Fiction Romance American

As the white noise of wet droplets immersed on my white paled skin, I laughed bawling out remorseless words like “why couldn't you ever appreciate my body for the way it was?”

and “why'd you'd have to call me all those hateful names ?” then I broke with every scream cracking and both eyes flooding with downhearted salty tears. Months after Months I grieved of the green-eyed man with brown curly hair who had left me in our big grey house with nothing but myself and misery. As time passed and my confidence grew I decided I needed a break, a vacation! While I wondered of all the places I could go, I immediately thought of Greece and how beautiful the clear, pink, and orange wispy skies were in the peaceful night with the bright house lights all close together. For just myself, I booked a ticket to fly to Santorini, Greece economy class, and a good deal of staying at a five-star hotel with a room to myself. While I was packing my suitcase with clothes full ready for my best summer vacation I entered my bathroom reaching for my toothbrush and looked up in the mirror not just seeing my reflection but a changed strong woman who I was very proud of. Everything was perfect when I got on the plane there was absolutely no stress, just the best view where I could see about everything from afar including the little kid's wave from the schools. When I got up to use the restroom a blue-eyed man shoved me into the sit saying “Pardon me, beautiful.” I turned around with only my head smiling at him while blushing just a little, but saying absolutely nothing and carried on to the restroom. As I slowly came back to sit down I realized the blue-eyed man had been sitting from the far right of me by himself as well. Butterflies filled inside of me making me feel sixteen again as I sat down. The blue-eyed man who sat on the far right looked over when I didn't notice smiling at how thin my pink glossy lips were and how my pale white skin matched the color of my deep brown eyes. As the plane took an easy shake I got startled throwing my arm across to the man hitting him in the chest “I apologize” I said in a bashful tone“I didn't hurt you did I” the man said calmingly “I’m pretty sure I’ll be alright.”Trying to make me feel better I laughed. As I awoke I realized excitingly I was now in the beautiful Santorini, Greece. Grabbing my luggage and stepping out of the airplane was the best I had ever felt in such a long time, I had so many mixed emotions in this moment I even smiled a little to myself. It was about 5 o’clock and the skies colors were already appearing, The big Kali Hotel gave a great entrance with the summer blue water along the sides making me and others walk in the middle along the stone-carved walkway there were also two big green palm trees, they waved hello to everyone who entered the hotel. I had already made reservations so all I had to do was pay. Once I paid the woman with the black and white name tag pinned to her white poplin button shirt that read Lucy. I then was handed a cool white card that I was told would be able to let me in and out of the room. As I said ''thank you'' and then turned around with adrenaline rushing making me run and leap toward the elevator.Pressing the big white button that read the number four on it, made my hands sweaty DING! I ran out looking for room 323 and there it was my heart was pumping THUMP THUMP searching through my back pockets for the white card then scanning it against the door BEEP the door opened with huge satisfaction.I then threw my luggage on the king-size bed then started looking around the room making sure everything was perfect as expected then I heard a loud BANG coming from the bathroom ''Hello.'' I yelled no response so I grabbed a coat hanger out of the closet and walked toward the bathroom slowly I heard another ''BANG'' this time I was for sure I was not the only one in the room and then as soon as I stepped foot inside the bathroom a tall muscular blue-eyed man came walking out in nothing but a towel around his waist I screamed AAAAH throwing the coat hanger across the room.I ran towards the elevator going down to the first floor looking for the woman named Lucy. Breathing heavily as I told Lucy there was a man inside my room. She didn't look very surprised instead she said 'I'm so sorry but there were no more rooms and we had no choice but to share a room and in this case it was yours''. I sighed as I stomped towards the elevator and went back to room 323 where I found the man sitting on the bed but this time he was fully clothed thankfully. Then I looked at him again and I realized I recognized his eyes those were the same blue eyes I saw back on the plane. Once he noticed that I had recognized him now, he laughed and said “Do you think we could spend this vacation together?”I smiled and my face got red I couldn't believe this, Of course, I wanted to say no, I mean I did just meet the guy, but we had a connection and I felt as if I were lucky like it was another chance in love.I looked into his blue eyes he looked into my deep brown eyes and I spoke aloud saying “why not?”We spent the best nights together, we went swimming in the deep summer blue water on Sunday where we talked to the sea animals, to the salon on Wednesday for pedicures, so that we could have that soft feeling on her feet and for the rest of the week we stayed in our room laying in bed watching thousands of sitcoms while we ordered the hotels whole menu.And when the sky turned pink and orange, when the home lights flashed it was time to sleep at last. The blue-eyed man gave me goodnight kisses and whispered “tomorrow early in the morning we'll go out on the beach to watch the sunrise while we swim in the summer blue sea”. I gazed inside his blue eyes and fell asleep waiting for the morning to arise.

March 05, 2021 01:57

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D&M Universe
03:45 Mar 05, 2021

I really like this story and the small details you used to make it so amazing and keep it interesting so you can imagine yourself in her situation.


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D&M Universe
02:20 Mar 05, 2021

You have a lot of potential I am sure with the right training you could be an amazing author!!


Mya Hope
02:42 Mar 05, 2021

Thank you very much ,after reading your story I definitely can say the same.


D&M Universe
03:46 Mar 05, 2021

No problem! Thank you so much.


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