Dear Diary

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



Dear Diary, it is me again! I have been thinking of stuff to do all day and I came up with nothing, I decided to write in my diary to maybe give me inspiration. Anyways today is such a wet rainy day and me and my sister were supposed to go to the zoo but now we can't, which I am really sad about. I was thinking I would practice guitar but I would have to basically relearn everything because I forgot EVERYTHING! OMG I just thought of the best idea. I am going to enter a writing contest, I have always wanted to do this and win. Maybe this time I can actually win! I’ll be back one I find a good one…… Ok I’m back I found a good one on a website, the prompt is what is outside your window……. I finished writing it!! I am so excited I will know if I won in 2 days, I put all my effort into this. I'm hoping I win!

2 days Later 

Dear Diary, I did not win the competition and I am pretty sad but I understand because the winner had an amazing essay! I am not giving up I am trying again and I found this website reedsyprompts and it looks so cool with the prize as 50$ I am going to try my best and hope I win! ….. Ok so I finished writing this essay and turned it in. Hopefully I will get an email telling me I won!

4 days later 

Dear diary, I won I actually won I am so excited I finally can say I WON a writing competition! This is unreal. I am so excited! Oh and as a plus I get 50$!! I am probably going to use that for buying new books and donating 20$ to my favorite foundation!!! I am not a big brager but I’m definitely bragging about this.

5 days later 

Dear diary, it is a rainy day once again and I am online shopping for books and bullet journal supplies, I think I am going to try to enter another contest of art or craft. I love the feeling of getting the email of what I placed in the contest. I found a contest I am entering about earth recycling sculptures so on this rainy day I am building a sculpture! Ok so here is what I’m doing. I am going to use paper mache for the earth and the paint and glue trash all over the seas as a symbolization.

10 days later 


Dear Diary, I sent in my project and I got 4th place, I am super happy even though I did not place in 3rd or higher. But I am so excited once again I am so excited to put the trophy they are sending me on the wall of my room to symbolize how much I love reading and writing and crafts. It is pretty late and still raining Ithink for the rest of the night I am going to try to do 10 more things that are relaxing and not competitive. I am first going to finish reading and take a warm bath and when I finish with that  I am going to get into the comfiest pajamas ever and go look through instagram. Once I finish that I am going to watch a movie with my brother and sister. 

1 days later 

Dear diary, OMG I fell asleep watching the movie and I woke up at noon today, it is finally done raining but it is soaking wet outside, so I guess I’ll be in again today. Today I am planning to study and get some school work done so I will not have to do any sunday night. I have been wanting to practice my guitar but I did not want to because I forgot everything but today I am going to start relearning my guitar by using simple apps and video’s. I started to learn and it is coming back to me pretty quickly. I can play 3 songs already and now since it is 11 pm I am going to go watch a tv show with my mom and dad.  

3 days later 

Dear diary, The sun cleared up all the rain and I am so excited to just go outside and chalk with my brother and sister. I have not been hanging out with them too much because I have been entering lots of  contests and I have been doing self projects but it felt so good to just sit down and chalk with them without writing in my diary the whole time. I mean I may have written a couple times while chalking but that's just because I like telling my diary(you) everything.

7 days later 

Dear diary, this is the last page of my diary. Over this year my diary has become full. I just wanted to say thank you for not breaking or ripping and thank you for letting me share all my thoughts when I was bored. This diary really helped me get my thoughts out and fun stuff to do on rainy,wet days when all I was able to do is stay inside and instead of sleeping all day I was productive and wrote in my diary, read, and entered in lots of contests for different types of genres. This last month has been so fun and honestly a little surprising its been wet and rainy this whole time and now finally dried up. ANyways thank you so much for everything you have done for me and I will continue writing diary entries in a diffrent diary. Goodbye Thank you for everything and have a wonderful life.

8 days later 

Dear diary sorry but I forgot one more thing I want to promise you I will always do my best and continue to do contests and work hard for what I deserve. I felt like I have said this so many times but inec again Goodbye. 

March 27, 2020 16:50

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