Fiction Inspirational

In a moment I would be home again. I sighed deeply, closed my eyes and I could hear the beautiful music coming from my city. I am so excited to tell every one of my adventures and what I learned while I was gone this time.

When I open my eyes, I have to blink a few times to adjust to

the brightness of the city. It is always like this when I came back home.

You see when a soul returns to the city it is a day of

celebration. Everyone gathers in the Hall of Lights to welcome each soul back

home and to find out how their visit to Earth was. Almost all souls that return

from their visit to Earth request to remain in the City of Souls and choose not

to return because they have found and fulfilled their soul's purpose while on


I however have requested to and have returned to Earth for many


Souls have questioned me and asked me why I don't just stay? Or

what more can you possibly learn? I just smile at them and say, "I want to

know every scenario, every aspect of who I am. Unfortunately for me it has

taken many lifetimes to do this."

I head over to the Hall of Lights and with each step I hear the

flowers singing my favorite melody, welcoming me back home again. The streets

are paved in bright gold, and the buildings I pass sparkle from the brilliant

gemstones they are made from. Some shine like amethyst, some like rubies and

sapphires. I am always taken back by this cities utter perfection.

I enter the Hall of Lights and I am immediately welcomed by my

family. They all are so beautifully adorned in white and their faces shine like

the very sun itself. I still did not have my formal wear on, I would not get it

until I spoke with the Father of Souls.

Just as the thought entered my head, a loud booming voice said

"Come here Love and tell me what you learned this time from your earthly

adventures. Did you find your souls ultimate purpose"? I always love it

when my Father calls me by name, my soul's name is Love.

In an instant, I was standing at the feet of my Father smiling,

ready to tell him about my latest endeavor. "Yes Father I think I


"Well come now child, tell me what you have learned about


"Let me show you Father". I replied and I closed my

eyes to project my latest earthly life across the Hall of Lights for all to


The first scene shows me asking my Father to please allow me to

go back to earth because I still felt as if I did not understand all aspects of

my soul’s purpose. As I waited for my Father to approve my next journey, I had

a sense of love and hate for my city. I didn't remember that part but if it is

there then it must be true. I was walking down the gold paved streets thinking,

this place could use a pizza place and an ice cream parlor. Sometimes when you

come back to the City of Souls you have earthly remnants clinging to you until

you get what I call your soul clothes from the Father. I must admit if I stay

home this time, one thing I will surely miss is all of the different foods from

Earth.  At this point, I am already

questioning if I should return…..then the next scene appears.  In this scene I see my fellow souls wishing

me the best as I return to Earth, one soul in particular whispers to me “remember

how much I love you”.  Then everything

went dark, I woke up in a strange place with no memory, cold, hungry and

crying.  This was the start of my new

life on Earth. 

As scenes of this life started to flash by, tears of remembrance stung my eyes. 

“There, there little one soon these physical feelings will not affect you in anyway”. My Father whispered as he wiped gently each tear from my eyes.  

I smiled at my Father because I knew what he spoke was the absolute truth.

The scenes of this last life on Earth continued to flash by rather quickly and I noticed as they did I could now see that some of my fellow souls had been with me through this latest experience. Each soul had participated in this last life to help me find the answers I sought in truly discovering what my soul’s purpose was.  

In that very moment I knew I would not be returning back to Earth again, my soul had learned its true purpose, my name was not just Love it was what I was. I was Love!! My face lit up like a thousand stars and in an instant I was transformed in all of my glory. My clothes were of the whitest white and my soul was as light as the air surrounding me. I felt completely free. So this is what true freedom felt like, I thought to myself. I heard an answer in my thoughts say “yes it is and we are so happy you have finally embraced your true home”. Wow I thought, I no longer need to speak, I can just think and others join in. I always wanted that superpower on Earth.

One soul I knew very well came up to me and grabbed my hand and we were instantly transported to a beautiful mountaintop overlooking an ocean of every color ever thought of or imagined. It was spectacular! I could no longer hear the other souls in my head and I wondered why? “It is because I wanted to talk with you alone for a bit, is that ok,” the soul asked? 

I nodded my head slowly, puzzled by this but also curious too.  I asked in my mind to this other soul’s mind, as to where we were? We are still in the City of Souls the soul thought back to me. When you’re a soul that want to return to Earth because you feel you have not fulfilled your purpose, only get to see the cities gate entrance. Once you discover who you truly are and decide to stay….well let’s just say the City of Souls is whatever you make it to be. It will take you a little more time to understand but you soon will remember who you have always been since your creation. I am here to guide you through each life and realization you came understand who you are. “Are you ready? The soul whispered.

“Ok, I am ready” I said out loud too. I closed my eyes and felt a sensation flow through me that could only be described as who I was pure and absolute love. I now went through all of my lives lived again but this time there was not one tear shed. All there was now was understanding and knowing as each truth was revealed about each lesson I learned in each life I had on Earth. 

I learned in my first life on Earth what hate was. I went through much pain in that short life, and when my soul returned to the City of Lights I was confused and knew I needed more answers to who I truly was and asked to go back to Earth again. In this life I learned what sorrow was. I tried my hardest to show love to people but it seemed they could only show me a love that had conditions. These conditions did not always make sense to me or make me feel joy. I came to also understand in that life about conditional love. This is the kind of love you receive if you do what others want you to do for them. If you do not do what they want you to do then they refuse to show you affection of any kind, sometimes to the point of physical and mental abuse. I knew the moment that life ended, I still did not truly know who I was. So I kept going back to Earth. I remember one time coming into the City of Lights feeling utterly defeated and ready to give up….I was so tired during that life.  But my Father whispered in my ear that I was still not ready and that he loved me enough to tell me that I must find out truly who I am before I could stay home. My Father knew me so well, of course I wanted to know who I was, so I kept going back.

I have finally learned that I am Unconditional Love. I know that I needed to experience hate to see kindness. I needed to feel pain to show empathy and compassion. I knew deep sorrow and worthlessness but I also found hope and courage in many trials. I embraced rage with both arms to learn peace with open arms. I had great poverty to appreciate great riches. I am everything, love is everything. To really know love you much experience every emotion that is why it has taken me so much longer than the others.   

“No” whispered the soul. “That is not the case Love, you see it has taken us just as long as you”, it replied a bit louder. “Why is that’? I asked.  

“We are all Love. Each soul goes down thinking it has figured out who it is. Some think they are hate, joy, sadness, and even passion. But that is not who they are. Each time you thought they had accepted who they were, the Father sent them back because he always knows what is best for us. Some souls even tried to bargain and say how tired they are and wanted to stay home. Those souls the Father would allow a little rest but once given were promptly sent back to learn, grow and discover who they truly are.  Is it all coming back to you my sweet soul? Do you now understand why we are all Love?” The soul said softly.

“Yes”, I said in complete understanding smiling as bright as the sun.

 “We are all ONE!”

March 14, 2021 22:24

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