
It is December 14th 2021, I am here in my living room staring at a beautiful framed wedding photo, the girl looked at was so happy in the picture, oh wait that girl is me, I was so happy, and still am. It all started in November, it was the 4th. I was working, on setting up a dinner for a family, that was when my boss came over and told me a guy called and asked for someone to set up a very special dinner date. I of course happily accepted, She told me to start right away. She gave me a piece of paper with all the information. The guys name was Billie Jones, He was my age 23. He would like me to set up a date where there are breathtaking scenery, and he would like it to be an outside type dinner. Well, at that time I wasn't really familiar with this type of dinner date because I normally do inside dinners but I will try to do my best I have 2 weeks. I shall start tomorrow, after a night of thinking I finally had a few ideas. So Billie and his girlfriend are meeting me at Dukes cafe. After about 10 minutes of waiting Billie and his girlfriend June came and sat across from me. Billie looked so handsome, he had short brown hair with beautiful blue eyes and such a charming smile. And his girlfriend June, was really beautiful she had milk chocolate hair and big deep brown eyes, she had a big smile with all of her teeth straight and white as snow. After a few hours of deciding on what is what, they picked to have a beautiful dinner on top of a cliff, where you could see the ocean stretch out for miles. And the sunset there was really beautiful it looked like haven. Since I had a few weeks to plan, I had decided to let June help me. At first I thought she was really nice, but after a few days of planning she got moody and was always mad at me for something. One day she was yelling at me but as soon as Billie walked, she acted as if everything was good and was going great, she would act so different when Billie was here but after he left she would change and be moody. It was like she was two different people in one body, poor Billie I don't think he knows what his girlfriend is up to. I over heard her talking to her friends saying how love is stupid, and that she was only dating Billie for his money. What a snob!! I thought, I must tell Billie Than out of no where June slapped her self and ripped her shirt than she threw her self on the ground and started yelling. Panicked I tried to help her but she kept yelling at me and kept telling me I was a monster, Than I heard running foot steps and in came Billie. I tried to explain what was happening as he rushed to help June but he yelled at me to shut up and that I was no good and said he was going to make sure I got fired. And with that I did, everyone was really disappointed me, but when I tried to explain what happen everyone just said I was lying and was on Junes side. I felt like sinking deep down into the earth that day. After a few weeks of odd jobs Billie came over and said he was sorry and that I was right for everything he dumped June, and asked if id give him another chance, I of course for gave him and ever since that day we dated and than on my birthday, he had help me get my job back. And for a while June would pop up and would give me dirty looks, and would glare at me. One time I was with Billie and June came up and tried to kiss Billie and kept saying she was sorry and she loved him and that she was so much better than me. Well Billie shoved her off and told her that I was much better than her and that she was better off marrying a donkey, and with that we walk away. It was our 3rd anniversary, Billie and I decided to walk around our favourite beach at sunset. After that we went up to a path that leads to a cliff that hangs over the beach. By this time the moon and stars were out they looked so close it was like you could just grab one, when I turned around I saw Billie on one knee and asked if I would marry him, And of course I said yes than after a few months we got married at 26 and was blessed with a pair of twin girls, we had name them Luna and Lucky. Billie and I were so blessed to have found each other. I am 31 now and I still remember our wedding as if it was yesterday. It was so wonderful. Billie is the love of my life, and him and I were made for each other. After a few years we found out June had married and had 9 kids, Billie and I were happy for her and wished her a happy life, she is still mad because "I stole Billie from her, and that I ruined her life." which Billie and I just laughed at. We have had such a wonderful marriage together, and we still have a lot to do. Hopefully Luna and lucky finds there true love like I had did. Billie and I are really excited to start a new chapter in our life. Billie and I decided to move to New York with the twins, and there we lived a very happy life together, and with our two most beautiful daughters.

February 18, 2021 16:56

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