Surprise, surprise, Surprise

Written in response to: Write a story with a huge surprise, either in the middle or the end.... view prompt


Adventure Fiction Mystery

It started out to be one decent day, or a decent moment or even decent whatever. I was wanting this to be a simple basic day, and it was beginning to be just that.

"What could go wrong?" "What could happen to change this from a simply awesome day, into a day filled with more questions than answers?" "What could cause this day to become more of one filled with regret and being sad, instead of happiness and joy?"

Your guess is as good as mine would be or could be, yet I was not sure how to or where to begin. I was surely wanting this good starting day to remain as it had begun. I was not prepared for the Surprise that I would be given, even if I had planned this all out my own self.

The day was not anymore unusual as any other day, a workday filled with various plans that had been scheduled in along with the other day's business, so it was one of those to look forwards to.

I walked slowly, entering a coffee shop and finding a place to wait for my order I placed before heading to work. After a short wait, I heard my number called, stepped up to the counter to retrieve my order, then left.

My first sign would have been when one friend, entering the coffee shop, bumped into me and we then stopped to chat. They finished chatting, then we parted ways. I turned towards the stoplight, turning right, and crossed the light, closely being ran down by a speeding vehicle, running the light.

I was in shock, at my near-death experience. I was never more scared, recovering, going towards my next stop. I was near the donut shop, entering in, and placing my second order.

I was sitting inside, waiting for my number to be called, and after they called me, I stood up, fell backwards, and lost the coffee I had purchased before, hitting my head on a table leg.

I woke from blacking out, was being helped up, sitting in the chair by the table, and was asked repeatedly, was I ok. I nodded. The employees nearest me asked, "Can we get you a new order of coffee?" I nodded in reply, "Yes".

I had been sitting in the chair, waiting, when the friend I had bumped into walked over to me and sat down. Nothing said, just looking at me and staring.

Then they said to me, "I noticed you and I are at the same places at the same time". I replied, "Yes that seems to be the case here". I then heard the cashier call me up, handing me another group of coffee, along with my order of donuts, with that I headed out the door.

This was the second sign, which had included both times of my meeting my friend again. I looked around to say something, when as I turned to speak, they were nowhere to be found. I did not know how to respond, walking down the street.

I was about to the stoplight, turning left again, and almost fell into an open manhole. I stopped suddenly. I was within inches of falling in when I worker seen me and pulled me back.

I was so close to my office building; I was shown a separate way to go. I then headed back and around into the alleyway.

I was looking for a back door to enter when a police car pulled up. Two police officers, jumped out, rushed to my side, and threw against the car, handcuffing me.

I was in shock and was only told not to say anything without a lawyer present. I obeyed and kept my mouth shut.

The back door opened a few minutes later, with one of the police officers, pulling me back out and uncuffing me. He stated "Wrong man" or something like that. I then noticed my coffee and donuts had been dropped on the ground.

I walked away from the police officers. I continued down the alley, and arrived at the back door, opening it with ease. I entered the building and headed in the direction of my office, on the 14th floor.

I came to the elevators, seeing no one nearby, and was beginning to worry that I was late. When the elevator door opened, it was squeaky and unnerving. I hate loud odd noises so early in the morning.

This was the third sign. I was not sure what to expect or what would welcome me when I arrived on the floor that held my office.

I started to get more nervous and as the doors opened, I was met with nothing. No people, no movement, no noises, nothing.

I ran out and was looking for anyone, yet seeing no one, ran back to the elevators. I was too late, before they closed. I was not sure how long I could wait for, then headed towards the fire escape stairway.

I went through the door, was met with loud banging and flames all around me. I moved backwards, then I decided to chance it and ran head on into the far wall before free falling.

I felt the heat from the flames, felt the fall and screamed. I had no idea how long it lasted. I must have blacked out again, waking up, seeing several people reaching out to lift the stretcher in the ambulance.

I then noticed through half closed eyes, lots of people and lots of noise. I was asked some questions, before I passed out again.

Later I woke up in the hospital observation room, with my temperature being taken. All I could make out was it was extremely high and the doctor asking to have some X-rays done. I fell asleep and was in and out of consciousness.

I woke up later soaked and wet from the nurses and orderlies, placing me in a tub of ice. I was dressed in a gown before returning to the observation room. I was very cold. I was not sure what had happened. I was sure that the three signs, had started the day in the direction that I was hoping was only a bad dream or nightmare.

February 23, 2025 04:49

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