Panoramic Deception

Submitted into Contest #241 in response to: Start your story with an unexpected betrayal.... view prompt


Thriller Mystery Suspense

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Her -- Them -- He -- Conundrum ... Death?

Sad truth in matters is he ultimately never knew such an ominous end was possible, and even still, never in his God given did he expect "she" would be the culprit to deliver such a sinister possibility. Life -- Death and all in between flash as he stares down three corrivals, a burgundy bodied King James version bible, three perfectly placed Bambu ready rolled J's of exotic weed, and 1 (Sig Sauer P226 MK25 9mm pistol, with one bullet). As off current, his hands bound, nylon and sisal piercing the skin to Scarlett - Vermillion irritation. All in unison in a mid sized hotel room on the outskirts of a random Connecticut suburb, well, not so random for residents of Stamford.

It's a brisk autumn day as cascading leaves brush the hotel window fronts as if visually intrigued. All in hotel unison -- Her -- Them -- He -- Conundrum ... Death?

As he sits bound, her intently watching, two athletically dressed millennials with matching (Rogan) forearm tattoos share a single Camel cigarette; ping ponging fro and back like a masterful competition between two Table Tennis Major Leaguers. Her, Elizabeth, asked with a definitive feminine conviction, "Did you two properly take care of the pre rolls"? Him, Sanjiah inquisitively listening intent; the two gentleman with names momentarily unknown give a sarcastic nod in frustrated unison like multiple Taylor Swifts September 2009. They respond. (Well at least one of them): "What really are you thinking"? "We some types of full idiots out here"? "Cause I could have swore we already discussed this like" --- Elizabeth, more Curt than "13" Mr. Hall of Fame Warners himself, speaks: "Please spare me the sensitives as all basis needs an inevitable cover, and it's inevitably my job to cover". (Rolls eyes then shoots underneath breath) "Guys are so sensitive these days, my God". Sanjiah looks, analyzes, and internally plans; him and perspiration a dazzlingly perceptible pair. Joint cigarette amongst family now complete; the room filled with a mysterious buzz as all involved are more than random acquaintances and definitely know each other's person.

Her -- Them -- He -- Conundrum ... Death?

Sanjiah once again stares intently as he ponders why the once 'located lover' now has him tied and bound in a room with 2 gentleman who as of today were his "work buddy" (however no where near fully social friends) fantasy football participants. As such knowing them by names (at this point realizing); their work titles an elaborate ruse. That now realized dreaded mailroom employment equipped with installed assailants. But how did I miss this, and how was I to know?

'No need for laments. Think! Mailroom. Work. Related. Razor blade. "Yes". Mental note for future reference but for now, "Elizabeth"!

One hot summer, (the after - aught portion) two thousand and something, Sanjiah Eastmont met the alluring Elizabeth Sessions, (later reveal of a different last name). From initial sight plus meeting, he felt the connection as did she in mutual intrigue and allure. This Hov like stated "Allure" linked the two in a way where references like "Biggie & Tupac", "Shaq & Kobe", "Mr. & Mrs. Smith", or once again, "Taylor & Kanye" were fitting linking pairs. Even though they shared a bit, he would have to admit that when it comes to family history she would become uncharacteristically reticent and self contained. He notices this as they have discussed in prior conversation but was always passed off as insignificant after thoughts. In there intimate talks Sanjiah would often talk of an acquaintance (from his youth) that left quite an impression on him. In these cryptic discussions, as he had an unusual past and didn't know who to trust in the form of conversational restraint, he would refrain, however willfully offer the name of Ricky. He wouldn't speak much to Elizabeth of Ricky, only that he was a good guy but highly "troubled". Elizabeth would nod with a mull over look of puzzlement plus inquisition. Once again, not saying much but that once he "helped" his older acquaintance with something. That aspect of conversation usually a moot point. Their bond continued to grow and blossom so ... How did it come to: Her -- Them -- He -- Conundrum ... Death?

Reflection now, (from Sanjiah) faded like a lost love stuck in the hollow liquid bubble effect of a sliding dew drop against rooftop paneling. However, Elizabeth now present, face to Sanjiah face, ready to answer all his questions of why, why and more why! She walks over and sits confrontationally, inciting Beatrix Kiddo vibes. She then asks why he's been so quiet (injecting an annoyingly bairn dialect), followed by a rhetorical giggle as (to point, it's been failed to mention) he's been obviously gagged. She slides off the homemade inhibitor. He asks, or rather shouts "Elizabeth, what the --- She convo -cuts again too as male aggression bothers her absolutely none. Hush. Hush. She leads with an investigative inviting question. "You ever hear of The Family"? "No" Sanjiah exclaims with a seemingly earnest disoriented response. Her: "How about The Children of God"? He, once again seeming to process no clue and ponders intently, however the infamous "Tat Twins" believe him not as they excite, looking towards the pistol. Elizabeth quickly relaxing her cousins with ease. What? Cousins? (Sanjiah's curiosity at full peak). Yup, Elizabeth refers to one of the jobly fantasy participants as cousin, but no governments tossed about.

Elizabeth then displays a vintage formal documentation of birth. Sanjiah scans, pauses, then eyebrow flexes as "Sessions" is no where to be found. What is found however is a secret she has been masterfully hiding. Smith, Smith, he mulls and scans, then asks "So what is this supposed to mean"? Elizabeth brews with contempt but calmly retorts, "it means my real name is Elizabeth Smith and you (along with that guy) murdered my great aunt Angela Smith. Sanjiah states, "But I had nothing to ... Elizabeth speaks, "Please save it", Please. But what will happen is, I'm going to take that beautiful piece of 9mm ingenuity, I'm going to shoot you, then me and my cousins are going to smoke this weed, (not to just smoke, as the J was laced with poison) but to follow in honor a one Mr. Jim Jones; equating "that act" performed on that Guyanese soiled nightmare. Quickly Sanjiah reflects as that move he performed with his older pal Rickey Rodriguez, whom he helped (supplying money, plus planning advise, and housing), "with something"; that something being murder, or revenge, or therapy, or a crime? Who knows, but either way, What A "Panoramic Deception" amongst all.

In one instant, everything becomes scope fully transparent to all involved, once again (so it seems). Elizabeth, done with mystery shoots straight to it. She confesses how she is a long descendant of Angela Smith, associate secretary of Karen Zerby and the infamous David Berg, father to many, criminal to all. She tells how all passion filled nights and conversation filled mornings were simple emotional filler; all for leading to this frightening encounter. Her psyche oozing with revenge as she walks towards the window (however never revealing how she snared her dear Sanjiah); both cousins preparing for the final act. Sanjiah, feeling of Brutus, Et Tu? But does he really? Remembrance of flashback: Mailroom. Work. Related. Razor blade. "Planted". FREE! What an un - Freudian flip. Impromptu possum played genius as he now definitely possesses the gun. Her -- Them -- He -- Conundrum ... Death?

Unbeknownst to Elizabeth, or her dedicated cousins (who also are descendants of "The Family"); had no idea Sanjiah was stalking Elizabeth from the begining proving a diverting decoy the entire time. However played tho, Elizabeth targeting "him" as well his two work affiliates being her relatives proved newfound news; also never expecting to be snared this way. With one aggressive move, plus capture of Sig 9mm pistol he lines his assailants against the hotel wall unit. Sanjiah then cocks the gun, whispers, utters under his breath and ... (light mermer of revenge for his "fellow" troubled suicidal friend) ... goes to squeeze but realizes there's only one chambered bullet (bullet for him, 3 rolled poisonous J's for "The Members)".

Tense situation ensues in this dreaded hotel room -- Her -- Them -- He -- Conundrum ... Death?

Oh what a Panoramic Deception performed by "All"!

March 10, 2024 18:49

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