Contemporary Desi Indigenous

Rohini was born. After a long time, a baby girl was born in the family. All were excited and thrilled. Her birth was a great hit in the family. The baby girl, her every little movement, her mesmerising smile -- her every single activity kept the house in captivity. She was growing up steadily. Undoubtedly, she was the apple of their eyes. From baby hood to childhood and then on to girlhood – her transition was a delight to the family. The school-going girl was now entering into adulthood and then gradually into her teen age. For graduation, she had to go to a distant place with boarding and lodging facility. Reluctantly, she was sent to her choice of college.

Having sent Rohini to her hostel, her family members at home, felt the vacuum. Her absence was something which none could eschew. Slowly, they had to adjust to the new melancholy. A few months passed by in this way. Suddenly, one day father wanted to see her daughter desperately. “Rohini, Rohini” he kept ranting. Rohini’s mother advised him to go and see the daughter at her hostel and find out her well-being. Father thought it should be the best way out. He immediately sprang into action.

He went to hostel and asked for Rohini. He was terribly shocked when a frail figure emerged from her room and stood before him. He just could not believe that the skeleton girl in front of him was his most adorable kid girl Rohini. Tears welled up in eyes and he was speechless. Rohini too turned very emotional and sensitive. Her father collected himself and told her, “Just pack up right now and let us go home. Hell with your hostel and hell with your college. We are going home. Call the warden. I will settle the accounts. Let us get TC and keep going.”

Rohini was not prepared for this sudden show-down. But she was quite weak and badly wanted to be with her mummy. So, she without further arguments, came home with her father. Her mother was also got stunned at the fragile figure of her darling daughter. “Rohini, what is this? Couldn’t you take care of yourself? Were you starving all these days? Was the food not up to your taste?” Endless questions were shot on her. Rohini, on the other hand, seeing her mother after a long time, turned quite sensitive and got choked with unknown feelings. She leaned on her mother for support. After gathering herself, she whispered, “Now that I am back, I will be alright. Very much under your care and comfort. That is for sure.”

Both father and mother were relieved. ‘Rohini is back now and is with us’ -- That very thought made them console themselves. ‘Rohini will soon be fit and fine. It will be just a matter of time.’

Rohini with her cherubic enthusiasm, soon regained energy and was back to her usual activities. Her father had sought for admission in a local college and she too readily mixed with her ex-school friends who were now going to the same college. The charm and rhythm which were missing in life, had come back. Parents felt happy. Rohini was happy. The ‘come-back’ is now a great hit.

Let their pleasantries continue.

While Rohini’s episode ended here, Krishnan’s attention was drawn to an item on Newspaper about another come-back. That was about a Maharajah. This Maharajah was not any normal king of ordinary sorts. He was very special and a super iconic emblem of yester years. The long-stretched mustache and his twisted turban certainly made him look very special. The name and fame he carried in those years had waned now. But who can forget the great Maharajah. Is he coming back? Good-good, he thought. The Tatas are getting him back. Let it be for the good of all.

The very name Tata triggered a flood of thoughts. The Parsis, a rare community of people who came to India a few centuries ago, seeking shelter in the hands of a Gujarati King Jadi Rana of Valsad, is now a very respectable community, most of whom are industrialists, bankers, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, educationists, and leading businessmen. A clan which came as refugees is now a versatile community with notable wisemen. The very King Jadi Rana, if he were to be alive, would be very proud of himself. Initially he hesitated. He had acceded to their request of asylum only after an interesting anecdote.

At first, he showed them a vessel of milk filled to the brim. That was to make them understand that his kingdom was already full and probably there was no chance to accommodate some more even if they were seeking asylum. Just then a Zorastrian priest among them came forward and asked for a pinch of sugar. He then added this pinch of sugar to the vessel which was already filled to the brim. He showed the king and proved that vessel of milk did not overflow. Instead, it made the milk sweeter. Similarly, his tribe also would make the lives of his subjects sweeter and pleasant.

From that day to this day, the Zorastrian tribe had blended well with the fabric of locals and contributed a great lot to the country. If Jamesetji Nusserwanji Tata was a pioneer industrialist and founded city of Jamshedpur, his descendant Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy was none the less popular. He was father of Industrial Revolution and Civil Aviation in India and most importantly was founder member of the Air India aeroplane services. Air India founded by him was made popular by two more men - Bobby Kooka and Umesh Rao by creating a stylish mascot of Maharajah with his prominent protruding whisker and heavily twisted turban. Maharajah with his head bent and a hand at his heart welcoming his clients – that very style was simply superb. Both Air India and Maharajah became inseparable. There were two more icons which drew public attention. One was Dr Verghese Kurien’s Amul girl and another one Cartoonist R. K. Lakshman’s “Common Man” Both the chieftains, Kurien and Lakshman are gone and long forgotten but their mascots are alive and enthralling the masses, even today.

Unfortunately, after the Government’s takeover of Aviation services when it was nationalised, Maharajah’s fame slowly waned and finally went into oblivion. Air India became Indian Airlines. Gone are the good old days of Maharajah.

Krishnan was delighted to learn about comeback of Maharajah. What a great turn around for him. The Indian aviation ministry offered Air India, Indian Airlines etc. for sale – Privatisation. Immediately the Tatas grabbed the offer knowing fully well that it was a sick industry. But they did not budge. It was after all their prestigious Maharajah and he deserved a royal welcome. Soon this Maharajah’s air services would be put on road to recovery. The Maharajah mascot was once upon a time a great hit and his come-back also would be a great hit.

If Rohini’s come-back to her parents could be a great hit, even Maharajah’s comeback to their proud owners could also be a great hit. Maharajah’s prominent whiskers and the iconic head gear -- turban twisted round and round his head have attained their due attention.

Maharajah with his head bent and a hand touching the heart and welcoming his clients – this super stylish mascot will be back on roads as signboards. A great hit then is awaiting a glorious future now.

No regrets on the comeback. Comeback is for good. Let us welcome the come-back.

December 06, 2022 18:08

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