

The story is about a man named Der Führer or more commonly known as Adolf Hitler.I am sure you would have heard of that name, if you haven’t then i doubt you are from this planet .Do you have thoughts that what would he think if he travels to the future and sees how he has been remembered? then this story has been made for you because he has come back (in this book thank god not in real life) and gone to the future with a bookworm named Noah and an admirer of him also named Adolf.I hope you will enjoy the story and it is for entertainment purposes only.

- The Author

Legacies:Hitler is Back 

Adolf told Hitler,“do you know that i am a big supporter of your cause and i will support you till the end of my life .”

“For the 100th time yes he knows that!”,exclaimed Noah who was irritated from the blind fanaticism and foolishness of Adolf.

But this time Hitler didn’t reply .It wasn’t like Hitler at all! his top priority always was never to let his followers and supporters down.

Both Noah and Adolf was astonished to see this and asked Hitler at asked him at the same time,“`whats wrong ??”

Hitler replied his words filled with rage and anger and felt like a football hitting your face ,“whats wrong?!you ask eh;you should ask whats right,the world is in a mess first of all i can’t find Germany on the world map then there are only 12 children named Adolf and some fool made a movie called ‘Jojo rabbit’ and showed me as a friend of an idiot and I’m an idiot and all the Nazi’s were idiots and…”

“okay okay,we get your point and i know movies are dumb but you were sort of an id… ”

said Noah

“yes,go on ..”said Hitler with a glare from which anyone would have wet their pants

“err idolized figure by the Nazi’s”mumbled Noah


“idolized figure you know by the Nazis”squeaked Noah

“aha yes yes of course;but where the hell are my supporters?where are the Nazis and most importantly where the hell is Germany on this stupid map”roared Hitler

“I am your supporter,Heil Hitler”replied Adolf with pride

“yes i know!”snapped Hitler “now where are my other followers and my fellow Nazis?”

Noah replied,“all your questions can be answered on google.”

“uh.. what is this google?”Hitler replied looking confused

“its a app on your laptop,it is a search engine where you can find answers to any questions?”blurted Noah

“oh okay.. so how do use these ‘laptops’??”asked Hitler still looking confused but also frustrated

“You just tell us what to search and well search that for you.”replied adolf

then Adolf switched on his mac book pro and opened google.

“okayy….so search where is Germany?”ordered Hitler

a small picture showed up of Germany on the screen and at that moment Hitler’s face turned as red as a tomato

he barked,“what is this ?! is this Germany or one of its city!?”
Noah replied,“Definitely Germany, its area is more than 350,000 km2
“what!You have to got to be kidding me!In 1940 Germany’s area was more than double!”scowled Hitler,Hitler then whispered to himself,“relax Adolf,once again you i’ll gather all the Nazis and capture some more land”
“i will not fail u o great and mighty Hitler”Noah replied with pride and a salute
“You oaf!i wasn’t talking to you;I was talking to myself”,snapped Hitler
“ohok…”mumbled Noah
“now you both:tell me where are the Nazis?”said Hitler
Noah replied ,“that looks more of an order than a question…”
“It is an order!”snapped Hitler,”now where are the Nazis!?”he questioned
“uh..about that i think there are no more Nazis especially those who will kill Jews any longer”replied Noah nervously”and even if there are then the government would not rest until we hunt them down;so most likely you one and only supporter is Adolf which i don not think is much a of a warrior or a genius”added Noah”
“Now that is not offending!”replied Adolf with sarcasm
“Can’t you both keep your mouths shut and work for me”barked Hitler”now search who is Hitler”
“uhh…it shows a Nazi leader with a toothbrush mustache;it also shows he was a very cruel person and he wanted to kill all the Jews”replied Noah”he is the most hated person of all time !”
“What!No that is not true!”exclaimed Hitler”you Adolf you believe me right?!”he added
“uhh..I am not sure about that anymore”replied Adolf nervously
“Come on Hitler!everyone knows what you did;now don’t lie to us”said Noah
“I assure you there is a perfectly logical explanation for all of this”replied Hitler with a nervous laughter
“okay…i will ask the questions and you will reply”said Noah confidently
Hitler sighed with great relief and replied”that sounds pretty simple”
“yes.. but you will be plugged into a lie detector to make sure you are not lying”said Noah with a sly grin
After much more convincing and arguments Hitler was finally plugged into lie detector and a polygraph expert was called .
“what was in the need of this!I never lie”he exclaimed
“now that is the biggest lie i have heard”she(the polygraph expert) said
“now lets start !”said Noah
“But you only have 3 questions;so make them count!”exclaimed Hitler
“okay… so first question why did you hate the Jews and kill them?”
“uhh..next question “replied Hitler
“No answer it or we will tell the United Nations where you are.”
replied Noah smartly
“what I was just kidding!You really need to relax at times,boy!replied Hitler nervously
“so just think is the world facing the issue of food and water shortages due to overpopulation”he added
“i may not be a book nerd but i know for a fact sure…yes..of course the world is facing the issue of overpopulation.”
“So if i had not killed those 6 million Nazis then the world would have been in much more crisis than we already know”replied Hitler smartly
“this man can reason;i’ll give it to him”said Noah
“Now i think its time to go i think ;Anubis is calling me you know the god of death”said Hitler
“Who are you kidding?You remember that you are still plugged into the lie detector machine!”said Noah
“uhh.. i think he is not joking around this time..”replied the polygraph expert
“then the machine must be broken or something:he is not just going too dissappe..
Before Noah could finish his sentence Hitler had disappeared with a wooshhh!
The only thing which was left was a note saying ‘the thing in my life i most regret was coming back to the for and seeing how i am feared and hated!I did everything to make Germany proud,thats all-by Hitler’
“bro you have to got to admit that he has style!”exclaimed Adolf
“yeah.. it was nice meeting him you know you don’t meet someone that infamous everyday!”said Noah

September 04, 2020 14:36

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