
    “Can you keep a secret?” Asked Bill. “No, I helped you rob 3 banks and kill many men to not keep a secret.” said Hank sarcastically. “Ok well I heard one of the men talking about how he found a gold nugget while panning, and he was going to cash it in after he gets paid.” Bill informed Hank. “Yea, I heard him too. What about it?” asked hank. “Well when no one was in the bunk house, I snuck in a snatched it.” Bill said excitedly as he pulled the pouch out of his pocket. “Woo Wee Bill were going to be rich!” shouted Hank. “Shhhh they might hear you. I say we wait till tomorrow to leave with it, or they’re going to know it was us” Bill explained. “Your right. I think you should bury it behind the barn!” Hank suggested. “That’s a smart idea. I’ll do that.” Bill said. He left the big wheat field trying not to look suspicious as he ducked behind the big red barn with the pealed paint on it. To his luck there was a shovel already behind there, so he got to digging he put the bag in the hole and buried it to almost look unrecognizable. Back in the fields a tall skinny man with a cowboy hat and some wheat in his mouth walked up to Hank and asked, “where’s your buddy?” “Wasn’t feeling good, so he went behind the barn” Hank said covering for Bill. While they were talking Bill returned to the wheat fields to go back to work. “The sun a little too much for you?” mocked the cowboy. “Who the heck is you?” Bill asked furiously. “I’m Nick. I’ve been working here for months now.” responded Nick. “Yea, well I don’t know who gave you the right to be mocking me. I just ate something funny that’s all” Bill explained. While staring at his face Nick started to smirk. “Well its time to go back to the bunk house. Don’t get sick on your way their partner.” mocked Nick “I should pop you in the jaw, but I want to stay, so you’re not going to get in my head”. After calming down they headed back to the bunk house.

 While walking to the bunk house they heard a commotion in the bunk house. When they entered a big fat, man had Nick pinned up against the wall yelling at him “Where’s the nugget you little weasel?”. “Maybe it was the new guys.” Nick said. The fat man dropped Nick and slowly walked towards them. When he reached them, he spit on the ground and looked at them with the glare of death. “You take my gold nugget?” he asked. “We didn’t even know you had a gold nugget.” lied Bill. “Oh, really now?” He said taking a step towards them trying to scare them. Bill looked him in the eye and smirked “I can help you look for it if you would like?” He suggested. “I think he hid it behind the barn. He was back there.” Nick said. “Well we’re going to look there, but your going to stay with me, and somebody make sure Nick doesn’t leave.” The fat man told them. The fat man made them take him behind the barn. When they made it there immediately the fat man noticed the soft dirt. “So, you did take it. Well know your gonna dig it up then I’m going to kill you”. Bill and Hank were not scared though because they have been in this position many times. After burying the nugget Bill hid the shovel behind a wagon. He told hank to look in the barn, and he turned his back on Bill who reached over the wagon and grabbed the shovel. Once he had the shovel, he hit the fat man in the back of the head cracking his skull. He was leaking out blood on to the dirt. When Hank came back, he saw the fat man with blood spewing from his head. “Well looks like we’re going to have to go now.” Hank said “Yea help me dig up this nugget, so we can get out of here”

 Once they dug up the nugget they ran towards the nearest town. Once in town, they bought a room and slept there until morning. Then they went in the saloon to celebrate. While drinking and having fun they heard gun shots outside. They went and looked out the window to see everyone from the farm hunting them down to string them up. When they saw the people with guns, they bolted out the back door and they went running towards the forest trying to escape death. When near the forest Hank twisted his ankle. Bill helped him up, and slowly they tried to keep going. Hank was slowing him down and then they heard all the men in the saloon. “Go leave me. I’m just slowing you down.” “are you crazy we’ve made it out of worse.” “No, at least one of us can get away.” Said hank. “Nope, I am not leaving.” And they headed towards the forest. They found a little carved out area that is like a little cave and hid in it. They sat there for a few minutes and heard footsteps. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped, and they saw Nicks young face “There you are you murders!” He grabbed Bill and two others grabbed Hank. They chose a tree and tied their hands and tied the noose’s around their necks to a tree. Nick looked at them and slapped the horse making it run out from under them. When their body’s fell the tree, branch snapped. When they hit the ground acting quickly Bill ran, and Hank tried to run, but his ankle was dragging him down. Bill looked behind him to see Nick pull out a gun and shoot Hank. Horrified with adrenaline pumping he kept running.

   A few years go by, and Bill cashed in the nugget. With all the money he bought himself a house in Arizona. Bill got married to a girl he met while selling some of his crops. He had two kids William Jr. and Sally. William was a small brown-haired boy with green eyes. He always came into the house covered in mud or has some sort of creature with him. Sally was a proper young lady. She had blonde hair with blue eyes and was very smart. She was the oldest. When Bill was getting old, he, left all the bad things he had done in his life behind him and now worked on his farm selling crops. He could have had a fancy house and live the rich life, but he wanted to have a normal life working and selling his hard work. The money Bill did not spend is in a bank for his children, so they could have a good life when he passed. He had chickens, cows, sheep, and horses on his nice little farm. The house was not fancy it had paint peeling from it, but Bill and his wife were proud of the old house they bought. He had a small garden growing peaches, plumbs, tomatoes, potatoes, and apples. Bill worked on his farm till he passed away and left his farm and money to his son who made a business selling carriages that move without horses, and his daughter married a man who worked on a farm, and gave her a happy life.

August 21, 2020 20:31

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