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Teens & Young Adult Middle School Sad

It all started on a snowy Sunday, a day before my mother died from pneumonia. Now don't go feeling all pity and upset for me because that is what everyone in town does and I hate it! But let's rewind a little. My mom died the day before my second birthday from pneumonia. We obviously knew that she had it before she died from it. She was diagnosed with it 3 months before my second birthday and every month it got worse. We all hoped and prayed that she would survive but when she left my touch forever, I never got my hopes up again. It was also the only time when I saw my dad drain the bathtub full of water in his eyes. It's like I have never seen him so upset!

But now we are trying to have a fresh new start because the past is the past and you can't change it no matter how much you want to, 'cause trust me if I had the power to change the past I would have done it a long time ago. Anyways, most people who have lost their parents usually have a hard time making friends, but not me! I have 2 best friends, Adah and Aaliyah. Adah is a pretty and brave person while Aaliyah is the smartest person I know! In school on her report cards, she always gets straight A+'s! Today we hung out together at Adah's house and then Adah said," Hey guys, wanna go to the mall, my mom could drive us and we could go to that new store, of course we'll wear our masks and put on some gloves."

"Sure, I mean it sounds like fun! You in Anya?"

Anya, that is what my mother named me and I always felt a little rush of hot blood running through my body when I heard the name. "Sure, but 6 feet away from everyone else!" They both nodded in agreement.

So we asked Adah's mom, but more like begged, and she reluctantly drove us there. Once we got there, we got the usual lecture about staying safe and then we were off to the slime store first. After buying the materials and some of their best slime, we still had money to burn. If I didn't mention before, Adah's family is a billionaire and surprisingly doesn't live in a mansion. So next stop was the new fancy and expensive store called, Fame. We went in and looked around for things our size, everyone was friendly until we asked one of the co-workers if they had Aaliyah's size for a pretty purple dress that we found in the cheaper section of the store. She had a harsh attitude when she said, "Hold on a sec, I am busy with someone else right now." Then she walked to a lady who looked like a fashion model and wasn't happy about something.

"What do you think you are doing?" The fashion model lady said harshly.

"Um, I don't know what you are talking about ma'am" She sounded nervous.

"Do you think that you can just ditch those kids and go to me and not assist them first, even though they asked to be helped before me?"

"I am sure they were just window shopping! It's fine."

They just continued arguing so we left to make sure no one would involve us in it. We also promised to never tell a single soul.

The next day was the day when I got downstairs, my dad said good morning cheerfully and told me that we were going to the Wafflemaker's Bakery for breakfast. "Strange, we went there yesterday too." I said to myself as I slipped on a pair of shoes. After the delicious breakfast, I decided to practice my piano. I haven't played it in a while, so I decided to see how much I knew and remembered from the last time I played it. After playing, I felt pretty good because I remembered everything! Then, my dad asked me if I wanted to go to the mall with him because he was going to get flowers to put them next to mom's gravestone. I told him I was actually just going to stay at home and rest. That is exactly what I did until the phone blared with the agitating ringing noise. I went to go pick it up but when I looked at the number on the home phone, I almost started crying.

"Hello, this is Anya Winn, how may I help you?" I said in a shaky voice.

"Hi Anya, are you related to Josy Winn?" Oh no, Josy was my dad's name!

"Um yes, is something wrong?" I asked, sounding more scary than I thought.

"Ok you don't need to panic but your father had an accident."

"What! Is he ok, did he live, where is he, what happened?!"

"Ok Anya, slow it down here," There was no way I could slow it down, I don't want to be an orphan!

"He did live but is in the hospital, I believe is a little banged up and he was on the highway when a driver just stopped the car and moved it back. Turns out the driver was a bad person, don't worry, your father is fine and the bad guy is in jail. Right now we are sending police cars to come and pick you up to go see your dad, ok?"

"Ok." I responded in a squeaky voice. But really I knew that it was not ok and everything would change because of this accident. The rest was a blur, I mean, after hearing this news I remember crying and then fainting, so when the police arrived they thought I was dead. Then I remember being rushed to the ER and then I woke up. When I woke up I was lying on a white cot and had bruises on my arms and legs. Before I knew, it the doctor said I was ok and I could go and see my dad. He was alive and breathing but he was in a wheelchair.

"Hi honey, are you ok?"

"Daddy what happened?"

"I am fine but the wheelchair is permanent I think, I am sorry honey."

"It's fine and I am fine too." Then I heard the best news I could have possibly heard by the doctor. She told me that he would recover but it would take time, enactment, and fortitude. It was a miracle! So now here we are in the hospital after a month trying to help my dad stand up and walk. I didn't have time to talk to my friends anymore 'cause of my dad. Days and days passed and then on a sunny friday my dad asked, "Anya, what is the date?" Gosh, I had no idea because everyday was like the next. "Um... I dunno dad, everyday is just like the last and so many days passed, that I lost track!"

"It's fine let me check on my phone." Then that was the day where I remembered that I forgot the date! I couldn't believe it, because of Corona, staying indoors, and helping my dad by doing the same thing repetitively. I got back on track with the dates within a couple of days, but those dates in my head didn't last long enough. Within a week I again forgot the dates again! Thankfully daddy got me a phone to help me keep track of the dates. After a year of hard work and stamina, dad finally got to get off that stinkin' wheelchair! Now I'm working on remembering the dates while my dad is serving breakfast at Wafflemaker's Bakery. It all happened so fast that I was just relieved everything was back to normal. Back to normal, meaning still having to wear masks and distancing myself from others, but it also meant being with friends again and enjoying my life. So yeah, that is practically what happened, and my mom would be so proud if she saw everything and hey, I got the dates right now!

March 10, 2021 19:49

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Namadhila Akuupa
08:54 Mar 18, 2021

This is beautiful!


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