Fiction Sad Friendship

“Can I go outside?” Anna asked. “If you want to suffocate and die you can but I recommend you don’t because I don’t want to get in trouble by mom and dad.” I scolded. “Bu-,” “No buts. We’ve already gone over this a billion times.” I said. “Look, everybody would like to go outside to see the sun and the trees but the things in the past. Okay? I’m sorry you’ve been born in this hideous time, but you’ve got to get over this. This will end soon. Please. Let’s get over this together. Just hold on a bit longer” I whispered starting to tear up. Anna was speechless. It's not every day you could see me crying. “I don't think I’ll be able to hold on if my life is going to be this hard though.” She whispered back. “Then just 2 more years. Please! Just 2 more years and we’ll be free.” I begged. “I’ll try.” She said. 


It had been two years already. It was also the day I dreaded to come. I hoped Anna didn’t notice it had been 2 years. I tried to trick her by not changing the calendar, but it lasted a short time because she noticed me acting suspicious and I’m guessing she kind of stalked on me because she asked me why I wasn’t changing the calendar. So… I guess I got caught by her. That’s why I have to hope that she doesn’t notice the date. The whole day I kept praying, “Don’t look at the calendar. Please don’t look at it right now. Just look at it tomorrow. Please.” In my head. Well there were good news and bad news. The good news was that I got what I wanted. The bad news was that I also got what I wanted. I woke up the next morning to find out Anna noticed the calendar. I started to panic. “Anna, I know what I said 2 years and 1 day ago but please! No.” I begged. “What did you say 2 years ago?” Anna said. Did she NOT remember? Now I was kind of mad at her and myself. She had me worried sick the whole 2 years! “It’s your birthday you silly!” she cried happily. “What?!” I said surprised! Was it my birthday? I didn’t even notice my own birthday! All I knew was the date Anna said, “I’ll try.” Those words haunted me even when it was my birthday! Good thing she finally told me she forgot the day. Now I could sleep never worrying about those words. Although I could stop worrying about those words, they were still stuck in my head like tar. “I’ll try.” Something whispered into my mind again. “No. Stop! Stop! Stop!” I screamed! ‘I’ll try,” some thing kept saying in my head. I opened my eyes to be blinded by the small dim lights. “Stop!” I kept shrieking. “What! What’s wrong?” Anna kept shouting but that was NOT the problem. My brain was about to explode when it stopped. I panted like I ran 30 miles, 30mph. “ah.. keft… scre..” I tried to say. Then I heard a thump. Although my vision was blurry, I saw a re liquid squiggling out the side my head was on. Then I blacked out…

When I opened my eyes, I saw a rainbow bridge like in Asgard. “Where am I!” I shouted. “Hel” “Ahh finally I meet you.” Someone cried out. At first, I couldn’t see him but when I squinted. I could see him. “Who are you…?” “I… am the great Poseidon!” “Stop lying. Your just a hippie with a Bahama t-shirt.” I instantly regretted it. “Who dares to call me! a hippie!” He thundered. “I will only let you go because you are my daughter. There are two doors once you cross the bridge. Choose wisely.” He said and proofed away like, “The Aladdin.” I was speechless. Him? My dad? But I already had a dad! Was he? Could he have been? Mom told me I had another dad… but he couldn’t have been! And Poseidon? The god of the ocean? My dad? And where was this place anyway? And the door? What door? There were so many questions that my head was literally going to explode. I was walking while all the questions popped in my head and the thing that brought my attention was the Door! One said HEAVEN and the other one said REALITY. And the last one said… FREE TRIAL FOR ONE OF THE DOORS. (YOU CAN ONLY CHOOSE ONLY ONE). Holy… am I dead!?! I thought. “Oh no, oh come ON!” I shouted. “No. I can’t die!” Then I realized that I could choose one! Without thinking, I grabbed the reality doorknob. Then, I thought of the trial one. I wondered what it would be to be in heaven though. Since I had a free trial, I chose that one and pressed heaven. Then bright images flooded my brain and then it all ended in a few milliseconds. The problem was, I didn’t even see or hear anything. “Oh come on!” I shouted. Then I heard a something running. Then something licked me! The animal looked familiar… Then I collapsed onto my knees. “Scarlett?’ I whispered under my breath. “Scar…” I said now I was on my knees and crying like a baby. I tried squeezing her but then she disappeared. That must’ve been my trial of heaven. Scarlett. She was my trial. She was the bait of making me trying to go to heaven. Now with Scarlett on the line, the story was different. I was probably going to get everything I always wanted in heaven. My life could last forever in heaven probably unless I chose to get reborn. On the other hand, I wouldn’t get to see my family unless they died. In reality, I would get to live with my family except without the things I want. This was going to be the hardest choice I would have to make in my life. Then a timer on the reality side lit up. “Time to Reality.” It said. I had 10 minutes. I would have to make my choice. “I’ll see you again Scarlett. I promise.” And I twisted the door knob to reality.

March 13, 2021 02:27

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Justine Klavon
21:34 Mar 17, 2021

I really like the idea of this story and how quickly paced it is! It seems to get away from you just a tad in the middle, like your brain was going faster than your fingers could type, which I can totally relate to! Haha. My biggest suggestion would be to break up dialogue (each character should be their own line of dialogue) so that it's infinitely easier to read :)


Somegenius Kid
04:05 Mar 19, 2021

Thanks! : )


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Somegenius Kid
04:06 Mar 19, 2021

Thanks for tip! : )


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Somegenius Kid
02:28 Mar 13, 2021

Kind of connected with the story Best Birthday Present Ever.


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