
I was walking on the road in the middle of the night. It was becoming a routine, the night terrors didn't let me sleep. He wasn’t in my life anymore but his thoughts were always in my mind. 

I couldn’t understand why I was always thinking about him? Did I miss him? Or was he just keeping his promise to never leave me alone? 

Whatever it was, it was making me insane. I wanted to forget him and move on with my life but the scars he left on my mind wouldn’t fade away. 

I kept walking aimlessly with his thoughts in mind. The cool air felt pleasant against my bare arms. The moonlight was guiding me through the path. No one was there at that hour. 

Suddenly I hear the leaves crunching from my left. I looked around to see someone was there but I just met with trees leading to the path of darkness. 

I ignored it and continued my walk thinking it would be some animal. But the sound came again and this time it was footsteps. 

I turned in the direction of the source. Still nothing in view. I felt goosebumps on my skin which I didn’t know was from the chilly air or the scary scenarios my mind was making up. 

I blamed the breeze and took a step towards the darkness, ignoring my brain screaming obscenity towards me. 

I took a breath and took a few more steps, “hello?” 

When no reply came I decided to return. But suddenly a figure appeared. A man with his back towards me. He was wearing a suit. 

I frowned seeing him there. Maybe he was lost, I thought. But before I could ask him anything he slowly turned towards me, showing me his face. 

I felt my heart stop beating the moment I saw his face. The small amount of moonlight peeking through the leaves of trees was making him look scarier. 

He was standing there with a smile on his face. His piercing gaze was reaching my soul. I should have run seeing the man I thought to be dead six months ago but was he really there or it was just my illusion. 

I kept staring at him waiting for him to disappear. “Did you miss me sweetheart?” he said, taking a step towards me. 

I involuntarily took a step back. And all of a sudden I was six months back when he was alive. I was telling myself it was just a dream and I was going to wake up. But he was coming nearer every minute. He never spoke to me or came near me in my dreams. 

And before he could come closer and step in my space and ran, just like I used to do before. I turned and tried to run when my head hit his chest. He was there standing right in front of me with calm expressions. 

I looked back behind in disbelief, how could he do that? He chuckled as if he could read me. 

“You think you can escape from me? You can’t get rid of me sweetheart just accept it,” he said tracing my cheek with his hand. 

I hissed the moment he touched me, his contact was burning my skin. I tried to move away but he held my wrist with a painful grip. 

Tears came out of my eyes, “please...let me go” I begged again, just like I used to do before. He shook his head. 

“You thought killing me would make you free huh? But look at you now. You are still the same, still fear me. I’m still here with you but with a stronger effect on you now. So thank you for murdering my darling” he said laughing at me.

I trembled to hear his words. “I...I didn’t kill you” I whispered, shaking my head. 

“Oh, you did. Remember when you hit me with a vase and then kept stabbing me with a skewer. 


“Max, please... I’m sorry” she begged him. But he only ignored her and moved towards her with a belt in his hand. 

He sighed in frustration, “you should have thought about it before but you were too busy being a disrespectful bitch. Now C’mon take your punishment like a good girl” 

She took a vase in her hand which only made her receive a sinister smile from him. “Really, you gonna hit me with this now” he came near her, ready to strike with the belt but the adrenaline rushing through her veins gave her the power to hit the vase on his head. 

He cursed at her seeing blood coming out of his head. He stumbled trying to catch her but his vision started to blur and made him fall on the ground. She looked at him and moved towards him with reluctant steps. A skewer in her hand ready to defend herself if he moved. 

She felt a proud feeling seeing him on the floor with a cracked open head. He wasn’t unconscious completely and tried to grab her, seeing her standing over his head. Without thinking anything, she started to stab the weapon in his guts, letting all her frustrations out on him. 

When he stopped moving, her movements also stopped. She was breathing heavily and fell on her knees beside him. 

It felt peaceful, the silence, a few minutes without being terrified. But that feeling didn’t last long and her life became more miserable than before


My head was pounding and breaths getting shallow every second. “I… I didn't” I was repeating that again and again, trying to convince myself more than him. 

He just stood there laughing at me, mockingly. I took my head in my hands, screaming in pain. A few minutes later everything stopped. His maniac laugh, my painful screams. 

I looked up and found no one in sight. What was that, I didn't understand. Was that a dream, an illusion. Was I assuming things because of my fear? 

The only thing I knew, that I was becoming insane. No matter what it was, my fear or his ghost, he was still with me.

I couldn’t get freedom from the man which I once thought to be the man of my dreams. He would always be there if not physically present in my life than in my dreams… 

July 25, 2020 12:23

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