Friendship Funny


I’m serious, George.  What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s not so silly a question. Don’t just shake your head like that!          Yes, we are different. But we are together, you know? You have your life and I have mine and I don’t share everything with you, either, but you are small and young and have your whole life ahead of you. I can’t help but wonder how you see yourself as a grownup, you know?

I should be able to read the answer in your eyes. I love your eyes, George.  That was the first thing I noticed about you when we first met. The very first thing. Those big warm brown eyes.  They made me melt, they made me smile. They are so expressive even if you choose not to talk to me with actual words. Words don’t have to be spoken, do they?  The words are still there  in your eyes and in your body language. I think I can see them. Ok, not when you get up and leave the room while I am still talking!  I don’t like that body language so much. But maybe you are right. Maybe I do  talk too much.

Okay, you sit and think about the question.  Remember the question, George?  About what you want to be when you grow up?

I am going to have a coffee. I know you don’t like coffee. Or even tea. It’s probably not good for you anyway. Or me, either. I mean the news is always changing isn’t it about the things we eat and drink?  One day it makes you healthy, the next day it kills you. Ok, I have to bring you something if you’re not having coffee or tea. I’ll bring you some water.  How about some fresh cold water? .

Water, now that is safe, as far as we know, isn’t it?  I probably don’t drink  enough water. But you do. I see you practically lap it up sometimes. Water is boring to me but not to you.  I don’t drink it unless I am really really thirsty. Maybe I am really thirsty and I don’t know it. That is a thing, isn’t it?

Oh, actually, I see you looking at the counter case. Yes, George, I am going to have a coffee and  a donut. That woke you up, didn’t it? You don’t even have to ask! Of course, I’ll share with you. What are friends for anyway? What do you think? Coconut cream or one of those twisty things with sprinkles? Did you just lick your lips at the sprinkles? Ok, I’m going to take that as a yes.

Keep my place and please don’t run off. Even if I’m boring you. I know I talk too much but we can be quiet together after we have our coffee and donuts. And water. And you can think about the question.

Maybe you don’t even think about growing up. Is that possible? All I could think about when I was a little like you was what I wanted to be when I grew up and I could not grow up fast enough. And what did I want to be? I’ll tell you, because you are such a good listener. I wanted to be a ballerina. A real honest- to- Balanchine ballerina. Are you smiling at that? Ok, I was thinner then.  It could have happened. Let’s be real, if I slept as much as you do, I would be even chubbier than I am now.  No offense. You’re young, you probably need the sleep.

Or, listen to this! Besides a ballerina in satin toe shoes and a tutu, I wanted to be a pilot.  Do you ever think about flying? Maybe not. You nap a lot so I assume you dream a lot, but I will never know about what. Except I have seen you moaning and wiggling around like someone was  tickling you in your sleep. I wish I could sleep as long as you, honest. No offense, but let’s face it. You don’t have a job. No responsibilities really. I have responsibilities, sort of. Okay, being a part- time waitress is not an important job. Still, it’s work. It isn’t every day I can sit around and eat donuts like today.

Maybe the thing is you don’t know what you could be when you grow up. The thing is you will be growing up faster than I ever did, so you have less time to think about it. Ok, the choices are fewer for you.  You could never be a pilot or a ballerina. Not that you would ever want those things for you. You are so much chiller than I am, George. That’s why you are such good company, honest. Now  If our friend Patty was here with me instead of you, I wouldn’t get a word in edgewise. And I don’t think Patty knows what she wants to be when she is grownup either. Besides really really rich. But it doesn't stop her from talking. And talking. She doesn’t know how to sit still and be all Zen like you.

You want another donut? Do you think that’s such a good idea? All that sugar and carbs? Not to mention calories!  How many calories do you think there are in a coconut donut or a twisty one? Should we look it up? Well, it’s not like we had a big dish of scrambled eggs and bacon before we had the donut, is it?   It couldn’t hurt that much. Ok, second twisty donut,  here we come!

Do you think I am bribing you to be a good listener with this second donut? Does that make me a bad bestie? And I am your best bestie, I know that! You and me, George.

After all, we can always take a walk later and walk those donut calories off, right? I think you are nodding yes.

So, I’ve got you. Let’s go.  But seriously, George. What do you want to be when you are a full -grown adult Labrador retriever? It’s ok. Just wag your tail if you’re still thinking about it!


December 12, 2024 13:28

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