Adventure Creative Nonfiction Happy

Riveted. They continue to eye each other She begins to step down to the dock. And with her first step, she falls into his arms. “What the hell is happening to me?” She knows she is fading, into unconsciousness but her mind is actively trying to relate to all that is happening. “Who is this man and why is he so familiar? And why am I detoured from my objective? I was following BT, I need him back at any cost. Damn it, he is mine. But this…this man, he’s carrying me because I fainted? I never faint. What the hell? What is going on? Think…on the ferry…then at this island and faint. I don’t faint. I am liking the feel of this man. Strong and familiar…but faint? Go back. There’s a spell…it’s a protection spell…against me? And now it’s all fading. I have never experienced this. I’m too good for this.” Black.


After the littles finish their chore, they watch as Colin heads to the castle. Saoirse’s sense is piqued. It lets her know there’s something up with him and she wants to see what it is. She tells Finn to come with her for an adventure. They have free access to all their land and their uncle’s place is no different. They come and go with a freedom of joy and playfulness.

They walk into his kitchen as their usual fair, she wonders through the living room then climbs her way to his bedroom. Finn follows with excitement as if they are playing hide and seek. Because she always has a way of making things fun for them. Saoirse peeks in through the ajar door as if she is spying which makes Finn even more excited. He bends below her to copy her stance.

What they find is way more than they could have ever imagined. Saoirse pushes the door open further making it squeak like she knows it would do. This arouses the most beautiful woman they have ever seen.

The stranger puts her hand to her head and yelps with pain, then she is startled to see two young red heads staring at her. She tries to push herself up in alarm but falls back down to the pillow in a daze. Saoirse rushes to her, grabs her hand to calm her and orders her brother. “Finn, go get her a cloth and wet it for her head.” She turns back to the stranger and quietly says. “Ye are alright and safe too. Don’t ye worry lass.”

The woman stares at her and tries to take her hand back. Saoirse rambles quickly to explain. “Ye are safe, we are at our home. We call it a castle, but its really not. This is our uncles place. He is very nice. We like him a lot. He put you here to rest. Did you hurt your head? Is that why he brought ye here?”

“I, I dunno.” She mutters, scrunches her eyes and rubs her head harder. As if this would help her remember where she is. Finn hands his sister the cloth, then stands back in a shudder.

“Finn, it’s alright. She is scared. She doesn’t know us yet. It’s alright brother.” Saoirse tries to alleviate his distress as she holds fast to the woman’s hand. She turns back to her and states. “I am sorry, we haven’t introduced ourselves. I am Saoirse and this is my brother, Finn O’Reilly. This is my uncle’s room, his name is Colin. What is your name?”

The woman stares hard at her in dismay. She pulls her hand back and puts both to her temples. The throbbing continues to torment her as this child rattles on and on. What is this place, how did I get here and who are these children?

As if the girl can read her mind, she continues very slowly as if talking to a small child. “Ye have come to our home. What is your name?”

“ehhh, I, I dunno…” Shaking her head in her hands. Continuing to stare at the two of them through webbed fingers.

“Ye óicé, ehhh, you okay. Safe here.” Saoirse tries a different tone to calm her. Then turns to Finn. “Maybe she doesn’t know our Irish, Finn. What do you think?”

Finn turns to his sister. “Sour, ye talking too fast for her.” Then he walks up to the bed and touches the top of the woman’s head. “My Mam does this when I don’t feel good. Does this help you?” He smiles bravely at her.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Ye are very pretty. Ye hair is sooo red, like fire, but very pretty. I like how it goes everywhere!”

She smiles. “Thank you!”

Saoirse steps up to her after returning from the kitchen with a glass of water, she places it out to her, addressing her as Finn continues to stroke her head. “Finn, maybe she can sit up now. To drink this water? What do you think Bhean, ehhh Lady?”

“Yes. Thank you.” The two move back a step, she pushes herself up slowly. Stays a moment, then takes the glass. She sips slowly at first, then takes in the rest. The water dribbles down her chin.

The two dotes look at each other, smile, then sputter laughter. They look back at her and she begins to laugh too. When their laughter subsides, she scoots her legs around to sit at the edge of the bed. She pats her hands on either side of her to invite them to sit. They oblige and continue to laugh, all of them holding their aching bellies.

The woman finally wipes her chin and eyes. She attempts to explain. “You two are such a lovely find. Thank you for your kindness. The light here is so wonderful. I may not remember my name but I know I have never seen such a lovely light as with you two! Maybe I have done something really good to deserve this!”

Suddenly Saoirse exclaims. “Finn, let’s take her to The Castle. Let’s show her off!”

“Grand!” Finn jumps off the bed taking the stranger’s hand. Then looks up at her and asks. “What do we call you? Ye don’t remember your name? ‘cause your head still hurts? I know! Dearg!”

“Finn, I like it!” Saoirse calls out. She sees the befuddlement in the woman’s eyes and spouts. “Red. It means red!” They all laugh again Saoirse takes her other hand and they lead her down the stairs and out side. All smiling, they walk the worn path to The Castle.

Saoirse gives Red a walking tour of their land. As they approach, they see Jimmie’s lorry. “Looks like we have more company!” She exclaims.

Finn spouts. “Ye mean Family!” And they laugh again.

December 27, 2024 23:31

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