
I look at my watch ticking 8:40 in the morning. As I'm still trying to catch a cab in this rush hour while others have already got to their work. Me, Kate Wilson who is never on time who tries to juggle even for living the normal daily routine.

My bag strap is sliding down on my left arm as I'm trying to hold the coffee cup in another. I finally get into the cab and reach my destination, Carlos Mario. A place where all the faulty branded clothes are sold at a discounted price. I'm just an ordinary warehouse keeper.

I see my boss Melina rushing towards me with clenched jaw looking like she might breathe out fire any moment and the victim was me. I look up trying to connect to God and ask "Why, why do I always land up with horrible bosses?" Looks like god return prayer when she drops a message saying that the companies 70% shares are sold to a new unknown businessman.

"You should be happy as he is going to change all the higher authorities according to our previous work. You might end up with Jamie if you're fortunate enough. " Melina says with a sly smile.

My eyes widen when I hear his name and I look up again, "Really?!"

No, it's not something to be thankful for. That man is a sexual predator looking for female employees to harass for his pleasure. No one dares to report a complaint against him because he's the owner's son in law. Melina smirks as catches my thoughts and asks all of us to assemble at the meeting hall after lunch at 1:00 pm to greet our new chairman.

"Ha! I heard he has a son and he's not married" Alicia scoffs. Meet Alicia, the girl whom everyone adores and she's my friend. Surprisingly, ain't it? She has all the information or gossips if you call it about everyone around here.

"Well, that's none of our business. I just hope he his kind enough to change the working condition over here. " I say with my fingers crossed.

I look at my watch and see I have 10 minutes more before the meeting starts. So, I grab all my files and walk towards my cabin. I'm self-absorbed in the heap of files when I crash into someone. Before I try to look at the person's face I hear many "OH!" "She's trouble" I hear Melina from the corner somewhere. I'm tensed and scared to even look who the person is. With all my courage I straighten myself to apologize for when I look at those brown stormy eyes.

I'm stunned, I couldn't utter a word for a minute or two but thanks to Ryan, our manager who tries to ease the situation. I just walk at a quick pace to the back of the hall.

He introduces himself and talks about the future plan of the company which gets unheard of by people like me. I doze off in between but Alicia wakes me up. And finally, the meeting gets over.

Fortunately, Melina is still our team lead. We get back to our work as usual but nothing is usual for after looking at those eyes. Which takes me back to the days of my high school.

He was standing there in the queue getting bullied by our Basketball captain and his conceited friends. I was getting ignored by my so-called boyfriend Will-Basketball captain. I could see the spark in his eyes even through his thick-rimmed glasses to fight back but he was holding himself back. I was intrigued at that very moment towards that nerdy guy.

Wait, of course, all might think how a miserable girl like me gets a handsome basketball captain as my boyfriend.

But back then I was more like Alicia, compassionate towards people. Life changes people like it did to that nerdy guy in glasses.

We were both assigned as partners in the computer science class. Slowly we started to hang out with each other and I got to know what an amazing personality he has under those hidden nerd look. I couldn't decipher why would he choose to stay like that, he always avoided such questions.

As the days passed by I didn't bother him much by asking him about it because I fell in love with him. I couldn't see anything wrong about him, he was my perfect match.

But our life can never be perfect, it had to fall apart one day when everyone came to know he was the multi-millionaire business tycoon's only son James William Christopher. It sounds like a fairytale where a poor, sad guy suddenly becomes a famous popular one.

I didn't change my opinion or my love for him. He was still that nerdy guy who was bullied before. But for others, it changed, my ex-boyfriend was actually pleasing him. It's funny right, how just a piece of single information changes everything. Slowly we started drifting apart but my love remained the same for him. Then I heard the news that our cheerleader Shelly was pregnant and it was his child. Fortunately, I left high school and completed my degree from home due to personal reasons.

I did try to talk to him before leaving but he didn't even spare me a glance. It was very tough for me to move on but I had to for my sweetheart.

"Thud!" I hear the loud noise which brings me back to reality. I look at the time and it's really late. My sweetheart would be waiting for me and I can't make him wait. As I'm about to leave Jamie, I mean James sir asks me out for a cup of coffee just for the old time's sake. I don't know why but I just nod my head. I couldn't refuse those sparkling brown eyes.

I thought it would be awkward and definitely, it was. But you know the first thing he told was "Sorry". My mouth was wide open in confusion as to why is he apologizing.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you at that time. Sorry I couldn't ask you why are you leaving, sorry that I couldn't tell you why ...."

I was just numb by his apology. I felt relieved like I was waiting to hear that from 6 years. I didn't know I was carrying this hatred towards him which dissipated in just a few seconds. My body was numb but my eyes were out of control. I cried in front of him, I broke down. I left that place without saying anything.

I reached home and was glad to see him sleeping peacefully which put me to rest. I wanted to forget everything but the next morning is not far away to break me again. I wanted to just stay in the warehouse today as Christmas sale was nearby and we had to split the lots and strategize the sale plan.

He tried to talk to me in every possible way but I'm good at dodging it. Days pass by with overwork pressure as Christmas sale starts and finally we all get a day off on Christmas.

I wanted to buy something really nice for the one person I love more than my life. Just then I get a call from him and guess who notices it, James. He picks up the call as my phone was closer to him. I rush to his side and snatch it from him.

"Ha! I'm not going to ruin it for you" He sounds disappointed and just walks away.

I get back to home and could smell the freshly baked cookies that fills my nostrils. I'm very proud to see him putting efforts into learning how to make cookies for me. Thanks to Alicia who always takes my place when I'm busy. Who wouldn't like to spend time with my adorable handsome boy?

I run and pull him up and kiss his cheeks. "Mama loves you, my sweetheart, my little boy Addy"

"Ewww Mumma, I'm a big boy. Don't kiss me like that" He wipes his cheeks and rushes to take a peek at my bag for his gift.

I and Alicia laugh at his innocence. Alicia also leaves as she wanted to spend time with her sister.

I wait for Adrian's friend who wanted to join us for dinner as his father would be busy. What kind of parent does that?

I make some mac and cheese their favorite and I start baking a chocolate cake.

Just then I hear the doorbell. "Addy look who is at the door"

I thought Alicia was back because she can't stand her sister for too long. But I hear Addy speaking in a cheerful tone to some man. I come out of the kitchen to look who is it.

I stay there unmoved looking at those two bonding, sharing the same eye color. Hearing their laughs in sync like it was supposed to be in my fairytale. His eyes move in my direction and he's as shocked as I am looking at him.

"Mumma" Addy runs towards me hugs my legs where his height reaches. "He's Jonas's dad, he's really cool. I told you about him remember?"

Addy runs back to James "Come, I will show you my house until Jonas comes back from the washroom" He pulls James with his little fingers, putting all his strength.

James looks at me trying to say something but he walks with Addy. I could see thousands of questions in his eyes.

When three of them come back James is the first one to speak

"James is 6 years old, that means you were in university. Is that why you left the university? Will knows about it? "

I don't know what gets into me I slap him hard hearing him ask about Will. Addy and Jonas go silent and I realize I shouldn't have done it in front of them.

But James is unstoppable, he goes to Addy and asks

"where is your father Addy?" He uses his commanding tone.

Addy gets scared and quickly answers "My father is very busy so he could never meet me." He says with a sad face and tears in his eyes. My heart breaks when he says with so many emotions. I never realized until now that he longs for his father.

"What is his name Addy?" James shoots the next question and I try to stop Addy but he blurts "James William Christopher" I shut my eyes when he said his name loudly.

James asks both the kids to go and play outside in the snow. As the door shuts he pulls me harshly and asks "Why? why did you do this?"

"Why, you are asking me why? Where were you when I called you n number of times, I even came to meet you so I could tell you about our child, where were you back then?" I push him hardly slapping his chest and he just stands there without any reaction.

"I even wrote you letters but you didn't reply or were you not interested in taking our child's responsibility? I thought okay, no issues you will talk to me once you know that I'm leaving this place. But you know what I got to know? You were actually busy having fun with Shelly, I'm glad at least you didn't leave her and your other child" I look away while saying her name. I couldn't accept it that he was not mine.

He falls down on his knees and starts crying "I was never involved with Shelly, she got pregnant with Will's child who was cheating on you with her. She tried to hide it by saying it was mine so that the child could have a bright future. One night she left the kid at my house with a letter. I couldn't leave him homeless, I couldn't.." He breaks down covers his face with his palms.

I fall on the ground processing all this new information and the hatred that I had towards him becomes a regret. I just sit there silently. He comes closer to me trying to console me. But I can't face him, how will I face Addy? I didn't give him his father's love which he rightfully deserved neither was I right with Jamie, my Jamie.

He kisses my forehead and says "The mother of my child, my first and last love of my life should never cry." I look at him pleased with tears in my eyes. He kisses away my tears and he bends down to kiss me but we are interrupted by our child.

We both laugh when we see him walking towards us.

He gets up and takes Addy and Jonas outside and mouths me "I will handle"

I'm very nervous, I don't how will Addy and Jonas accept this. They both come in running towards me "Mommy!!" But this time I hear two kids calling me Mommy. I look at Jonas with affection and hug him tightly.

"Thank you so much mommy for the best Christmas present ever. Thanks for giving me my father and a brother" I kneel down to hug both of them.

Jamie clears his throat "Don't you think the picture is missing without me?" All four of us start laughing. He joins our group hug. Our FAMILY group hug.

Fairy tales do exist after all. Don't give up on it. Fight for it.

August 09, 2020 19:30

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