Coming of Age Horror Suspense

Three bodies, lay faced down in the ground and covered in dirt. Two children, one boy, one girl, and a middle-aged woman. Blood drips from the mouths of them all except for the little boy. His eyes are wide open but lifeless. Directly across from his view lyes the little girl. Blood drips from her mouth and onto the Barbie doll in her hand. A bullet hole through the center of her neck gives sight to the bullet hole in the center of the middle-aged women’s head.

Hours pass before the three are spotted by what we now know is the father and husband of the three deceased bodies. The father in tears as he gives his statement on channel 5 news about losing his only family he’s ever known. The father opens about his life and the orphanage he grew up in where he met his beloved wife. After a decade of love, his beloved wife gave birth to his beloved twin children. One little girl and one little boy but just as fast as the father had made a family just as quickly the father lost them. 

Following the funeral, the father was left alone and feeling like he was a child all over again back in Forever Orphans of Seattle. But adult left the father with no option of returning to an orphanage even if the father wanted. Days lasted long and the father began drinking liquor regularly to deal with the pain. He was asked to take leave from work eventually because his behavior was so unbearable. The last straw, the father stood up at work during bring your kids to work day and gave all the kids wills “in case you go unexpectedly and you don’t know how your belongings will be dealt.” 

Back at the father's home, he was reminded of his family in every inch and corner of the walls. From the countertop to which the father shared with his beloved daughter where they made hot chocolate and pancakes for the entire family every Sunday. The driveway where the father would play catch with his beloved son and they would draw out stories with chalk on the concrete. Shared hugs in the shower with his beloved wife to sex in every room. The memories were everywhere and the father had no choice but to put the house on the market. The father took the first offer that was made just to get out of the home. Selling for nearly %50 below its value but all the father could think was that he was free. 

Cash in hand, the father bought a van from a raggedy old car lot and hit the road traveling the country. The further the father got from the massacre the better he felt. Less and less the father dawned on who it was that murdered his family. But a new thought and hurt had begun to take place. Father could only remember after a full night driving his last memories of his beloved family. A kiss to the beloved wife and daughter before heading to work. A fight had taken place between the father and his beloved son the night before which is why the beloved son was missing that morning's breakfast in the hopes to avoid his father. The workday ahead wouldn’t allow the father to stay and wait for his beloved son to make his way to breakfast. The father wanted to apologize for getting so enraged about his beloved son getting in trouble at school. The father just couldn't believe that his beloved son managed to dissect a frog into 132 different pieces and then managed to sneak it into the lunchroom and put it in that day's lunch. The school security cameras caught everything and it was impossible to deny. Father took his beloved son's favorite toys and destroyed them including his magic set. 

The beloved son was a growing magician in the community and even managed to snag an apprenticeship under the world's greatest Vladamire Hopeskash. After the magic set was destroyed it literally destroyed the beloved son on the inside. The magic set consist of secrets passed down from magician to magician and was the only known copy that existed. The beloved son screamed and begged as the destruction took place but his small stature had made it impossible to stop the father. The beloved son just had to watch as his love and honor were destroyed. The beloved son felt the embarrassment on behalf of his fellow magicians and as a grown man felt shame. “I hope you feel my pain,” the beloved son said as the father in rage could only think of the embarrassment he felt of his beloved son doing what he did to all the other kids. Not to mention the beloved son was now possibly facing lawsuits. 

The memory of the destruction had become stronger and much more vivid to the point that the father could no longer focus on the road and his travels. The father felt as though he was indeed feeling the pain his beloved son had so wanted for him. The father looked out onto the road and saw his beloved son as clear as day laughing and tormenting him. His beloved son was now everywhere the father looked and at every rest stop and every passing car looked as though it was his beloved son turned nightmare. The father didn’t know what to do so he made his way to someone who could contact the dead. What the father learned is that to make peace with his mind he must first forgive himself of the situation and the body of his beloved son must be burned. 

The father found this information to be ridiculous and refused to pay but still found himself in the van headed back to the burial site of his beloved family. Back at the burial site the father camped in front of the tombstones for days and felt tormented with the pain of his beloved family’s death all over again. But the horrors of his beloved son were much worse and prevented the father from getting any sleep. Going on three days since the father last slept and the shovel in the back of his van became nearly impossible not to take hold of it. The shovel was calling for the father to quiet the noise in his mind and get back on the road and moving on with his life. The advice the father received about quieting the noise seemed more reasonable, less ridiculous as another day passed without sleep. 

Shovel in hand the father threw his first pile of dirt over his shoulder and a tear fell from his eye. The more the father dug at the ground the more his eyes watered. The tears fell faster as the father grew tired but the moisture from the father's eyes made it easier to dig in the dirt. A loud bang and the father froze because he knew he had reached his beloved son's casket. The father collapsed to his knees in disbelief of what he was about to do and called out to God. The sun began to set and the sunset was so beautiful it would make you believe in heaven. The father walked back to the van and grabbed a bottle of lighter fluid and a lighter. As the father walked to the casket he took a note from his pocket “I’m sorry, I love you forever son”. The father drops the note in the casket and pours lighter fluid over the entire casket. The father's lighter sparked in his hand but the father was hesitant to let go of the lighter. The father put the lighter in his pocket and leaned over to open the casket. 

The father poured the lighter fluid into the open casket and began smashing it up with the shovel. The father suddenly in a full rage with all his might, the father stumps, and pounds away at the casket. The father's lighter back in his hand but this time wouldn’t spark. Suddenly the fathers tackled from behind by morgue security and put into handcuffs by the security guard. The security guard calls on the radio “Got another crazy one out here digging up caskets. You are never gonna believe this one! I think this fucking guy ate the entire body of whoever was in here. The fucking thing is empty!” The son's laughter played on repeat in the father's head as he laid face down on the ground with the security guard's knee in his back.

February 05, 2021 17:20

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Oasis Romem
01:08 Mar 01, 2021

Some pet sematary vibes 😉 Nice story man.


Pj Ortega
03:31 Mar 02, 2021

Very much appreciated!


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