
Nighttime in the city is much different from nighttime in small towns. It was louder and brighter even with the darkness of the sky above. The signs were lit along with the streetlamps lining the sidewalks and the air was full of different sounds. There was music somewhere, the sound of people talking and the sounds of cars going by even when the time was getting closer to two or three in the morning. But even though the city was full of life and other people she still felt lonely. 

Despite the number of people living in the city the left side of her bed laid cold and empty during the day. The amount of pillows felt like too many and the blanket always felt like it was too much. The extra pillows were soon pulled to her chest and the faint scent of detergent drifted into her nostrils reminding her that her clothes from the night before were clean. It would be dark soon and she’d have to get dressed up soon. Getting dressed up was fine, she liked it but she never liked going out.

The thought of meeting with strangers, playing the part, being someone else’s fantasy, it was exhausting. Men were easier, with a face like hers she never had to do more the smile and bat her eyes. Women weren’t easy but she knew what to do and what to say to get them to want to be alone with her. The scent of perfume and cologne always overwhelmed her and kept her aware of the fact that she wasn’t alone even though she felt it. The hand on her back that drifted lower to rest at the base of her spine made her feel nothing and when she smiled at the stranger and leaned in close like she always did she always made herself wear a plastic smile.

After a while the face of each stranger disappeared from her memory. The way they smelled, the way they felt, every part of them would fade. She stopped asking for names after the first few, names didn’t matter anyway, not with the things she did. They were nothing more than bodies, at least that’s what she told herself. They were just bodies and wallets, nothing more than survival.

It’s morning again and the paper is filled with job ads along with heroic stories, buying and selling ads, and an increasing number of obituaries. She puts her pen above each ad, marking out the ones she didn’t like until she found one that was okay. 

Night Custodian at St. John’s Hospital.

She circles it a few times, deciding to set an alarm for eight in the morning to call and ask how to apply. She couldn’t remember the last job she’d applied for but this one wouldn’t be complicated. It was just cleaning during the night, she could do that. With her skills she’d be finished in no time, with this job she wouldn’t have to do the things she did. She could get all the things she needed to survive with a job like this. She lays down in bed falling asleep for a few hours before quickly waking up at the sound of the alarm.

The woman she spoke to on the phone was kind and sweet, informing her how to apply and what the requirements were. She was happy managing to meet all of them but she knew this job would only be for a few years. It was still good though, she could still afford the apartment with the pay. Sleep comes easy for the rest of the morning before she wakes up when the sky is dark. With a smile she fixes her hair before slipping on a red dress and a pair of heels. It wasn’t what she enjoyed wearing but this would be the last time she’d go out like this. She leaves her apartment and her heels click as she walks down the sidewalk holding her purse as she makes her way across town. Her feet stop when she gets to a familiar sign. She turns to the short way and decides to take the long way, spend the night really appreciating the darkness that brought her so much comfort. 

As she found herself closer towards the darker parts of the city she could feel the intensity in the air before the sound of shoes hitting the pavement in quick steps was headed her way. She turns and sees a man with a knife standing before her, arms unsteady and the light from the street lamp reflecting off the edge of the blade. She looks down at it as he speaks to her, “give me your purse.”

She continues walking and it’s only when a hand is on her shoulder that she stops. She turns, his voice wavering, “hey, lady, didn’t you hear me?”

“Of course I heard you, you’re very loud and smell like trash. Can’t imagine how I’d miss you,” she says, rolling her shoulder so his hand drops from her skin. 

She continues to walk and soon she hears a loud grunt and waits for the inevitable hit to her skin but it never comes. She looks over her shoulder and stops when she sees someone else. It’s another man and she begins to get annoyed when he speaks, “she’s not interested, man.”

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest watching the scene unfold in front of her. The man with the knife lunges for the other man but he’s quick to get the knife out of his hand and toss it behind him near a pile of trash. He looks at his hands noticing the knife is gone before he runs towards him to tackle him. The thief is quickly picked up and thrown into a pile of trash effortlessly. The other man turns towards her and gives her a polite smile, “are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” she says, “Thank you for your help, it was very sweet.”

“A lady like you shouldn’t walk by yourself at night. There are a lot of dangerous people out, especially tonight. Full moons tend to bring out the crazies.”

“I appreciate your concern but I’m capable of taking care of myself.”

“You just had a guy pull a knife on you,” he laughs. 

She looked him over and supposed he wasn’t unattractive. He was tall with skin slightly darker than hers. His hair was shaved and he had a beard that boxed his mouth in. His lips curved into a friendly smile and she knows that look, he was the hero type. She takes in a breath before letting it out slow, “look, I’m sure you’re a great guy but I’m not exactly dating right now. Besides, you’re not really my type.”

“Oh, do you like women?”

“Yes and I like men too. But you’re just too...”

“Bald,” he offers, looking amused.

The trash behind them rustles and soon the thief’s got the knife once more and he’s running towards the stranger. She moves quickly around the man and soon the side of her hand hits the back of the thief’s neck. His movement stops and the knife clatters against the sidewalk before the man falls to the ground. She turns back to the man and his eyes are on the ground looking at the stranger. He looks up meeting her eyes and she sighs, “too human.”

He looks down at the stranger on the ground, “he dead?”

“Unconscious,” she says adjusting her purse and walking around him, “like I said before, I’m capable of handling myself.”

As she walks away he jogs to catch up with her walking by him, “so, you don’t have a problem with bald men?”

And she finds herself laughing as she shakes her head, “that’s what you took from this interaction?”

She turns to him and he’s beaming, and for the first time in a long time she gives a genuine smile. He shrugs, “well?”

“No,” she says, “I don’t have a problem with bald men.”

“Then that’s perfect for me.”

“Think you’re missing the part where I said you’re too human for me.”

“Who said I was human?”

She turns, meeting the glowing hazel eyes and stops in her tracks, shoulders relaxing, “you’re a vampire?”

“You sound surprised,” he says.

“I am. I’ve never met another vampire,” she says, holding his face and leaning in, “wow, hazel, huh? The last vampire I saw had red eyes.”

“Newer vampires tend to have redder eyes. So, what color are yours?”

“Red,” she says, voice softening as she lets go of his face.

“Sorry to hear it,” he says, his voice sounding sincere.

She shrugs, “can’t change it. Can only get used to it and wait for them to turn another color.”

“So, you haven’t met any other vampires?”

“Apart from the one who bit me I thought I was the only one. I tried to find the one who bit me once but I never could. Just been me for the past three years.”

He frowns, “sounds lonely.”

She nods, “it is.”

“I know we just met but I’m starving and if you’re not too busy maybe you and I could split a CEO or a banker or something.”

“What, like they’re a milkshake,” she asks with a laugh.

“The vampire version,” he nods.

She smiles, “sure, I guess I could seduce some old guy as a thank you for saving me.”

“Technically you saved me back,” he points out, “so maybe I should be the one to seduce them.”

She raises her brow, “oh yeah? You think you can?”

“Yeah,” he says, getting cocky, “I can probably seduce them better than you.”

She chuckles, “alright, Mr. Hero Complex, we’ll see about that.” 

“Alright,” he laughs.

“Alright,” she says back with more enthusiasm.

They walk side by side towards the bars and clubs and for once she didn’t want the night to be over early. It was comforting being near someone who was like her. There’s another noise and when he jumps she takes his hand in hers giving a laugh, “scaredy cat.”

“I’m not a scaredy cat,” he explains, “I just don’t like things jumping out at me, especially at night.”

“You’re, like, what? Six foot? Six foot two? You’re bigger than anyone who could jump out at you.”

“I still don’t like it.”

“I bet you hate horror movies.”

“I bet you love them,” he says, “you didn’t even flinch when that guy pulled a knife on you. You’re this stone cold little badass.”

“I’m not a badass, I’m just immortal. I’m not scared because I know nothing can hurt me,” she points out.

“Still,” he says, “it’s crazy how you’re already used to it.”

“Well, it is a full moon,” she points out, “thought you knew the crazies come out at this time.”

He smiles and squeezes her hand gently whenever there’s another noise. The lonely feeling she was used to was gone and was replaced with something else, something warmer despite the chill of the night. She moves closer and after another noise he does too. She looks over him for a moment, taking in the details of his face out of the corner of her eye each time they pass a street lamp. When the obvious hits her her voice goes soft, “hey, what’s your name? I just realized I never asked.”

“Leo. What about you?”


“Well,” he nudges her with a grin, “it’s really nice to meet you Sofia.”

She nods, smiling as she nudges him back, “it’s really nice to meet you too, Leo.”

September 18, 2020 01:57

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