
I couldn’t believe the new kid had actually asked me to the dance! He was otherworldly handsome with that dark hair and those sexy hazel eyes. I thought for sure he would have asked Donna; she was by far the most popular girl in our grade anyway. But no, he asked little old me, Andrea Verick. I certainly wasn’t part of the popular group like Donna, but I also wasn’t a total nerd. I just kind of blended in… I guess. So I’m sure you can imagine my surprise when the new kid that every girl was eyeing approached me about going to the dance.      

      This definitely wasn’t the first dance I had ever gone to with a boy so I really shouldn’t be that nervous but I was! Its as if something inside me was telling me to be on my guard tonight, I just didn’t know why. I wasn’t going to let a little nervousness stop me from enjoying this night though. I had been looking forward to this all week, but like any other high school girl I already had my dress picked out weeks ago and plans with my best friend Jess to get ready together.

“Can you stop moving your head” Jess asked me a little annoyed as she tried to style my hair into an elegant yet casual up do.

Jess wanted to be a hairstylist after high school so who was I to deny my best friend some practice. Of course, at first she wanted to try some crazy super elegant style but thankfully I was able to talk her down to something a little more casual. I did want to look good, but this was after all my first date with Lucien! Actually… this is the first time I will be spending any time at all with him outside of classes.                          

“Ugh, I’m sorry Jess. I’m just nervous I guess.”

“You? Nervous?” She questioned

“Well yea I guess… Maybe its because I don’t know what to expect. I mean I really haven’t talked to Lucien much, I don’t know anything about him yet.” I replied shrugging and getting an annoyed look from Jess for said shrug.

She cleared her throat before saying “That makes sense, he is a bit mysterious but that’s what tonight is for and I mean come on he is quite literally what every girl says they want. Tall. Dark. Handsome. Plus the accent doesn’t hurt. You’re going to have a great time, don’t worry so much.”

“You’re right. Hey are you almost done yet?” I asked as I felt a jab in my head from yet another bobby pin.

“Actually, I am and your welcome by the way. This is some of my best work so far, if I don’t say so myself. Stand up take a look”

I stood up and turned around to see myself in the full length mirror of Jess’s bedroom. Jess really had outdone herself on my hair.

“Its gorgeous, Jess! I mean really…wow!”

“Thank you, thank you” she said while doing a curtsey.

I was slipping into my gold stilettos (that perfectly matched my yellow dress, by the way) as the door bell rang. It was Jess’s boyfriend, James. He had come to pick us up for the dance. I had told Lucien that I would meet him at the dance because I had already planned on getting ready with Jess.   


       The gym was decorated beautifully with lighted curtains and pastel colors for the spring formal. A little cheesy ill admit but beautiful in its own way.

       I’m watching my classmates on the dance floor as I feel someone staring at me from behind. I turn and its Lucien walking up to me . He looks great in his suit, with a tie that matches my dress perfectly.

“You look gorgeous” he says in the wonderful, old world accent as he brings my hand to his lips.

“Thank you. You look great too” I said stumbling over my words. You look great? What was I thinking? Handsome I should have told him he looks handsome, even though that is an understatement.

“ So uh… what made you move to our gem of a town?” I asked a bit sarcastically.

He chuckled a bit

“Well actually my family lived her for generations but moved away 50 years ago or so. I guess I was curious about where my family came from, and so when I turned 18 I left home and here I am.”

“And have you found anything interesting?” I asked genuinely curious.  

“About the town? Not much, but I did meet you. So, so far this town is a gem indeed.”

It has definitely been a while since a boy has made me blush like this, but here I am and I hardly know this boy.

Before I know it my arm is being yanked on, and its not by Lucien.

“Are you two going to talk all night?! Come dance a little!” It was Jess. I looked at Lucien shrugged and smiled as he took my hand and led me to the dance floor.

We danced for a few songs and actually he was quite a good dancer. We spent the slow songs getting to know more about each other. I really didn’t expect to like him as much as I do so fast, I feel like I cant get enough of him already. But I was actually starting to get tired and hot from all this dancing.

“Lucien, do you mind if we get some air?”

“Actually I was just about to ask you the same thing.”

It never really did get too cold here but tonight there was definitely a chill in the air. It feel great on my almost sweaty face though.

“I’m really glad you agreed to come with me tonight Andrea” Lucien said with a shy smile as he put a hand to my shoulder.

“Well I’m glad that you asked me. I really am having a great time Lucien!” We locked eyes and I couldn’t look away as he slid his hand from my shoulder to my cheek. This is it, he’s going to kiss me! I could feel my face getting red again.

“So am I, but I cant believe I almost forgot to tell you how beautiful you look tonight.” He leaned in and in an instant our mouths melted together in the most intense kiss I had ever felt in my entire existence.


April 02, 2020 09:14

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