Fantasy Fiction

She's gone. Where did she go? I can't find her anywhere. I close my eyes and say her name, Melody. Nothing, she disappeared. I need her back. I can't do this on my own. I need her by my-side.

Take a deep breath Juniper. You can do this. My work is too important to me and I need Melody to finish. Now the important question. How do I summon Melody?

Melody is my muse. My creative muse. Melody is one of only a handful of muses that inspire creative people like myself to find the inspiration and the power to do good work.

For the longest time I've been having trouble finishing my book. I tired so many things to cure my writers block but nothing has been working.

Then a little over a month ago something in me changed. I began to feel different. I didn't know what it was. One thing I knew for sure my writers block was cured.

I was happy. I wasn't angry or frustrated anymore. The words flowed easily from my brain to paper. My book was close to being finished. Now she's gone.

I'm lost again. I've lost my creative inspiration. here is the problem I'm dealing with. A muse is very rare. These magical beings show up in the most dire of circumstances.

No one knows when a muse is there. You can feel their energy and see their name. You can feel their guiding light. I know I felt Melody. Her guiding light was a source of comfort for me.

Avalon waters is a magical island filled with magical beings and non-magical beings. It is also my home. I am a non-magical being who loves to write.

There are many times when I would get writers block but it wasn't as bad as it was before Melody came to me. For a non-magical being having a muse is like having magical powers. I need her back.

To get my bearings straight, I walk out of my house and go to my favorite place the waterfalls. Maybe going there would help me thing of a way to get Melody back.

Something is seriously wrong. Avalon waters is not the same place it once was. I ask my friend Kane about it. He just shrugs. I can only guess his muse is gone too. As is every other muse in Avalon waters.

Kane is also non-magical. Half of Avalon waters is non-magical. Which means half of the people are going uninspired. This is not good. This is leaving us non-magical beings vulnerable and unprotected.

I made it to the waterfalls. It's beautiful and serene. I love coming here. It's peaceful and helps calm me down. I need that right now. I need all the help I can get.

I need to figure out what's going on then I need to do something about it. I need to find away to summon Melody and the muses back to all of us.

I don't even know how this happened. It's like someone or something took our muses from us. But why?

I think over and over again about how this could have happened. How all of the muses could have disappeared. I have come to one conclusion. The magical beings are being this.

That's the only reason I can come up with. The magical beings always viewed us non-magical beings as second class citizens not worthy of any magic. They view Avalon waters as there's. They treat us with such disrespect.

Another reason why the magical beings wants our muses is because it gives them a power boost. I bet they say what the muses did to us non-magical beings and they want the power for themselves.

Now for the big question. How does a non-magical being get the muses away from a magical being? I know no nom-magical being is going to want to face the magical beings. So, it's up to me to do it.

I know the magical beings are watching to see what we will do. So, I have to tread very carefully.

After thinking for quite a while I finally figured out where I need to go. There is one place in all of Avalon waters where non-magical beings can go and use magic freely.

The southern caves way out of the reach of the magical beings. I never been there but I have heard stories of non-magical beings who went to the southern caves. There stories weren't easy to hear.

Some of them had a difficult time using magic. This is the only way I can thing of to get Melody and the other muses back. I set off on my journey immediately.

As I walk through Avalon waters on my way to the southern caves, I see first hand how my non-magical beings are suffering.

The inspiration we all get from our muses makes our home beautiful and colorful. Now Avalon waters is grey and gloomy.

I'm mad at the magical beings for doing this to us. I have to keep a clear head. Using magic is not for the faint hearted. I have to be very careful. I will get you all back.

I made it to the southern caves. Those talismans hanging on the trees are there for a reason. To ward off the magical beings. To keep this place safe for non-magical beings.

I walk to the caves and enter. I follow the trail that's been left and head to the deepest part of the caves.

For my first time being here, I'm not scared. My determination is fueling me to do this. I reach the deepest part of the caves. Wow, look at this place. There are so many books and candles and so many other things I don't recognize.

I start looking at the books. I go through them one by one until I find the one I need. How too summon a muse? I open the book and begin to read.

Oh My! This is going to be so complicated. I need the blood of a magical being. How am I going to get it? Then I need the blood of a non-magical being. That's easy to get.

I have to mix both of them up. Then I need an Alyssum flower and a Moonflower. I have to mix them in with both types of blood. Then I have to sprinkle water from the waterfalls.

Lastly. I need a special wand called the mystic willow wand. Then a few words from the book of spells and hopefully that would get Melody and the muses back.

I begin. I found the wand and the book of spells. The flowers are next. I search around the cave for both flowers. Luckily, I found both flowers. I grab them and head back inside the cave. I smash them up and put them in the bowl.

Next, I go to the waterfalls. I put some water in a bottle and go back to the caves. I mix the water with the flowers. Now comes the hard part, getting the blood of a magical being.

The magical beings love to hang out on Blood Stone Peak. I very carefully head to Blood Stone peak. I'm here. I climb the mountain. My body is trembling but I have to do this. I have everything I need. I just need to wait for the right moment.

There they are. The magical beings. They think we are dumb. That we don't know what they did to us. They think they are on top of the world. They are so very wrong.

A strange feeling is coming over me. I felt this feeling before. Melody is here. She's trapped but I can feel her energy. It's not strong. Melody is some how reaching out to me.

I'm coming for you Melody, for all of you. I watch the magical beings waiting for an opportunity. I see them joking around, using their powers on each other and there is my opportunity. One of them is hurt.

Look at the amount of blood coming out of his nose. Now, I just have to wait for them to leave. Good they are leaving. I wait until the coast is clear. Here is my chance.

I run to the spot where I saw the blood. I bend down and scoop up the blood. I run down Blood Stone Peak and back to the caves.

I put the blood in the bowl and here comes my part. I take the dagger and cut my hand. I put my hand over the bowl. My blood drips into the bowl. I mix it up.

Now for the complicated part. I have to say the spell. I lift up the wand and read the words. "Being of light. Being of creativity. I call you now. From the darkness into the light. I shall feel your power come to me.

I feel nothing. I try again and again and still nothing. I try the ritual for the rest of the day and night. It doesn't work. I'm doing the ritual correctly. Being non-magical is hurting me.

I sit on the floor angry with myself for failing. Then I hear a voice saying try again. I get up from the floor and I try again and again no matter how hard this is for me.

After so many tires, I finally feel light and energy. I feel inspired once again. Melody is back. I leave the caves and walk back to Avalon waters.

There is a change. My non-magical beings are happy and inspired once again. Our muses are back. Avalon waters is inspired once again. The color has returned.

September 05, 2024 21:28

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Kristi Gott
06:34 Sep 09, 2024

An immersive story that draws the reader into the main character's feelings, thoughts, and actions while trying to get to the muse. Well done!


Melinda Madrigal
21:38 Sep 09, 2024

Thank you


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