The Prince and The Dragon Movie

Submitted into Contest #207 in response to: Set your story on a film or TV set, starting with someone calling “Cut!”... view prompt



“Cut! Cut! Cut! Now, Mr. Thorn, what did I just say about you needing to show more emotion?” the director bellowed. His voice echoed in the cave where we were filming. The director has dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and is five-foot ten. He has the habit of pinching his nose before he yells at the actors, and his nose was red in the areas where he pinched. I was acting as a rock character, which was an additive character because I know the author of the book. My hair was dyed grey, had to wear grey contacts, and my height is five-foot four.

             “Mr. Fomax? I’m still wondering about my motivation?” Mr. Thorn inquired, as he studied his sword and shield. He was dressed as a prince with armor on. His hair is light-brown, his eyes are green, and his height is six-foot.

             “For the last time, you are the prince, and you need to kill the dragon in order to save the princess.” Mr. Fomax moaned.

             “Can’t we just negotiate instead?” The lady in the blue suit asked. Her curly-red hair was hidden in a blue cap. She has green eyes, and is five-foot nine.

             “Ms. Hopper, I’ve explained this before, dragons can’t speak and sees all humans as potential meals.” Mr. Fomax huffed.

             “Mr. Fomax, these ropes are too tight, the cave is too damp, and I believe that it would make a more interesting story if the prince fell in love with the dragon and the princess destroys both of them so she can rule the world.” The lady who was tied up as the captured princess requested. She was the princess dressed in pink, and tied up in the back of the cave. The lady has blonde hair, blue eyes, and was five-foot five. The camera crew and backstage hands were visibly bored, and adjusting their various equipment that didn’t need any adjustments.

             “Look, Ms. Driver, when we loosened them the last time, they didn’t stay on, a cave needs to be damp, it’s a cave, and when you start writing a play, story, or whatever, then I would care about your opinion.” Mr. Fomax declared, “Now, Mr. Thorn. Let’s go back from when you enter the cave, and this time, more emotion!”

             Prince Doug of Goldland went to ask the king and queen of Sapphireplains for their daughter’s, Princess Bess, hand in marriage. They sadly reveal that they had troubles with a green dragon rampaging the castle, the dragon had captured Princess Bess, and took her to the cave. Prince Doug traveled to the caves with the mission to save Princess Bess.

             “Dragon….. Come…. And…. Fight….” Prince Doug mumbled.

             “Roaring… Grrawlll… Hiss.” The dragon responded.

             “CUT! CUT! Ms. Hopper, what was that?” Mr. Fomax probed.

             “Dragon language.” She replied.

             “Dragons don’t talk, they don’t have language, and THEY ONLY ROAR!!!!” Mr. Fomax roared.

             “Maybe he should be his dragon.” Mr. Thorn whispered to me.

             “Mr. Thorn, you should focus on your part, AND SHOW MORE EMOTION!!!!” Mr. Fomax hollered.

             “Is it lunch time yet?” Ms. Driver whined.

             “NOT YET!!!!” Mr. Fomax thundered. “Now, let’s try this again.”

             Prince Doug sneaks in the cave, walks passed the dragon, and then, he drones, “Dragon come and get me.”

             The dragon roars, and hugs the prince.

             “CUT! CUT! CUT! What is that?” Mr. Fomax interrupted.

             “How am I to carry him?” Ms. Hopper quizzed while still hugging Mr. Thorn.

             “That is not part of this scene!!!!” Mr. Fomax yelled.

             “May Stacey look at these ropes? My ….” Ms. Driver requested.

             “Ok, fine. Stacey, go.” Mr. Fomax allowed. Stacey ran to Ms. Driver with a first aid kit, a make-up kit, a sewing kit, and cloth. Stacey has black hair, blue eyes, and was five-foot.

             A rock rolled on the dragon’s tail. The dragon roared, and pushed the rock. The rock smashed into the wall.

             “OUCH!!!! That hurts!” I exclaimed, as the rock. Most people froze.

             “CUT!!!! ROCKS DON’T TALK, MS. Katz!!!!!” Mr. Fomax screeched.

             “Yeah, and rocks don’t bleed. Stacey, come.” I ordered. Stacey came with urgency, and started the first aid.

             “Ms. Katz.” Mr. Fomax started.

             “Is the rock really meant to be smashed into the wall?” I quired.

             “How else would it make any sense that you are a character in this movie?” He retorted.

             “How did Ms. Kensington describe my character?” I asked. Ms. Kensington is the author of the story that Mr. Fomax was trying to make into his movie.

             “As a boring grey rock in the cave. The dragon must smash the rock.” He replied. Ms. Driver collapsed.

             “Her blood sugar is low!” Stacey exclaimed.

             “Fine! Lunchbreak people!” Mr. Fomax declared. We left.

             At the deli, Mr. Thorn, Ms. Hopper, Ms. Driver, and I sat at the same table.

             “Ms. Kensington, so what did you think?” Mr. Thorn asked. Mr, Fomax was the only person who didn’t know who I really was, and he thought that I was just her cousin. Ms. Hopper’s hand was holding Mr. Thorn’s, and was leaning on him.

             “I think next time, I should not be the character ‘random rock in cave’. It is uncomfortable, and illogical.” I complained. “How are your wrists, Ms. Driver?”

             “Stacey’s an angel. She really knows how to treat injuries.” Ms. Driver replied, and revealed where the bandages were. Stacey had used some of the make-up on the bandages, so no one would notice.

             “He is the fifth director who hasn’t even looked at my book. Do you think we’ll find one that will?” I voiced.

             “At this rate, it would be better if you hired a monkey to direct this movie.” Mr. Thorn replied. I excused myself to call Mr. Fomax.

             Prince Doug snuck into the cave, and hid when he heard a roar.

             “NO!!!! I REFUSE TO TERRORIZE ANY MORE VILLAGES, AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!!!!” The green dragon bellowed at Princess Bess, who was dressed in a dress of black with red trimming. Princess Bess started to hypnotize the dragon with a coin. Prince Doug ran and snatched the coin away. The dragon turned around, smacked Princess Bess with her tail, collected Prince Doug, and when they were out from the cave, the dragon took off.

             “What chapter are you on?” I asked Mr. Fomax as he was reading the book. I had decided that while my actors were acting out the cave scenes correctly, that Mr. Fomax should start reading the book that the movie is about.

             “This is a long book.” He pointed out.

             “You do realize that you are the only one under my employment at this time who hasn’t read the book before, and because you are director number five, I’ve spent too much time looking for a new one.” I complained. “Oh! And remember to write those apology notes. You are extremely lucky.”

             The war between of Goldland and Sapphireplains lasted seven years. Carla, who was the green dragon, was helpful in the battle. A good wizard came after the war, and took off the spells and curses that were on Carla. It turned out that she was a bewitched maid, who was magically unable to remember that she was human. The story ends with a marriage between Prince Doug and Carla.

             After Mr. Fomax read the book, production of the movie went quicker. The movie was a success, and the fans wondered when the sequel would be coming out….. The End.

July 20, 2023 18:16

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