Bedtime Creative Nonfiction Happy

Summer holidays bestowed a solace to Azad after the tormenting exams. As any other child's crisis, mathematics made his life miserable.

Unfortunately it was after that' do or die' hours his holidays are beginning.

Azad lives with his abba and stepmother,whom he was forced to call ammi . It was his two younger brothers who turns his life blissful. Their baba ,his grandfather also stays with them. They live in their hometown surat.

It was a saturday. The family has planned for a tour to Delhi , a 10 day tour. As his presence was never considered auspicious by ammi he has to stay with baba for next 10 days.

Before leaving, ammi gave a cage with a bird to Azad .The cage was a blend of blue and golden with the finishing of green feathers. The cage was decorated in the traditional style of surat.

Ammi told " Azi, it's a present from my friend. Take good care of it. I have informed the maid to extend her working time till night". With arrogance she continued " Azi, you should feed them with food and water. Clean the cage when needed. It should feel proud that it's sharing it's shelter in one of the best master in surat" . The instructions dragged on. At last the family took leave of him. Home was left with he and his grandfather.

          The night passed on with no great shakes. Morning vibe was escorted with copious emotions. Hot coffee was ready in the table. Elated ,he strolled towards the air filled with coffee. His delight got muddled with creepy noise of his new resident.

          He gave a sharp look at it. He intends to flew it away so that he becomes free from his work and creepy sound.

          Baba barged in to his thoughts. " Azi, I got fed up with it's noise. I was not able to take even a nap last night". Baba's statement was self proven with his sluggish face.

"Breakfast ho chuka hai" maid aunty was screaming. " Azi , let's have breakfast son".

 He accompanied his baba to table leaving back the ' flying issue' .

         Both of them got confined in the bird's cage. Azad with all perplexity, somehow managed to clean the cage and feed it.

   After the tiring day he got into bed soon. His fatigue made him unaware of baba's shriek. Suddenly he got awakened in baba's high pitch.

Azad hurried down. The  frieky sound in the background while he was stepping down made him conscious about the affair.

    " Kya hua baba" he asked. " Beta, this sound is probing through ears. I can't sleep son."

  Azad was thoughtless. The only solution for the present situation is to take baba with him upstairs. He took him

upstairs. It took nearly an hour for him to climb the stairs.

     Next day began with the heated discussion about the bird. Both grandfather and grandson got fed up with the bird. Azad can no more take care of it or feed it..baba has become annoyed with it's blabber.

      The question araised as to how to get rid of the creature. But ammi's wrathful came into their picture.

 Azad felt in the same condition as in the mathematics exam. Solution should be in favour of his irritating teacher. The only one left in the home to ask the opinion was the maid aunty,Sreedevi. As name goes she is a soul of kindness and love.

       Both didn't wait a minute to call her. She joined the problem solving task. She made Azad aware of importance of cleanliness , quality of kindnes, so on. But he was not convinced. He thought " how can someone waste energy and time for something which is not his own or from which he doesn't have any benefit." He saw maid hurrying to kitchen . It was time for baba's bath.         "Sreedevi, you didn't solve my query yet" baba complained. " Are baba , I was about to tell that only. " She was more concerned about his bath. Thinking for a while she continued " may be it will have some reasons for making noise". Giving least botheration for her statement she continued with her job.

     Azad fell into a deep thought of her solution. " What obstacle will a bird have?" Having diffused with the same thought he observed  the lady who was taking care of his baba. Sreedevi always assured his cleanliness. With an amiable face she carefully soaked the towel and scrubbed over him.

        Azad felt so guilty. " Baba is a very unknown person for her. But his inefficiency for taking care of himself have created a vibe of kindness rather than hatred. So why can't I have that act to a mute creature" Azad thought.

 He felt he tracked down the solution for his trouble. But baba's issue was yet to be solved.

    That night he got baba upstairs due to the prevailing trouble. Azad was unable to sleep thinking about the flying creature. He went downstairs to take a look at it.

    The noise was piercing as he neared the cage. He inspected the cage and surrounding. He was not able to find any amiss. Suddenly he found two shining eyes of cats near the cage. He screamed at it and shining eyes faded in the darkness. Green beauty ceased the uncanny noise. Azad stared at the pitiful soul for a while. He remembered about his maid aunty mentioning about some trouble faced by it as remedy for baba's query.

       Before he went to bed ,he secured the beauty inside home.

      Next morning he explained everything to his baba. His baba became glad listening to the last day's events. As the talk was going on maid entered with a joyful smile. Baba and Azad gave a blissful smile back and to each other. After all Sreedevi was the passionate figure behind the resolution.

     Next day ammi and abba returned from Delhi. Azad and baba welcomed them with joy.

Ammi was delighted to see her present, the bird.

     " Baba , it seems like our guest has not created any trouble to you" She told proudly. Baba gave a pleasant smile to Azad. He smiled back.

January 08, 2021 18:56

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Lerato Moeketsi
23:16 Jan 13, 2021

Is Azad's other name Azi? I read the story twice Jesna but can't get who the two characters are, I guess I should read it again.


Jesna Xavier
08:42 Apr 15, 2021

Yeah.. Azad is only Azi


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Jesna Xavier
08:42 Apr 15, 2021

Yeah.. Azad is only Azi


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Lerato Moeketsi
23:16 Jan 13, 2021

Is Azad's other name Azi? I read the story twice Jesna but can't get who the two characters are, I guess I should read it again.


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Lerato Moeketsi
23:16 Jan 13, 2021

Is Azad's other name Azi? I read the story twice Jesna but can't get who the two characters are, I guess I should read it again.


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Lerato Moeketsi
23:16 Jan 13, 2021

Is Azad's other name Azi? I read the story twice Jesna but can't get who the two characters are, I guess I should read it again.


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Lerato Moeketsi
23:16 Jan 13, 2021

Is Azad's other name Azi? I read the story twice Jesna but can't get who the two characters are, I guess I should read it again.


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Lerato Moeketsi
23:16 Jan 13, 2021

Is Azad's other name Azi? I read the story twice Jesna but can't get who the two characters are, I guess I should read it again.


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Lerato Moeketsi
23:16 Jan 13, 2021

Is Azad's other name Azi? I read the story twice Jesna but can't get who the two characters are, I guess I should read it again.


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