to college student; the police were looking everywhere for him. He fled to Bee town to hide from them. Am sure you remembered when you said I was acting weird that wasn’t me it was David. He lived in the basement for months but no one knew he was there until Bryan; another drug dealer found out where he was staying. 

On that faithful day, I was declared dead. We were supposed to run away together for it wasn’t safe. You can’t run away forever: Bryan kidnapped us then took us to the forest where you found his body. On our way there, Dave pushed Bryan and took the gun from him. He asked me to run away; I couldn’t leave him there. Dave begged me to leave town. Bryan fought back but someone hit Dave on the head and he dropped dead. I ran for my life. My Sally, this was how I left Bee town to stay here. I didn’t want you guys to get hurt. Am happy I get to see you again Sally”. I gave him a big hug then we went home to tell Dad and Mum about it. It took them Days to believe; finally they accepted him back. Our family was now complete; there is nothing to worry about. We all lived happily ever after. This is the story of Princess Sally.

July 28, 2020 22:15

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Opeyemi Lawal
16:03 Aug 01, 2020

Thank you Ibukunoluwa. It's nice meeting you too. I really love writing; this is the only thing I could do so well


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Taylor Pastore
04:43 Aug 07, 2020

I liked the ending!


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Alexi Delavigne
20:17 Aug 01, 2020

A really interesting and creative story!


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Charles Stucker
17:57 Aug 01, 2020

Dairy is like milk. A diary is a personal journal. Writing in English is hard when it's a second language or when it has too much influence from French. I won't comment on it except when its singular, like the difference between dairy and diary. The basic story is fine - a girl lose her little brother, but finds at the end that he survived an extraordinary experience and stayed away to keep his family safe. so you want to do justice to the story by making all the parts the best you can. Your opening is slow. You explain everything, t...


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Opeyemi Lawal
16:05 Aug 01, 2020

Thank you Vickie, I am really passionate about writing you guessed right.


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15:29 Aug 01, 2020

This is a good story. I believe you have a passion for writing. Keep writing!


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Sue Marsh
15:01 Aug 01, 2020

an interesting story and good plot. it is also a bit confusing in places like when David appears. I saw some typos but most of us have those and grammar needs work but all and all it was a good story.


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Leya Newi
14:54 Aug 01, 2020

This was a really good story, Opeyemi! I liked the characters, although there could’ve been a little more development of the Nerd Gang. There was also a lot of distracting grammar mistakes, mostly with punctuation. To fix this, you could ask someone else to proofread, or else look into a site like grammarly to help you out. At first it’s really awkward, but eventually it’ll start coming more naturally. Other than grammar, I really think you have potential and will be a great writer if you stick to it. So, my last bit of advice is to never...


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