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Transgender LGBTQ+ Coming of Age

I never belonged in the toy box, this must be some kind of mistake on Sam’s part. Sam, a plucky preteen boy, a better owner an Action Maxx!™ couldn’t ask for. Every one of us figures deserves to be with the most courageous, adventurous boys and I think I must have got the best. I’ve been Sam’s favorite since he first opened me all those years ago; spent every night on the pillow next to him keeping an eye out for any villains that may skulk in the night.

 At least, I used to. My post eventually became standing on the nightstand, then sitting, then laying face-down on it. But tonight he has set me in the toy box.

 Covert op, maybe?

 That must be it! I’ll keep an eye out for any dastardly deed-doers tonight! Maybe he’s worried about an old, forgotten toy seeking revenge. Now that would be an adventure! You can count on me, Sam.

  The door is opening. It’s Butch, Sam’s dad. He’s lifting me out of the toy box and setting me next to Sam on the bed.

 Mission accomplished?

  It woke Sam up, sorry buddy. They’re saying their good nights as Sam walks Butch to the door. Sam’s on his way back from closing it, he always used to sleep with it cracked so that a sliver of hall light kept the room from pitch blackness. Now it’s time for another good night’s rest-wait…Sam is setting me back in the toy box.

 What is going on?

 Okay, maybe last night was a fluke. Just a fluke, I’m sure of it.

 Now that Sam’s at School, Butch has come into the room looking for something. Oh, yes! He’s pulling me from the toy box! One second. He’s rummaging around in there, too. Nice! He found my Ultrablaster™ accessory and is setting me down prone on top of the pillow-ready to take a sniper shot with it! Sam will absolutely love this! We’re going to have another classic adventure when he comes back and sees this!

 Sam just got home from school. He’s walked in and noticed me and he’s…frowning? Frowning! At me! He picks me up and tosses me back into the chest Ultrablaster™ and all! Maybe the pose was wrong? Of course! Butch should have had me standing tall, chest out, brandishing the Ultrablaster™ like a real commando. Sam would’ve loved that.

 I notice something peculiar in the brief moment Sam holds me. He’s wearing a flower beret in his hair. That’s not Action Maxx!™-approved adventuring gear!

 I don’t deserve this. I’m laying here staring up at the intolerably bright ceiling light while Sam has stuffed tissue into his shirt. He’s looking dejectedly in the mirror. Almost-unhappy with what he sees. Well me, too.

 He’s turned his back on adventures. He’s turned his back on ME. Frustrated, I slam my fist on the side of the toy box. He’s turning into some kind of freak. How did I get stuck with such a kid? I slam my fist on the side of the toy box again, there is a shifting underneath me and I topple out onto the floor with a loud “thud”. Totally unscathed, Action Maxx!™ quality plastic.

Sam looks down at me, startled. The tissues fall out of his shirt. He picks me up, totally confused.

 Just then, Butch opens the door to find Sam holding me. He congratulates Sam on doing normal boy stuff. He says Maxx!™ is probably happy too.

 Sam silently walks over to the door and slams it with all his might. Then he throws me full-force into the toy chest. Only my heart breaks. It isn’t Action Maxx!™ quality plastic, it seems.

 I’m just going to sink into this toy box. I’m doomed to stay here forever, may as well embrace it. I’m starting to realize my adventuring days are over. Old toy after old toy slides by as I sink into the blackening void.

 “Maxx!™,” a tired but elated voice breaks the gloomy silence. My eyes shoot open to find a decrepit stuffed shark smiling at me with one beady eye and the few fuzzy teeth he has left. “I was wondering when you’d make your way down here.”

 “Who are you?” I ask.

 “I’m Sharky! Real imaginative name, I know, haha. I was Sam’s first favorite toy. She outgrew me, just as it seems she’s outgrowing you.”


 “Yep, Sam’s latest adventure is gonna have to be one without you, I’m afraid.”

 “How can Sam just leave me behind like that?”

 “That’s part of being a toy, Maxx!™. C’mon, I wanna show you something.” He motions for me to grab his dorsal fin. “I was so dejected when you took my place as Sam’s favorite.” I take it and we shoot towards the surface of this ocean of things forgotten. “Although, I don’t think I would have survived many more adventures, haha.” As we rush upwards through years of sedimentary playthings, a familiar giddiness ascends my plastic spine.

 “What do you get out of a life in this toy box, Sharky?” I desperately want to know.

 We breach the surface.

 “I get to watch her grow.”

 I see Butch sitting on the bed with Sam. They’re quiet and aren’t looking at each other. There’s a makeup bag sitting between them. Butch looks up and notices me sitting at the top of the toy box. He comes over and slowly bends down to pick me up.

 He pauses.

 He turns around and leaves me be.

 He goes to Sam and they hug, tears in their eyes.


 I’ve been living with Sharky for a while now. It was hard at first, not being center stage with Sam. But I’ve learned that watching same grow has been a privilege, not an Ill fate.

 I hear they’re giving all of us to one of the neighbor kids. Damien. Nice, strong name. He and I are gonna have some great adventures. Sharky’s right. Sam has outgrown us toys altogether.

 Sam’s happy.

That’s all I want for


July 25, 2023 02:05

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Idk Vickers
02:20 Jan 31, 2024

awwwwwww so cuteeeee


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