High School Happy Teens & Young Adult

There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in. It is the time that childhood time can create a lesson for the future. The experience from being a child can help us be good and mature adults.


              It is like what happened to Jimmy as well when he was a primary school kid. He had a friend, Mac who sat beside him in class. He came to school with a cool and light bag and he didn’t carry many books because he would like to make the bag cool.


              When it’s time for studying, Mac asked Jimmy to share the book with him. At first, Jimmy shared him because he thought Mac might forget to bring a book that day. But he didn’t bring the book for every day. So one day, Jimmy thought that he would like to teach him a lesson of preparing himself and bringing the book to school. Then, he didn’t share Mac the book. The teacher saw Jimmy on that day, she blamed Jimmy and taught him that he should be generous to his friend.

             Jimmy grew up and was a generous kid after that. He gave but did not take from others much. When there was an exam, he did it well as he prepared well for the exam all the time. When his friend asked him for help, he didn’t think about morals. He did the exam and let his friend saw the answer on his paper. He thought he didn’t do something wrong because he wasn’t the one who copy but just be careless letting the other copy him. Then, his friend copy some of the answers in his paper. The teacher saw Jimmy that day, she pinched on his arm and told him to keep his exam paper with himself.


              His friend felt guilty that made Jimmy hurt. He said sorry and didn’t ask to copy the exam anymore and this taught Jimmy that society had good or bad people, but if we are the good people, we should not let the bad people did the bad thing easily. If we can prevent it, we should help forbid it from happening. The teacher taught Jimmy that if there was no one who let his friend copy, there would be no cheating. 


              Jimmy was sensitive. He felt like friends gossiping about him so he was stressed. But he met a good friend who told him a good tip to think positively. He said to Jimmy that “Other friends didn’t think of us much; we aren’t the center of the world. We aren’t important people to talk about. If we didn’t do something bad, we should not worry. They don’t have time to talk about us all the time. We should be neutral and don’t worry much. The way they laugh might be the joke in their life or about the TV show yesterday that they chitchatted.” So Jimmy thought more positively about those friends.


              Jimmy’s mom loves him much. She took care of him well even when Jimmy worried about his friends. And when he would like to be suicide, she forbade him from doing that. She helped Jimmy with his study and life lesson. She took care of him all the time. But the case that he would like to be suicide made her being stressful and be Alzheimer. Jimmy felt guilty that made her being this symptom that he should not create a problem and made his family stressed. Right now, he just told his mom that he loved her but he didn’t know that she realized it or not. But he thought it is the warm feeling that might be touched with her heart. He thought the relationship and the feeling can pass through telepathy. So he expected she would realize how much he missed her so much.


              The experience with Jimmy about his friends and his teacher taught him to be generous in the right way and do a good deed, not cheating. Sometimes, we should do a good deed with no expectation for return and don’t need to be doubtful that the one we do a good thing to is good enough or not. The teacher might have to ask for more reason from the kid before punishing or blame the student. In the first case, Mac didn’t bring the book many times, Jimmy was generous at first already but he did badly after Mac did badly. And for the second case, the teacher should punish the one who cheated by copying as well, not punish only Jimmy. I think it is more preferable to teach better than punishing much. However, in the case that we help others but it is not good to do, we must not do it. It might be easy for us right now to know what should be done, but for the kid, he might not know about it easily, he must have to be experienced and learned from that. And the experience of him and his mom told us that mom always loved her kid no matter what happened, she would protect her son. Even though he could not do anything to solve it better, he would like his mother to be happy and proud of him. He would like to say to her that she saved his life and made his day happy now and he would like his mother to be happy all the time, not have to worry much. He can solve the problem in each case with willpower because he had a mother who’s always there for him all the time. He apologized that he made her being stressed and being Alzheimer. But one day, she would be proud of him that he grew up as a mature and happy adult. Hope this story made you think positively, do a good deed and love your parents much and didn’t make them worry about you. Hope you are happy, everybody. Thank you for reading my story.  

July 16, 2021 17:11

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Chris Rohe
22:15 Jul 21, 2021

I have rewritten your first paragraph below to make it flow easier: There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in. It is the time that childhood time can create a lesson for the future. The experience from being a child can help us be good and mature adults. Ex. Sometimes there's a moment in childhood when the door to the future opens, but this often comes with a lesson. From such a lesson, we learn how to become better adults. I would suggest using Grammarly or other editing software it will help y...


08:50 Jul 22, 2021

Thank you for your suggestion .. :)


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