
The sky was temporarily blue, which indicates that monsoon is on its peak. Birds are silent, underneath some shelters, probably waiting for the rain to end so that they can go home early. Soon the rain started to slow down and eventually it stopped. Again the world started to make noises of thier laughs, talks, horns, chirping of birds by which everyone resumes in their work again.     

Far in the fleur town two kids of same age came running to each other. Must be some kind of business they had. Lara and Michael, they were the most naughty kids in that area. They broked so many things at others home, in parks and other areas. People often use to let them in their houses because of there natural cute faces. But sooner or later they become the same as before. And when they were still not done, bullying small kids use to become another option. 

"Mikky! Let's go to park today" Lara was ready again, filled with vigour in her tone. 

"Ok miss!" He saluted

After having cooking they went up again in a new mission. While walking on the path the kids who were smaller or younger then them were started to look horrified. They started chanting " please don't notice" again and again. Lara was head and Michael was assistant. They both grew up together just after birth. Knowing each other from last 8 years was enough to trust each other, they both were good to each other but worst for others. This was the main reason they didn't had any other friends. But living with each other was the best of all. 


Months were passed. It was Friday again. A beautiful morning with lovely weather, must be something special today. Michael thought while eating his breakfast in front of him. He was lost in his thoughts when someone called him.

"Michael" his mom was somewhat angry at him. But it had became a daily dose so it doesn't matter anymore.

"Yes mom?" He said in boring way.

" YES?? Michael you started to behave like a bad child. I've told you to stay away from that girl. You are just seven and you became like those street side boys." She said after taking a deep breath.

"Let go of a child Mille, if kids will not break things then who will?" His dad was sitting in a nearby sofa, reading newspaper. 

" You never knew to teach him good things. Always, ALWAYS TAKING HIS SIDE! Pampering him like a 4 year old. You always make me wrong in his eyes. Yesterday mrs. Martin was giving me curses, he broke their glass model." She was so furious at this thing that she came back again in the kitchen. 

His dad looked at him and gave him a weak smile then asked "why you both always do such kind of thing? Are you not scared?" 

"Dad we both are a team, and a team never gets scared of such things." He said with a proud smile on his face. His dad laughs and then again concentrates on his newspaper, a little sad.

His mother looked at him and spit out the words he never knew.

" Very good, very good. You know what? She is going abroad tomorrow and will come back again-

"Mille!" His dad shouted furiously.

"What?" Michael looked at them curiously.

His mother became a little scared of her husband's voice so she started to tell Michael in a better way "See Michael Lara is going abroad tomorrow and she must be packing her clothes right now. At least we must tell you" his mom became a little pleasent in her tone.

"Why you didn't tell me? Why she didn't told me that?" He was angry at his mom at his dad or in Lara. But he didn't had te to think about it and went to his home running. Leaving behind his breakfast unfinished. 


"Mom? Michael is my best friend how can I leave him like that?" She was talking to her mother who was still busy in packing things. So she started crying very hard and her mother at last noticed her.

"I am very sorry my girl I never told you before, your papa got transferred to another country just a month ago. I also don't want to leave this place but your Papa's work is more important my daughter" she hugged her tightly and massaged her head so that she could stop crying. And it worked. Soon she fell asleep in her mother's lap. Her mother pick her up and put her in her bedroom and left to the work she was doing.

 It was daytime in December definately not same as summer one but still the day was bright. Under the sun a boy was running very fast, still Michael was shocked after listening what his mom had said. The time he reached her house he took a very deep breath and then shouted very loudly.

"Lara!! Come out!" His voice came out of his throat so loudly that even neighbours got up from there daytime nap.

Lara on the other hand after hearing Michael's voice she got up and went dashing outside to see him. Her mom also came outside and saw her daughter giving handkerchief to Michael so that he could wipe his sweat. Lara's mom was very sorry by the fact that her daughter had to leave such a good friend.

"Lara!...why..you never told me you are going..." His voice started to crack. He didn't wanted to show that he was crying but he failed.

After seeing him crying Lara looked at her mother and nodded. Then she grabed his hands and then they both ran away from her house. He was telling her to stop but she didn't until they reached the same park 'Rose meadow'. They both sat down under their favourite tree. She patted him and then gave him a cheek kiss.

"Don't worry Mikky, I will definitely meet you someday again." She was trying to be strong. At least one of them had to.

" But please, don't go or...I will miss you" the years started to fill his eyes again.

"I will also but I promise to you that we will meet again when we will become 18, so that we can marry each other." She said proudly.

"Marry?..." He became red."But we are only 8" he said looking back at her." And I know you will find a husband till then." He said folding his arms up to his chest.

"No I will not. Only you are good. Other boys are playboys" she said with a hmph in her sound.

"Playboys? What does that mean?" He was curious.

"A term playboy means a boy who only knows to play football, volleyball ultimately they never listens to girls" she was learning things very fast and she had great confidence also."but you on the other hand, are the best of all." She smiled.He became redder.

They both laughed and played that whole day. But the time came. She left him alone. All alone. The time passed by and they grew up but they both became untouched with each other after some years. Micheal each year the same day, used to sit under the same tree. Thinking about her everyday made him sad. But he never stopped. Soon he became 18 and more handsome. He waited the whole year but she never came. He hadn't made any girlfriend as one day Lara will came and we both will marry...not marry but a couple. Yes couple.

He became 26, with moustache and beard made him look more of a busy person. He worked on a simple job and had a good salary. Everything was great in life except one thing. 'Love'. Did he mistaked by not making any girlfriend? He had to accept the love letters given by his juniors that time. But why? Why he do so? Because he was "STILL WAITING". 

He woke up one morning and desided to the go to the same park. He knew he is being an idiot again. But he never listened to himself. He wore a coat and went off putting hands on pockets.

The time he entered the park he saw a beautiful women patting the puppies in the ground. He noticed her and smile in a thought that she must be beautiful until now. He sat on the left corner of the bench. The beautiful women came and sat in the right side of the same bench. For a moment of time there was silence then all of a sudden it broked when the women asked Micheal about him.

"Umm hello? Are you waiting for someone? Should I get up?." She asked after standing up.

"Hm?...no-no I mean, no I am not waiting for anyone." He said anxiously." This is just an addiction..." He said becoming serious again.

"Oh I am sorry I asked" she said, still standing in front of him.

"Don't worry about it. Well sit down."

He said politely. 

The women nodded with a smile and sat beside him again.

"So are you?...Waiting for someone?" He asked lightly.

"No I am..." She stand up and went to touch the nearby swings. She was looking at them like she was going to cry any soon." The beautiful memories are buried underground. You want to reach it, but you can't and get bruises, scars instead." She said looking at him directly again.

He didn't get what she said. But his will was telling him to not ask again.

"So...a you are waiting for someone?" He asked after a minute of silence.

"Yes I am waiting for a desired love" she said while holding both of her hands in her chest.

He guessed that she was divorced or something.

"Well so much about me, what about you?" She asked adjusting her sound.

"Oh me... I am waiting for nothing. Just a little idea in mind that she will come back..." He said looking blankly in the same tree where they sat last time.

"Who?"she asked suddenly with a curious face. He looked at her with a blank face" oh...I am so-so really sorry, I am just to much awkward sometimes" she said hiding her voice underneath her breath.

"Lara Brown" he replied hastily.

The moment he told her the name she frozed. In a moment later she replied.

"So did she used to live in this area? Umm when she was like 7 or 8?" She said while stepping towards him.

He looked at her and stand up in his place.

"You...?" He said showing all his teeth.

She looked at him in an apologetic way and came towards him. 

"I am Linda Watson, this letter" she handed him a letter.

The while she spit out her name, an arrow pierced his heart in two pieces. 

"Wha..what is..this?" He said while touching the surface of the letter." I am not gonna read it".

Linda took a deep breath and at last she took it out.

"To my future husband, I never made it to you...." She took a deep breath then continued, "I know I must not be till the time you are reading this. I had the most worst disease of all time. I know I am a bad person as I was not able to Keep our promise..."


July 05, 2020 10:32

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Hope Wells
17:41 Jul 16, 2020

I thought the story telling was very adept and gripping, I especially like the ending. I think it could do with a little more editing, in terms of the spelling.


Swastika Nyopane
01:51 Aug 01, 2020

Ok mam I will try my best next time. Thank you for commenting🤩


Hope Wells
15:26 Aug 01, 2020

My pleasure and keep writing!


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Nandan Prasad
07:46 Jul 16, 2020

Hey, great story! The narration is superb and the twist ending really got me. I thought that would be Lara. Just one thing, you have written 'definately' for 'definitely' somewhere, but otherwise, brilliant story. Keep writing! Also, would you mind checking out my story if it is not too much trouble? Thanks and good luck!


Swastika Nyopane
01:48 Aug 01, 2020

Hello sir, thank you for commenting on my story. And I will keep trying my best to catch everyone else 🤩. Thank you


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Stella Jones
03:00 Jul 12, 2020

I loved the way you tell about those kids. Like they were naughty and did mischievous things together.


Swastika Nyopane
03:11 Jul 12, 2020

Thank you very much. This time I tried my best to write it down🤩


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Lara Smith
09:37 Jul 12, 2020

This story is amazing but in the same way at last we didn't knew who was that girl. Was she her best friend or something?


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