Coming of Age Fantasy

This story contains sensitive content

Warning: Some abuse and death

I slipped the gloves over my fingers, allowing the cool silk to caress my skin. I always loved silk things, even from childhood, especially gloves. From age six, I begged my parents for silk gloves, but I was a gardener’s daughter, not a member of the nobility. So, I would watch court ladies dressed in beautiful gowns, their silk-gloved hands baring parasols, wishing with all my heart I had what they had. Now, I would trade them just for a glimpse of my family.

My door burst open, but I didn’t turn, wishing it was anyone else in the doorway.

“Are you ready, my dear?” The smooth, preening voice of the king tore me from my reverie. “Dinner will begin soon.”

Sighing, I turned to face him. His large hazel eyes, eyes that still turned heads and hearts of women everywhere, looked me over with cold calculation. He wore a pure white robe with a golden cape accentuating his blond hair's graying tips. 

“I am ready, Your Majesty,” I mumbled, keeping my emotions in check. 

“Well then, we mustn’t keep my people waiting.” He extended his arm for me to take.

I paused, the king’s voice fading. The king always wore long sleeves, and today was no expectation. It covered his entire arm, the gold thread threading the white cloth like rivers, except for one tiny sliver between the hem of his sleeve and glove fingers. My heart begins to pound.

Was this the moment?

It would be so quick, really.

Just one finger to his skin.

And then…

I didn’t know I was pulling off my glove until a large hand clamped down on my hand, keeping the glove in place and snapping me back to reality.

“Do we have a problem, dear Maria?” His slow, freezing, mild tone halted me.

I brought my head up and stared into the eyes of the lion. I only made it to two seconds.

“No, Your Majesty.” I dropped my head, hating how weak my voice was. How weak I was.

The walk to the throne room was short, and the king made no effort of small talk, which was a small mercy. The two large doors were guarded by two muscle-bound men, who bowed when the king approached, ensuring to maintain their distance. However, I was close enough to see the fear in their eyes when I passed. Entering the dining room was like walking into an arena. Every eye followed you, and every word cut you, and you could trust no one. Regardless, warriors had to be strong and keep fighting to survive in the arena battles. So, I kept my eyes ahead, imagining the whispered gossip about me and my hands bouncing off me like a sword on armor. The prince, seated next to the king’s throne, made no effort to raise once we arrived. He was busy stuffing his large round face with appetizers and winking at whatever pretty lady happened to him while his wife, the princess, looked away with disgust.

King Cristal curled his lip and glowered at his heir.

“Worthless twit.” He muttered under his breath. His wife had only been able to give him one son before her untimely death, and the entire kingdom knew about the mutual hatred between father and son. All I know is it took the king’s focus off me.

The bell rang, signaling the time for the receiving line so his nobles could flatter him and the king could pretend he cared.

But really, it was a chance for everyone to see me, to remember what will happen if they think they can defy him.


I jerked awake to find a pair of milky brown eyes bent over me.

“Ursula,” I sighed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I was long used to the twelve-year-old waking me in the middle of the night for this noise or that. While it made getting a good night’s sleep a challenge, I didn’t mind. It started the day bandits murdered her family and burned her village.

“It’s just the wind, Uris,” I soothed, reaching out and stroking her brown curls with my gloved hand. “You can go back to bed.”

 The soft candlelight lit the room, allowing me to see the face of my young handmaiden. She shook her head and stared at me, her face twisted with worry. I sighed again and scooted over.

“Alright, you can sleep with me, come on.”

She shook her head again.

“It’s not that, Miss.” She whispered, avoiding eye contact. I sat up straighter, sleep gone.

“I’m Maria, silly girl; what’s the matter with you?” I smiled at her, trying to push down the feeling of dread in my chest.

Ursula bit her bottom lip and looked everywhere but at my face.

“The king requests your presence immediately.”

Coldness gripped my heart. There was only one reason King Cristal ever summoned me before dawn. Knowing that tardiness would only result in Ursula being punished, I stood, my body heavy.

“Where is…Which room?” I murmured, my voice trying to keep my voice from catching.

“Messenger said throne room, he’s outside.” The girl hugged herself and dropped her head, causing my heart to break. She somehow found out. I don’t know how, after everything I had done to protect her and keep her from knowing the truth of the king’s early morning summons, but she knew. As I left the room, I wept for the truth I could no longer hide from her.

By the time we arrived, the soft light of dawn crept through the shadows. The messenger, a wispy young man, vanished into the shadows. Like last time, no guards stood at the doors, so I had to open the doors myself. But the moment I walked in, I froze. At the far end, dressed in full royal garb, King Cristal sat on his gold-covered throne, fingers folded across his stomach. To his right, I made out the glossy auburn hair of Lord Maddox Shoshonean, advisor to the king. In front of the dais knelt two small huddled figures, each bound, bagged, and with a sword pointed at their head. 

“Ahh, finally.” The king purred. “Come up and join us, my dear.”

Against my head’s warnings, my feet moved forward. Across the rooms, candles illuminated the armor of the king’s guards. My head spun, and my heart nearly burst from my chest. When I finally reached the dais, the king flicked his hand at the guards.

The bags were ripped off the captives’ heads. I choked back a scream.

Two boys, the elder only just older than Ursula

Mossy dark brown hair, small frame, green eyes.

Sandy brown hair, tall, chocolate brown eyes.

Both were growling between their gags.

Bile rose in my throat, and I grabbed onto a pillar to steady my weak legs. He couldn’t-he wouldn’t-

“These, my dear, are the darling spawn of Duke Nevus of the Southern Hills.” The king announced, smiling as if amused by my reaction. “Some of my men found them hiding like cowards on the side of the road after some bandits attacked their party while they were on their way to some hackney relation. My soldiers rescued them, of course, and brought them here. They will stay under my care as guests for the time being.” 

I focused on my breathing and dug my nails into the pillar. Guest. That was the same word he used in the letter to my parents when the soldiers came for me.

The king continued. “According to my captain, they have quite the pertinence for theatrics. I heard some say their father raised them with his dogs. Most likely, the beasts are better behaved.”

At that moment, the taller boy let out a muffled roar and glared at the king if he could kill him with a look.

King Cristal directed his heartless gaze at me. “Now, the Duke has rejected my many generous offers to join my alliance, and haven’t they been very generous, Shoshonean?”

“The most generous and beneficial, Your Majesty.” His echo assured.

“However,” The king continued, tapping his fingertips together. “I have recently heard the most disturbing rumors that he is aiding the wretched insurgents and planning to join their mutiny. Shoshonean, explain to our little Maria how she fits into this pretty picture.”

Lord Shoshonean cleared his throat and puffed out his bony chest. “He has two sons, most obvious he must miss them so and be inquiring after their wellbeing, and because of that, the King has most graciously decided to return them.”

I held my breath and released the pillar. For a second, hope flickered inside me. Maybe, just maybe…

“However, of course,” Lord Shoshonean droned. “His majesty would still have the issue of Duke Nevus’s loyalty. So, to solve that, only one boy goes back, and the other will stay as our guest until the duke sees fit to align with the king.”

“But.” King Cristal interrupted. “The boy going back will need to be silenced so he won’t give away any sensitive information. I also need a message sent to his father about the dangers of challenging me. That,” The king smiled at me, his eyes hard and cold. “is where you come in, my dear.”

A muffled cry came from the taller boy, and he fought harder. His younger brother was still, his bright green eyes wide.


I stepped back, horror and grief twisting my brain into knots.

No, no, no, no!

I turned to flee, but two guards blocked my exit, forcing me back in front of the boys. They stare at me, malice glittering in their eyes.

“Now, now, Maria,” the king’s voice was ice. “You have done this before. I don’t see why it should be any different with these ill-bred children. If you have second thoughts about our arrangement, I could always break my part of the deal and pay your little family a visit...”

The faces of my mother, father, sisters, and brothers flashed before me. Everything I did was to protect them.

I looked away from the boys.

“No.” I croaked, tears dripping down my face.

 “Well then, go on,” The king encouraged, laughing. “Don’t be shy. Because of my generosity, I leave the decision of which boy keeps living to you.”

I have done this before, each time with my heart screaming and my body empty. Each time, I traded my family’s lives for a stranger’s. Each time, a new face haunted me in my nightmares, drowning my mind with guilt and sorrow during the day. But now…

But now, I couldn’t do it, even with my family’s lives at stake.

I looked at the boys sitting silently, their bodies limp with exhaustion. They had been well-trained, so it took a moment for me to make out the fear underneath the rage. I looked into those boys’ eyes. Then, I clenched my fists and turned to the king, to his contempt and mercilessness. At that moment, hatred gave me courage, and I blurted the word I had so desperately dreamed of saying for five years.


The guards and Lord Shoshonean stopped breathing.

King Cristal’s mouth dropped. “What. Did. You. Say?” he said, his voice deathly quiet.

“I said no, your majesty.” I managed, my limbs trembling. “I can’t do this anymore-“

The king sprang from his chair. Before I could move, he had my arm in an iron grip and twisted it behind me till I cried out. Pain shot up my arm, and I couldn’t think. No one moved to help me.

“Shoshonean, take Nevus’s brats to the dungeon,” he hissed. “If they escape, it will be your children’s heads for theirs. I will find you later.”

I didn’t hear the advisors’ response, for the king jerked my arm further, so my head almost touched my hand. Tears fell down my face, and I gasped to stop whimpering.

“Now, you insignificant female,” he whispered in my ear, “I will remind you of why you are here and what will happen the next time you defy me!”

Then, he shoved me forward, still holding onto my arm. I stumbled, but he yanked me upright by my arm. He dragged me out of the room toward the back of the castle. We had only passed through two rooms before I knew where he was taking me.

Reasoning with him was pointless, but my growing hysteria made me try. “Your majesty, please no-“

He ignored me and continued to shove me along the narrow passageway. We went down one flight of stairs and another hallway before stopping in front of a small stone door. He took the key from his neck, opened the door, and flung me inside. Pain shot up my body as I slammed against the cold floor, but I shut my eyes immediately, even though the contents were seared in my brain. 

Ten perfectly preserved stone statues lined the room, five on the right and five on the left.

Six men, four women.

All different lives, backgrounds, and social classes.

All threatened the king in one way or another.

All victims of my hand, of my touch, of my fear.

All gave their lives for my family.

The king stepped inside, his voice ripping through me like a knife.

“You are here to serve me. You are just a tool whose purpose is obedience to me. Now, peasant, you will stay here without food or water for two days. If you still desire to resist after that, I will execute your family as traitors to the kingdom.”

My eyes flew open. A gut-wrenching cry tore from my soul.

“No,” I leaped to my feet. ”No, please, leave them alone. They have nothing to do with this-“

“Silence!” He roared. I fell back, the words drying in my throat. “Either the boy dies or your family. You choose.”

He smoothed back his hair with one hand, his sleeve falling back to expose his arm. My eyes locked on it, pure rage coursing through my veins.

For too long, King Cristal has controlled my family, tortured my life, and robbed me of my freedom. For too long, I have let his power steal others’ lives. 

No more.

There was no hesitation this time. 

I found the prince seated in his private study, his stocky form bent over his beloved gem collection. It was his pride and joy, more than his daughter, and its birth had brought about more blood, sweat, and tears of others than hers.

“Prince Snow,” I exhaled, throwing off the cowl that had hidden my face. He glanced at me, then his eyes narrowed in confusion and anger upon recognition.

“What are you doing here, wretched peasant?” He howled, throwing a cloth over his jewels like my breath would taint them. “Guards-!”

The word died on his lips as I tossed his father’s crown on the floor before him, the light catching the rubies. His round green eyes widened, and he froze. The news of the missing king had circulated the castle for two days. Lord Shoshonean privately ordered the guards to search the castle and surrounding area, publicly telling everyone the king had gone away to hunt, which he did to relax. No one in the court believed him.

“What-What is this?” He stammered, eyes flying from me to the crown.

I took a deep breath. “I believe you recognize your king’s crown,” I murmured, lacing my fingers together to hide the trembling in my hands.

His eyes flew to me again, and his face a deep red.

“How did you get that?!” He demanded. When I didn’t answer, his anger deepened.

“What have you done with my father, you traitorous female slug?” He balled his fists and stamped his foot like a child. Once upon a time, the force of his words would have pierced me and broken my resolve.

“Your father is no longer with us.” I was surprised by how calm my voice sounded, never betraying the myriad of emotions in my head.

He forced a laugh and moved from behind his desk. “You lie. Guar-”

I removed my glove and held up my hand, again silencing him. “I only need to touch you once, your majesty, like I did your father.”

His jaw slackened, and he stumbled back right into his desk.

“You-you-You monster!” He finally cried.

I gave him a moment to process. His shoulders slumped, and his eyes jerked to me as he realized what this meant.

“I am king now.”


There was a pause. We locked eyes.

“What do you want?”

I wasted no time. “Call your father’s assassins from my family’s village. You or anyone you know will never touch a hair on their heads.”

“Is that all?” He replied incredulously.

“No. You will also return the sons of Duke Nevus to him alive and unharmed.”

 I breathed deeply, knowing this last request required all my strength.

“Finally, once you are King, you will send Lord Shoshonean away and make me your new advisor. Everything I tell you to do, you will do.”

“What?! What?!” He shrieked. “Why would I ever listen to a dirty little-“

“If you choose not to,” I replied softly, sadness seeping into my word. “You are free to join your former king in death.” I didn’t want anyone else to die today. But if I had to…

The new King of Redlin stared at me, his face white and skin sticky with sweat. Every detail of his face showed the anger I knew was in his heart. But the man in front of me was no warrior. Soon, there was another emotion there, one that I learned from personal experience would overpower all the others and place his fight for survival above anything else.


That was when I knew the age of Crystal had ended.

So begins the age of Stone.

September 02, 2023 00:15

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15:03 Sep 06, 2023

Cool story Naomi. I fear the power may go to Maria's head though.....! What a power!


01:39 Sep 08, 2023

Thanks Derrick! Your support is much appreciated! That is the question: will she keep a cool head or let the power take over like it did the former king...


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