Thursday, 1:13 am

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt



Thursday, 1:13 am

Angela: Call me!

Dan: What? It’s the middle of the night.

Angela: That was fast. Were you awake?

Dan: If you must know, yes, I was awake. What do you need?

Angela: I wanted you to call when you woke up.

Dan: Ok. But I’m up now. Texting is easier. Doesn’t wake up the kids.

Angela: Fine, we’ll do it your way. Like always.

Dan: You’re the one texting in the middle of the night, Ang.

Angela: It’s Jeremy. 

He’s been arrested.

Dan! Serious. Tell me to fuck off. Just tell me you saw. 

Ok, you think I’m lying. I get it. It’s insane. But check the news when you get up. Call me when you can. We need to get a lawyer and figure out all the details and get Jeremy back.

Dan: Are you joking? If you’re just messing around, tell me, and we’ll go to bed and forget all about it. 

Angela: Dan, I promise I’m serious. Jeremy has been arrested. They showed up, woke us up, and took him away. They had a warrant and everything.

Dan: Then why aren’t you with him? You’re letting him sit in jail all alone? He needs a lawyer. Did you call a lawyer? You should call Carla.

Angela: Relax. I’m at the police station. I followed them here.

Daniel: Thank god. Don’t let them talk to him. He needs a lawyer. Did you call Carla yet?

Angela: I told him not to say anything. But they aren’t talking to him. They said they aren’t supposed to at night. They said he can sleep and eat breakfast, and then they’ll talk to him. 

Daniel: Good. That was a good idea. But watch the cops. They might be lying to you, just so you don’t get a lawyer. Can you see him? 

Call Carla.

Angela: Carla’s a divorce lawyer. Jeremy needs a criminal defense lawyer.

Daniel: She’s a lawyer.And we trust her. Call her and see if she can at least show up until we can get a real guy.

Angela: I’ll call her in the morning. Just to ask for a recommendation. 

I am watching. They said something about paperwork and then getting some sleep. I’ve heard about cops sleeping in jail cells, like in movies and stuff, but I don’t know if that’s real.

Daniel: Call her now. Leave a message. Do you have their names? I want to Google them. It might be better if they’re crooked. Then who’s to say anything they do is decent work? Are you with me?

Angela: Dan, I think you need to calm down. I don’t think we need to worry about a trial yet. We don’t even have a lawyer. Don’t even know what they think Jeremy did. 

Can you come here? It would be nice to have some company. 

Dan: I would, but it’s hard right now. I’ve got the kids and Liz is in Calgary.

Angela: Daniel, this is important. It’s Jeremy. Your son, remember?

Daniel: Dammit I know he’s my kid. 

You even said nothing’s happening. I can’t help any more than you can. Call Carla.

The twins are dead asleep. Just checked. And Jenny has a math test in the morning. They’re important, too, Ang. Please don’t hold this against me. I’ll even call Carla for you. Right now.

Angela: Forget it. I’ll figure it out. Like always.

Daniel: Don’t be like that.

I called Carla. Tell me I’m not pulling my weight, here? 

Hey. I have an idea. I can stop by a Mickie’s and grab breakfast on my way. You still like the pancakes? I’ll get you double bacon!! I’ll be there like 9:30.

Angela: I told you. Carla’s not going to be able to help. Criminal stuff is totally different than divorce stuff. But maybe we should get a court-appointed lawyer. 

Daniel: She knows people though. She’ll find us a good guy. But you’re right, the free guy will do for now. Ask if you have a chance.

And don’t say I never agree or that I never think your right or that I make you do all the work. 

Can you confirm your breakfast order??? And that you can stay until 9:30.

Angela: I didn’t say you weren’t helping. 

Dan: You have.

Breakfast??? 9:30??? !!!!!!

Angela: Pancakes are fine. Make sure you get syrup, though. Any chance on coffee?

Dan: Of course I’ll get you coffee. The biggest they have, 1 cream 3 sugar. I know.


Angela: Do I have a choice? I’m not going anywhere as long as Jeremy is here. Come when you can.

Dan: Ok. See you in the morning. With food and coffee. Everything will work out. Don’t worry too much. You know you can count on me.

Shit. It’s 2 in the morning. I’ve got to hit the sack. I have the kids to think about. They’re so full of energy in the morning, and I have to get the twins to preschool before I drop Jenny off. And I have to get lunches and make sure they’re all packed up. Good night!!

Angela: Sleep well.

Thursday, 11:15 am

Angela: Any news?

Dan: No. Why are you checking up on me? You have to trust me. I trusted you all night, do me the same favour.

Angela: Just asking. Sorry.

Dan: Go to bed. The faster you do, the faster you’ll be back here. I’ll look up lawyers. They have good WiFi here and I can call, no problem. 

What time do you think you’ll be back? I’ll try and get a guy to show up so we can both meet him.

Angela: I set an alarm for 3. If I get up and come straight there I’ll defo be back by 3:30. Is that too late? I can come back now if you need.

Dan: No. I was just asking. Like when to make the appointment for. I can handle this. I’ll get a lawyer for 4. Sleep, take a shower. 

Angela: Ok. See you after 3. 

Dan: Sleep well. See you soon. If you can, Jer would probably like a donut or some chips or something. I’ll take a cruller or doritos. :)

Thursday, 4:33pm

Angela: Daniel, we need to have a serious conversation about this. I don’t want to fight. It’s about Jeremy, not us. We just need to get on the same page and plan things together.

Dan: Sorry. I’m at swimming lessons. The twins just jumped in and Jenny’s working on her math. It will take a sec to answer but I’ll try.

And we have a plan. I’ll do days and you do nights and we let Gantz handle the legal stuff. We’ve been talking really well. We’ve also been really mature about meeting. Both of us. We both bring snacks and coffee. We’re both on time like we agreed to. We don’t fight in the police station. It’s going really well.

I mean, it’s really bad, the Jeremy stuff. But we’re being good parents about it and handling it really well. And as bad as it sounds right now, Gantz is going to help a lot and it will all work out. It’s going to be a hard couple of days and then we’ll laugh about this at birthdays and graduations until he’s 64.

Almost missed it. Haley and Kaley just put their heads under! First dunk!!

Angela: Congrats. Before you know it they’ll actually be swimming. 

I don’t want to fight. But you need to stay calm. You need to talk. We need to talk. We need to agree to things before they happen from now on, ok? Please?

Dan: They’ll give Phelps a run for his money before you know it!

What are you going on about?

Angela: Gantz

Dan: What about him? Also, notice how you forget about all the work I did today. All the calls I made. Watching the cops. Asking questions. I even wrote everything down and made you a copy. And I found Gantz. You just want to be in control so you’re harping on anything you can. Please stop. You’re right that we need to get along. Stop looking for problems.

Angela: I’m just asking that we talk before you commit from now on. Please. 

Did you look him up? He used to do real estate. He doesn’t have a lot of experience. 

Dan: Everyone has a past, Ang. You can’t hold that against the guy. And he’s cheaper because he’s doesn’t have a big reputation. But I talked to him. You did too. He knows what he’s talking about and he’s confident that Jer’ll be back with us by next week.

Angela: Daniel, the guy asked how to pronounce Jeremy’s name. And he’s missing teeth. And he got lost in the parking lot.

Dan: Jenny just did a flip off the diving board! She nailed it! 

You’re being very judgemental. The guy has some health problems, but that doesn’t affect his credentials. Finding the entrance to the police station isn’t that straight forward. I tried the wrong door, too.

Angela: I bet she’s been working on that for months. Phelps better really watch his back now.

I’m not judging his health. I’m judging his judgement. I think it’s a bad sign that he showed up to work like that. And there’s only the main entrance. The other door you both tried says “deliveries.” 

I’m also concerned that this is his first case. And that he works alone. Someone with a big firm could ask for help and they have paralegals and that kind of stuff. 

Dan: Ok, last text for a bit. Jenny’s getting out of the water, and I’ve got to get these kids home and into a bath and fed and into bed. And get them to call Liz. But homework is all done! 

You are being judgemental. I think he’s dyslexic. He’s new so he doesn’t have an ego. And his schedule is clear. We’re his only clients so he’ll do everything for us and never be tied up with other cases. You’re so upset that he’s not some famous hotshot that you can’t see the benefit. 

Angela: Drive safe

Dan: Ang, I’ve been thinking about it. I think you have a point. We should talk about things before we commit to anything.

You haven’t signed anything, have you?

Updates at least?

Angela: Thanks. I appreciate it. We just need to share and decide together, that’s all. Of course I haven’t done anything without you.

The cops just left. They were in their cubicle for the rest of the night. Lots of calls and emails. Went out for subs. They asked what Jeremy liked, and they brought me one too. I think they’re good guys at least. 

Dan: You talked to them?!?!

Angela: Yeah. I’ve talked to them every time I’ve been here. 

Dan: I thought we weren’t going to do anything without checking with the other person?!?!

Angela: What? I just say hello and ask if there’s any updates. And I ask to see Jeremy. You can do the same thing. They let me in the room for 15 mins. 

Dan: This might be good. But you should have told me. Keep talking to them. Just write down anything they say. And I’ll give it to Gantz in the morning.

Angela: I guess that’s fine for now. But if this goes sideways and there’s a trial we need to make a serious plan. 

Dan: See, communication solves everything. You just need to listen to what I’m saying, and it makes sense. Every time. 

Be positive. There won’t be a trial. This is all a mistake. The cops will figure it out sooner or later and Jer’ll be fine. 

Angela: All right. Just, both of us, will discuss any decisions, ok? 

Dan: Listen, I’m bushed. I’ve got to get some sleep. I really miss Liz at moments like these. You realise how much the mom does when she’s gone for a few days, you know. So I’m going to bed. I’ll see you in the morning. Text an order and I’ll bring you something.

Angela: I’m a mom, too. Good night.

Friday, 9:45 am

Dan: I’m running late

Angela: I am aware of that. 

Dan: Have some compassion. It’s hard to get 3 kids ready in the morning. I’m doing my best here, ok?

Angela: ETA?

Dan: I don’t know. Just got back. I need a shower and then I’ll grab breakfast for us and I’ll get there asap.

Angela: Ok. Get here when you can.

On your way yet?


You coming? I mean, if not, just say so. The cops offered to get me something when they do the lunch run. I won’t starve. But if you’re coming I won't.

Dan: Sorry. Sorry on my way now. I got home and realized how much of a mess this place is. 

Angela: So naturally you stopped to clean.

Dan: Sorry for the wait. Wet hands - washing dishes.The living room is still a disaster. Way too many toys. Liz and I spoil them, I think. Do you think giving kids everything they want sets them up well? It’s what we decided, but they just have so much stuff now. And Jer’s fine. We didn’t give him toys every week like this.

Angela: Well thank God your house is tidy. Are you coming now? I think I have to leave, even if you aren’t. I missed the lunch run and haven’t eaten since last night and can’t see straight anymore.

You have to talk to Liz about your kids. I’m staying out of it.

Dan: Yes. Just getting dressed and I’ll hop in the car. You still want a sub? I’m kind of feeling pizza. I can get a medium and we can split it. But don’t you think that Jer turned out fine without all the toys?

Angela: I’m calling Gantz. There’s something going on here. They won't tell me what though. Lots of cops going in and out of the room.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’ve bought Jeremy just about every video game that’s ever been made. 

Dan: That’s not fair. We agreed to not bring up the past. We both made mistakes. Now we both have to move on. Did you think about pizza? Promise no olives on your half. ;)

Angela: You asked. And asked. 

That’s Liz’s order. I like double olives, pineapple and pepperoni. If you can order it properly, pizza is fine.

But I’d also appreciate you showing up. 

Do you have another number for Gantz? He’s not answering and hasn’t called back. The cops are going nuts. I think we need him. They won’t talk to me.

March 22, 2020 21:53

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