
New Year Resolutions jinxed my year. I know you might be thinking 'What here is one of those lazy superstitious guys blaming everyone and everything for their failures except themselves..' And you could probably be right. But allow me to explain. Am not superstitious about New Years resolutions.

Having said that am not making none for next year because they will jinx my year and I don't want nothing jinxing 2020 for me or anybody else. Being a pragmatic realist I believe in Planning, making adequate preparations for eventual action or omission. I have come to learn however that some things are private and others public. Superstition is private or personal between an individual and his or her beliefs they are based on past experiences and future expectations. So being superstitious is not bad however, superstition takes spiritualism and tries to apply it on the physical now that is bad and stupid.

I do not know when I started writing New Year resolutions but I have written over twenty now and if I were to put a score on my performance on what I have written and actual outcomes I would honesty put it on zero. Not that I have achieved nothing over the years, no. I just have not achieved what I write to achieve. Could be I have high expectations of myself maybe but honesty there is some mysteriousness about missing even the small things like going to the gymnasium or wishing a friend happy birthday. What I know for a fact is that last years resolutions did not fly. 2019 is a year I would rather forget quick. I made serious resolutions before the year started on 31st December 2018 I already had my expectations for the year of the Dog. I wrote my resolutions like millions of other people I guess. Looking back now I accomplished none by choice. I thought I was the only one but after asking sixty of my immediate friends, neighbors and workmates turns out that none achieved one out of five resolutions written. I do not know about you but that is it for me. From this year I rather write books instead.

My experiences with New Year resolutions have not been that good. Usually I write down things I expect to change or to improve on or to learn or earn the coming year on New Years Eve.

If my last years resolutions would see fruition then I would be in South of France picking truffles or was it Italy? I forget. But it most definitely was not here, not in this ramshackle tin dwellings! This was not part of the plan. I never put this in my New years resolutions.

II wrote everything down. I said these are my 2019 New Years Resolutions in capital letters. One: Invest more on crypo and forex trade. Two: Cut Smoking. Three: Reduce Alcohol. Four: Spend three hours at the gym or more a day. Five: Go on Vacation in December. Six: Marry a French or Italian lass. Seven: First Child on the way and Live Happily in 2020. This is exactly what I wrote.

December 31st is with us once more and this is as things stand today on the eve of another year for me. First I did no major investment whatsoever, due to factors beyond my reckoning or control I found myself cash strapped almost living from salary to mouth. To make matters work I had to withdraw the little investment capital I had seeded on bitcoins fearing Trump would fight Iran towards the end of the year. I proceeded to invest on a Barber shop that drained my finances further.

Secondly, due to financial strains in 2019 I found myself smoking more than I had in previous years. In fact I even scaled down from low tar cigarettes to cheaper higher tar brand. Am I ashamed? Yes but it is what it is.

Alcohol consumption dropped for me in 2019 though. But before you congratulate me you should know that it was not by choice. My credit ratting simply went down under. My local could no longer advance me the pint and my friends too going through their own financial distresses could not afford to wet my fish. So accidentally I succeeded in cutting down on liquor.

The Gymnasium however was not to so successful. What can I say, a broke man has no time to jog when all time is spent running after money and basic needs. At some point I could go weeks on end without visiting the gym. Number Four was a flop from the start to be honest.

Number Five! Number five was more of a wish than a resolution now that I look back on it in retrospect the nature of my employment, my boss and my accountant could not permit me such a luxury. I would have to maybe resign from work and Win the lottery on the same day to even dream of number five.

Six and Seven too were directly derived from number 5. When five failed to materialize six disappeared because obviously I can not find a French or an Italian girl in Africa so zap there goes six. Six begets seven, without a girl then no Wedding no first born no happy ever after.

For 2020 am making zero resolutions. I think after achieving zero last years I have seen my folly. The fallacy that new year resolutions are plans for the new year is preposterous. They in fact jinx the new year. Once resolutions are made the mind assumes the fulfilled due to endomorphism the body is tricked to have achieved.

I have settled to more immediate planning now. I worry about the day to day now. I pray to God to run things for the year and do my monthly planning now.

They say planning is avoiding failure if you fail to plan you are planning to fail. Yes. Mother taught me that and Mr. John my class teacher beat it into me as well. So I plan. I do not want to fail, in fact come to think of it I know nobody who does. I plan my day in hours. I wakeup at five o'clock one hour to shower, dress, get some breakfast and to get to work. Eight hours at work sometimes in between I get one hour for lunch save for that am usually sitted on a desk looking at a screen like a zombie. After work I have one hour at the social hall gymnasium then I leave for home. At home I spend an hour to prepare supper and to devour. Then three or so hours watching television catching up on the latest news and trends before I hit the sack. I sleep for about eight hour before the vicious cycle starts over the next day. Now that is planning if I have to say so myself am planned.

II also plan my weeks in days. Monday to Friday those are working days. Saturday is work half day and depending on the pocket football and bar Saturdays when full or just football Saturdays when broke. Sundays are my cleaning and chilling days, I do the laundry and other house chores then I find a good book on Philosophy some Chilled beverage and am set. Now is that not planning.

My months are also well planned. I work from January till June when I get one months leave, which by the way I would have liked to take in December but my bosses had other things in mind. Anyway I resume work after my leave and am on duty through Christmas and New Year. If that is not planning I do not know then the meaning of the word.

New Year resolution to me have ceased to be part of my plans. I do not plan to fail though so I put my Trust In God. Now that is a resolution.

January 19, 2020 12:30

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