Mission LaVir-20

Submitted into Contest #55 in response to: Write a story about a meeting of a secret society.... view prompt



"3700 dummies have been sent to the families of dead around the world this week." Dr. Philip reported to Dr. Gilbert, the head of the project. He nodded to him before speaking to Dr. Smith.

"How many more subjects do we need Dr. Smith?" 

She pushed her glasses before speaking. "Doctor, we have witnessed 17800 deaths till now, we still need 1200 subjects to complete the count of 20000." She spoke in a stiff voice. 

"Okay." Dr. Gilbert nodded to her as well. After a minute of silence he looked up at Dr. Das. All the other experts and the three investors too stared at him in curiosity.

"A country which is most probable to get affected next?" The tension increased in the room. 

Dr. Das could feel the eyes on him. He cleared his throat. "Germany Dr. Gilbert, is already under partial lockdown due to fast number of cases increasing in the neighboring countries. However no case of LaVir-20 have been reported there yet." 

"Take the Chancellor of Germany on call please." Dr. Gilbert instructed his personal assistant, she obeyed. 

After five rings a woman's voice broke the trance. "Hello Doctor." Everyone could sense the anxiety in her voice. 

"Hello Christine, we'll need you to please report the first case of LaVir-20 in Germany and a complete lockdown in the country would be very helpful."

"Sure Dr. Gilbert." She said after a gasp that clearly said this was exactly what she was expecting and fearing. 

"A schedule of the pattern of deaths to be reported in Germany in the coming week, will be sent to you shortly. I must again make it clear that only the suitable candidates according to our mission, should die." Gilbert said showing no signs of emotional effects.

The call was disconnected but the network of tension stayed.

"With that done, we'll have 1200 deads around the world in the next seven days." He announced. "Dr. Philip, 1200 dummies should be ready by tomorrow to be sent to the respective families time to time. Make sure each one of them carries a clear warning of maintaining proper distance. In no circumstances shall they be touched or checked. And they must look like human corpses. We don't want a mistake when we're so close to our goal." His tone was enough to send shivers down the spine of every person sitting there. 

"Now, Dr. Lang?" 

Dr. Lang smiled before answering, which made his eyes shrink even more making it impossible for anyone to guess if they were open at all. 

"The reports from the Mars Orbiter are positive doctor. The best time for landing will be Sunday, the 1st of the next month." His announcement recieved multiple gasps from people around the table. 

"Hmm." Gilbert added, as unaffected as ever. "One month." He nodded to himself. "We will successfully collect 20,000 subjects at the end of the week, which is by the coming Friday. From that day onwards, they will be trained under strict supervision for the period of one month, which ends on Thursday, the 29th." 

He continued to speak while his assistant and many others around the table took quick notes. "Friday and Saturday will be for the final tests and dealing with any contingencies. But I'm sure we won't face any, if everything works according to the plan."

"Okay, great. Sounds successful." One of the three investors spoke for the first time. His peculiar accent grabbed everyone's attention. "What about the spaceship?"

Gilbert smiled at him and then turned to Dr. Perez. He took the cue and answered the unspoken question.

"The Marsene is ready for the flight. The test reports are all completely positive. There is no scope of failure left. In the next one month's time, it will only get better. The Marsene will take this mission to its destination. She's ready." He seemed to be styling more confidence than all the other members of the meeting combined, except of course, Dr. Gilbert. 

Dr. Gilbert sent Perez an acknowledging look before turning his gaze to the center of the table. "Everything is clear I suppose. The plan is concretely set. Questions if any, can be answered now or as and when they arise. No steps should be taken against the decided plan of action, unless it is decided upon due to certain unavoidable circumstances."

All the members on the table nodded in response. It was clear they had no questions. 

Dr. Gilbert wrapped the meeting up and everyone wad dismissed to their jobs. Their anxiety levels only increased with this meeting, and it was obvious. The final destination of their super confidential mission was just a month away. The mission that took money, hardwork, cooperation, secrets, and lives, well not actually, but that's what the world knows. Even the slightest of a mistake from anyone's side could bring the entire thing down. 

It was a house built of matchsticks. But it was a big one. 

When almost everyone left, apart from Gilbert and his assistant, there were three more people still present in the room. The three investors.

"Mr. Maxwell." Gilbert spoke to one of them.

"Dr. Gilbert, we wish to check the progress of the mission." He demanded firmly. 

"Sure." That was all Gilbert said before turning around on his heals and walking out of the room. The three investors followed.

The five of them walked through a long and narrow dimly lit corridor, which ended at a lift.

Gilbert touched the button next to the metal doors and they slid open. He turned his head around to face his assistant standing just behind him and nodded slightly. She took the hint and stepped back. 

Gilbert entered the lift and the three investors followed. While his assistant watched the door close at her face. 

He did not click any of the floor buttons. Instead, he placed his palm above the button pad and a biometric sensor activated there, revealing a number pad. 

The investors were watching intently as he typed 56 in the number pad. The lift started descending. 

After what seemed like a few short minutes, the lift stopped and the metal door slid open once again. The view didn't change even the slightest. Beyond the lift doors was the same long and narrow dimly lit corridor. However, they seemed to face a little difficulty in breathing there.

The investors followed behind Gilbert as he started walking down the hallway. 

After minutes of walking silently, they stopped in front of two metallic doors, just like the lift doors, only many times bigger. 

"Ready to see the dead?" Gilbert said without turning around to look at them as he put on a pair of dark sunglasses. They exchanged awkward looks but decided to not respond.

Gilbert again placed his palm on the plain metallic wall besides the doors activating another sensor. 

He removed his hand and a message flashed on the metal. 

'Access Granted'

The doors slowly slid apart and a sudden flash of blindingly bright light made them all squint and cover their eyes. Gilbert however, stood unaffected due to his glasses. 

When their eyes adjusted to the light, they saw in front of them, a gigantic hall. A space so big, that their eyes had to struggle to determine its length. 

It was even more difficult, because of the innumerable beds with tubes and wires and monitors attached to them. Each one of them holding a human. A breathing, alive human. 

A huge screen hanging off the tall ceiling read the following message in bright green;

'Total Subjects Admitted: 17800'

The door behind them shut close once again, leaving them as the only four standing figures in the huge hall. 

Gilbert stepped forward and turned around to face the three of them. With a huge grin on his face, he cleared his throat and announced.

"Let me introduce you to the first ever batch of Martian Humans!" 

August 20, 2020 09:49

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