Contest #34 shortlist ⭐️

Christmas Closure

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt



From: Stacey Kline []

Sent: Monday, 16 December 2019, 10:07am

To: All Employees mailing list []

Subject: Housekeeping before Christmas Closure

Hi All,

Prior to our office Christmas closure this Friday 20th, please ensure you attend to any housekeeping as necessary, listed below:

  • Automatic replies: please ensure you have turned automatic replies on informing clients we will be opening our office again on Monday 6th January in the new year. If you have a company-issued phone, please make sure you change your voicemail as well.
  • Confidential information: please make sure that all confidential documents are locked away in the filing cabinets. You are meant to be doing this every day anyway, but please make sure it is done over the break.
  • Computers: Please remember to log off and shut down your computers over the break
  • Food in fridge: Please remove any food you have left in the fridge. Anything that isn't removed by Friday 4pm will be thrown in the bin, unless its expiry is after the 6th of January. Also please take home your tupperware, there is a stack of empty tupperware on the counter!!!
  • Desks and floor space: Please clean/tidy these as much as possible as we will be having the cleaners come in Friday 5pm to do a deep clean of the carpets/windows/desks, etc.

If you have approved leave prior to this Friday, please make sure these are attended to on your last day in the office.

Kind regards,

Stacey Kline


Steven and Sons


From: Darren Sturgis []

Sent: Monday December 16, 2019, 10:42am

To: Liam McKinsey []; Liam McKinsey []

Subject: FW: Housekeeping before Christmas Closure

Hi Liam,

Just checking in and seeing how you've been doing?

I tried calling you a few times but couldn't get through. I understand if you don't feel like talking, that's okay. Just let me know if there's anything I need to do around the office for you? If there's any food or anything in the fridge I can pass it to you, or if you have anything at your desk I'm happy to grab it for you.

Take care of yourself buddy.

Cheers, Darren.


From: Darren Sturgis []

Sent: Monday December 16, 2019, 10:45am

To: Stacey Kline []

Subject: FW: FW: Housekeeping before Christmas Closure

! This message was sent with High Importance.

! This message has been marked as Confidential.

Hi Stacey,

Just letting you know I have emailed Liam (both his work and personal emails). If he calls back or if he comes into the office can you let me know. Even if I am in a meeting let me know.

Cheers, Darren.


From: Darren Sturgis []

Sent: Tuesday December 17, 2019, 4:11pm

To: Markus Mallory []; Judith Sweenie []; Bosco Trellick []

CC: Stacey Kline []

Subject: Liam

! This message was sent with High Importance.

! This message has been marked as Confidential.

Hi team, 

Just wondering if any of you have heard from Liam lately?

I tried calling him and emailing him (both work and personal emails) but no response.

Cheers, Darren.


From: Judith Sweenie [] 

Sent: Tuesday December 17, 2019, 4:13pm

To: Darren Sturgis []

CC: Markus Mallory []; Bosco Trellick []; Stacey Kline []

Subject: RE: Liam

Hi Darren,

His last email to me was at the end of November when he told me the date of the funeral and that he would be taking some time off.

Kind regards,

Judith Sweenie

Human Resources

Steven and Sons


From: Markus Mallory [] 

Sent: Tuesday December 17, 2019, 4:24pm

To: Darren Sturgis []

CC:  Judith Sweenie []; Bosco Trellick []; Stacey Kline []

Subject: RE: RE: Liam

I went to the funeral but he hasn't replied to my messages since.

Kind regards, 

Markus Mallory

Site Manager

Steven and Sons


From: Bosco Trellick [] 

Sent: Tuesday December 17, 2019, 4:30pm

To: Darren Sturgis []

CC: Markus Mallory []; Judith Sweenie [] ; Stacey Kline []

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Liam

Nah mate, haven't heard from him sorry.

Kind regards,

Bosco Trellick

Steven and Sons


From: Liam McKinsey [] 

Sent: Wednesday December 18, 2019, 3:26pm

To: Darren Sturgis []

Subject: RE: FW: Housekeeping before Christmas Closure

Hi Darren,

Sorry I haven't been checking my work emails and can't have it in me to answer the phone at the moment.

There's some things I need to put away - can I come in to the office at night after everyone's left? Around 6pm?




From: Darren Sturgis []

Sent: Wednesday December 16, 2019, 4:02pm

To: Liam McKinsey []

Subject: RE: RE: FW: Housekeeping before Christmas Closure

Hi Liam,

It's great to hear from you buddy.

Of course, you're more than welcome to come in after hours, I completely understand.

Cheers, Darren.


From: Liam McKinsey [] 

Sent: Saturday December 21, 2019, 2:51am

To: Darren Sturgis []

Subject: Christmas

Hi Darren,

I just wanted to apologise for what I said to you on Wednesday.

Firstly, I really appreciate that you stayed back after hours to chat with me. I know you didn't actually have any overtime work to do, and you were just staying back for me. I wasn't expecting it and I was a bit taken aback, I really wasn't expecting to talk to anyone that night. So I apologise for getting a bit short with you when you asked me to join your family for Christmas.

Truth is, I think I would need a distraction so I would love to join your family for Christmas, if the offer is still open.

Thanks again.



From: Darren Sturgis []

Sent: Saturday December 21, 2019, 2:51am

To: Liam McKinsey []

Subject: Automatic reply

Thank you for your email. Steven and Sons are currently closed over the Christmas break and we will return on Monday the 6th of January, 2020 to respond to your email.

In the meantime, Happy Holidays and have a Happy New Year!

Darren Sturgis

Managing Director

Steven and Sons


From: Darren Sturgis []

Sent: Saturday December 21, 2019, 9:02am

To: Liam McKinsey []

Subject: RE: Christmas

Hi Liam,

I am so happy to hear that you will be joining the Surgises for Christmas this year!

I completely understand how you were feeling - I apologise for ambushing you that day. Please know that I see you (and everyone else on our team) as family, and I care for you all deeply. As I said on Wednesday, the others care about you as well, and we all just want to help wherever we can.

Looking forward to seeing you on Christmas then! No need to bring anything - Lucy makes the meanest Christmas ham and smashed pav!

Cheers, Darren.


From: Darren Sturgis []

Sent: Thursday December 26, 2019, 11:34am

To: Liam McKinsey []

Subject: Christmas photos

Hi Liam,

Hope you had a blast yesterday, we all sure did!

I've attached some photos that Lucy took from yesterday, hope you enjoy them!

Keep in touch mate, let me know if you want to do something for New Year's. Remember - you're part of the Sturgis family now!

Cheers, Darren.

March 26, 2020 23:20

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