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Adventure Bedtime

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The bookthief .part two

This is the conclusion of my original story on the book thief I write some time ago well the heroine of the story part one started with a middle aged female with so many rows of bookshelf s with all mainly stolen books from public libraries or little street libraries.and still never returned a g back though her support still harped on her and she , Casey almost had been put away into a support group home by the NDIS team .but she gotte. To keep her own unit and still allowed to live there on her own if she doesn't hoard any more books nto her unit though she secretly went on a couple last mission s to a new local street library in her own suburb,but suddenly Casey had stopped going to the street library on her own suburb .why !as she noticed a blue light camera flickering on and off on night she was there at the street library through the night sho cked to see the blue light flashing lights and managed to grab the last amount of books on that shelf and fleed home .and some time layer she heard sirens when Casey gotten back home that last trip to the street library.and a week Casey noticed There have been no new books donated on that street library shelf .but there had been a library shelf put inside the gate.for certain people to walk. In through the day to borrow a book which will not be Casey .

When one time Casey had an appointment with her GP.her support drive her to the GP appointment and then after a brief check out the support drive her back home .but on the way to the cat of her support was parked in the same street where that library was .so on hearing chatting as Casey walking past with her support she heard a library worker walking out and looked at Casey walking by and of course the library staff couldn't follow as noticed a support person with her and they started walking fast to the cat of of the support so he could get Casey straight home for her safety and warning her no return back to that street library.or police Could be alerted. So there and then get support worker explained the all rules of a street libraries and that people are still suppose to return the books or other wise it would be actually vandalism to steal a bag of books from that or any street library.so Casey saying she may not return any books back she had at Home on several rows of bookshelf as still in fear that soon in the future there my won't be any more books around of the more technology company s .but so she got to be able to keep her large number of books on her shelf s and vowed to her self .well she new she has gotten a lot of books for her own future happiness but didn't need to hoard a y more book in her unit .just gotten happiness if really there won't be any more books in the future but Casey of course would still have slot of books on shelf s in her in unit and won't let any government turn up or the local community coiyto take her books out of her house to replace with some future time gadgets .so when and if a local community and council do turn up to her house block unit to manage to talk her to return books and she,Casey would fight to keep her books and take no notice if other people shall make fun of her a bit...abd to keep her own unit to manage the support of the ndis the same fight on her next plan meeting I the next two years .a d she will be able to fight for her right of living in her own unit with her own books . well as the support of the story of the ndis the same street library in the future will may be be no more or brojen by some one else. though at least Casey manage to hoard more book in case there will be no more books around sometime in the future.and this I think .might be the conclusion of part two which continues on the first stores of my book .the book thief . original.

Hope like part two .the with her own unit and remember the saying.of her Support.she should know been thsn this . ,"You already have so much books already and you know better than this of hoard more....well maybe she secretly thought she maybe might have more money with her trustee and be able to move into a bigger housebfir herself and her books .and shelf s .one thing her support saying to remember that she is already middle aged so one day her old age shall come and then her death.so what would be then be done with her collection of so many books ,"well .Casey only reply to this will be to have her books also cremated near her ashes .well maybe if that would be possible or well who knows until Casey is really old in her own unit and reads her very last novel while bedridden sudden. Maybe it would her bible to read the last book and would it be possible for her other books to end being cremated with her asht a d wouldn't it make slot of burn .well maybe another conclusion of her old age or this could be the finally end and then after that street library in the same street as the same to me to keep her own unit and still allowed to live in the future in her unit and still allowed to keep her books till the very end and maybe she might be Soon too old to traipse from one street library to next as a more arthritis so is happy with her collection of books and rest more .and her support for any help with clean and shopping or medical appointments .

November 30, 2023 06:38

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1 comment

Rebecca Maric
03:35 Dec 09, 2023

Any book lover who would have a great fear of the future if there shall be no more books around so it's ok to hoard alot of books on your own shelves if it's your own happiness. Like for me it is .


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