Christian East Asian Fiction

Emily is obsessed about praying. Her mother Katrina taught her how to pray every night to ask favors from God. The first thing that she asked is to protect her overnight and also called the angels to watched over her. Emily always followed her mother on how to say her prayer. When she entered her kindergarten class at a private religious school she was asked to recite a prayer before meals which she carried it home to pray for God's blessing during their meals. Emily didn't understand at all why her mother is very anxious to let her say a prayer. What does a prayer means.? A prayer is the open conversation of man with God. Emily learned the meaning of praying to God. It is the third person that can not be seen but it can be felt. It is the source of all positive emotions which is love joy hope mercy and compassion. Without God man is nothing. Children doesn't ask why they do things if they do they maybe reprimanded or they will be scolded if they do not do what has been told. Emily became an obedient child and if she is able to do good things God will give her many things and He will answer her prayers. Emily's life revolved within her mother's and father's wishes. Even in dealing with their house pets a dog, a kitten , a chicken and a duck she is trained to be kind to them, to feed them on time so that they will not get sick but grow healthy The cat and dog are raised to guard them if there are intruders to come to their house. The bark of their dog Spotty would drive away wild animals to come to their vegetable garden to eat their plants like the rabbits while their cat Racuna drives away the mice that come to steal their food. Emily doesn't really question if she does everything for their animals because they are really helping them. Unlike his brother Robin that don't follow his parent's orders but he will leave the house to go to his friends. When he comes home he is scolded by not helping Emily at home. Sometimes Robin helps in washing the dishes but not in cooking. Emily learned how to cook the rice. Rice can not be cook on top of a stove if you don't know the trick. Let it boil then lower the heat when it is already boiling. Katrina let Emily understand that even a single grain of rice doesn't get into their house if God doesn't allow it. That will only happen if Emily will work. From day to day her parents notice the effects of training Emily to do the household chores. They don't need to tell her what to do anymore , she voluntarily do them until she finishes them. To Robin he is not able to follow what Emily is doing everyday. He will say to her , it is not his work as a boy, it's a girl's work. Even if Katrina will tell him that his father does it too he doesn't listen to her. Emily learned to pray using a rosary given by their school religion teacher. At night she will recite the rosary kneeling in front of their small altar where a sculpted statue carrying a heavy cross in a position on his way to Calvary. As far as Emily understands their religion teacher explained to their class why He is carrying the heavy cross. Emily is very thankful that her parents taught her how to do good things like helping them at home. Besides she could work well with her classmates and teachers while she is already attending secondary school. She is assigned to many other task like checking the assignments of her classmates in English. It is very simple to check their mistakes in Spelling. Their teachers vouch her honesty and obedient character. She has only three friends Tammy, Ellie and Solita. in school whom she goes along with to church and attending school extra curricular activities. She is not good in sports at all. Her friends are not good either. They are the audience during sporting events and cheerers too. Maybe they have develop their crashes but Emily is too serious what she learn and understand in their religion class. She has to pray that God protects her from the male gender being the cause of their conflict with God in the Garden of Eden, Why does Emily has to avoid the opposite sex? When God told them not to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden no one admitted the blame , pointing fingers to each other God was so angry driving them away not to mind their affairs anymore. This knowledge dig deep into the mind of Emily. Imagine men has to work hard to earn a living for his family. The worst thing that happened to mankind up to now. That's why Emily didn't say anything when her three friends agreed to be their escorts in the Youth Military Training. Emily heard Tammy got married few months after their secondary school graduation. It's to early to marry at a young age. What is the future of their children? Emily agreed to go with her cousins and study in the university. She tries to avoid the opposite sex so that she can concentrate in her line of specialty which is Early Childhood Education. This is the only course that her parents can afford for her to take unlike her cousins taking medicine and law school. That is the biggest dream of a parent to see their children finish their schooling. Sometimes her parents cannot send her allowance on time and her tuition is being paid by installment. She prayed hard to God and she wrote her prayer in a piece of paper and read it every time when she ask God for a favor. She included her parents in her prayers that God will give them strength recognizing everything in the universe is owned by Him and He will give it according to His will as long as you ask it in prayer. A person must ask forgiveness to God if they know they have committed a mistake. It is only this time Emily realized that her Mother let her do home chores to develop her good characters. His brother didn't listen and do things who is having a hard time to organize his activities in a meaningful way He gets into trouble hanging out with friends when they don't give what he wants. He expects that they would help him. They all live on school allowance and who would spare if they only have it for a month. Robin would spend it with friends but they wouldn't do the same. He alwas feel short of money but Emily knows how to budget her allowance. Emily didn't know that her landlady who is their relative matched her with a nephew who is their boarder too. Emily prayed to God about her fear of getting married. The marriage went through anyway when her parents and the family of Ricardo agreed to their wedding. Emily pray and pray reading the prayer she has written to solve any problem that she encountered. Many don't believe the miracle of prayer the secret weapon to face the challenges and trials in life. It may happen to a sick and terminally ill person that through prayers and supplications of others God answered their prayer. The same thing to what happened to Ricardo who is bullied by his co-workers that he has to leave his post. Through prayers Emily holding to the promise of God that if people will follow Him like Emily He would give her anything she wants. Thus through her prayers Ricardo got back his position and he was paid of all his back wages. There was a court order issued by the judge that the case cannot be opened. The company cannot drag all the people written in the complaint that it will result to the closure of the company where he worked. Emily firmly believed her secret weapon which is the Lord's Prayer written on paper is a powerful prayer.

September 24, 2024 22:20

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