American Inspirational Contemporary

Regretting even showing up to his appointment Reese sat in a stiff waiting room chair. Seeing the person beside him check their phone he looked away. Having been badly electrocuted by a malfunctioning computer when he was younger the boy hasn't been very fond of technology since then. Even though he feels shameful about his hesitancy he just can’t shake it. Trying not to think about it he stares across the room at a poster about how to take proper care of your ears. Thinking of his ears he subconsciously threaded his fingers through his long hair. Thinking that people couldn't hear all that good all his life Reese did not seek help until his eighteenth birthday. Bad hearing had been a part of him his whole life so when the doctor told him he needed hearing aids it was a deep shock. Deep into his thoughts, the teen didn’t see a nurse walk up to him until they tapped him on the shoulder. A toneless voice echoed in the large waiting area “Mr. Reese Williams?” Shaking off his daydream Reese stuttered out a weak “Yeah.” With the nurse by his side, he walked down a long hallway then took a few turns until finally arriving at a cold grey door. The nurse- Finn if his name tag was anything to go off of opened the door. Freezing next to the entry Reese stared at all the heavy machinery. Seeing his panic Finn tried to assure him that they wouldn’t need to use any of that, that all he needed to do was take a seat in the chair at the center of the room. After being seated the silence was overbearing, finally breaking it Reese asked when the doctor would be arriving. “In about fifteen minutes but I have to go so you’ll be alone for a while please don’t touch anything, thanks. After seeing Reese nod the nurse left him alone in the tiny room packed with tech. After painstakingly counting every second Reese was about to go and find somebody when the door opened. A woman with a stereotypical lab coat stepped into the room and gave him a quick once over. “As you know last time we saw each other I took some scans of your ears. I understand that was very hard on you.” After seeing the boy nod she continued, “So we decided that we would work with those instead of having to take more.” Breathing an enormous sigh of relief Reese motioned for her to continue. “Since we knew you won't have any more scans, we had the hearing aids made already.” The doctor smiled and pulled out a box. With steady hands, she opened the box and pulled out the pieces. A sinking feeling found its way into Reese’s stomach. ‘They're electric.’ he thought. Sinking into the chair he could feel a panic attack about to hit him. Managing to get and run past the concerned doctor the boy went and kneeled in front of the trash can. Breathe short and the world spinning all he could do was vomit in the trash while the doctor held back his hair. When all his lunch had left him the teen felt a bit better when he glazed at the hearing aids on the table. “Hey dear I’m sorry but you either have to let me show you how to use them or make a new appointment. My next client is coming ok?” Feebly nodding Reese attempted to stand but ended up leaning on the door for support. Now I’m just gonna show you how to use them for when you get home we’re not gonna put them on here.” The doctor went on to show him how to use it and then continued to show him how to take proper care of the electronics. Putting the pieces back in the box the doctor turned around and tried to hand it to Reese. Hand quaking he took the box. “Any questions Mr. Williams?” she asked after he took the box. Before he lost the nerve to ask he stuttered out a quick question. “I’m sorry you'll have to say that again please.” “What if they electrocute me?” he repeated, slower this time although still just as nervous. Smiling, she patted him on the shoulder. “If that's what you're afraid of then don't worry we made sure that will not happen, we even double-checked just for you. Go home and try them on now.” Stumbling out thanks, Reese walked outside and called his ride. Seeing the bright yellow punch bug pull up he smiled. Walking up to the car he tried to open the door but it was locked. “Salem you minx open the doors!” Hearing a click Reese tried the door again, this time it opened for him. “Ah yes my dear boyfriend get in I wanna see you with the headpiece.” “ First off it was you who locked the doors, second it's not a headset they're hearing aids.” Laughing Salem put the car in drive, “I'm going to park us somewhere so you can try them on and don't even think about objecting Mr.” After finding a parking spot they kept the car on. Both of them took off their seat belts and stared at the box. “They are electronic right?” Reese let out a breathy “Yeah.” “You are afraid of stuff like that right?” A deep breath and then another yeah. “Reese, as your significant other I say you really need to try them, you don't know all the small noises you're missing out on, please.” He closed his eyes for a moment then opened them and reached for the box. Slowly opening the box he took the pieces out and held them in his shaking hands. Fumbling a few times he settled them correctly on the side of his face as Salem watched. They stared into each other's eyes for a brief moment before Reese broke the silence, “I can't tell a difference” Their face softening Salem answered him with a short “They're not on muffin.” Timidly reaching up the boy turned them on. A terrible screeching rang through his ears, much louder for him than his partner. After the ringing stopped neither of them said anything. Over the roar of the engine, Reese heard a whisper. “I love you.” Sure of what Salem had said Reese started tearing up and answered them “I love you too.” Almost leaping over the middle console Salem kissed their lover. Pulling back but keeping their foreheads touching Reese smiled, “That was the first time we said I love you.” Giggling Salem shook their head. Extremely confused he pulled back all the way. “What do you mean?” “Love, the number of times I’ve told you I loved you but you couldn’t hear me because your ears are phenomenal.” Now giggling too Reese made one last comment before they left, “Maybe I could get used to these things.”

February 25, 2021 21:38

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Kas Reidva
10:05 Mar 03, 2021

I liked it! It was very wholesome!


Lana Harrell
19:02 Mar 09, 2021

Thank you!


Kas Reidva
19:51 Mar 09, 2021

You're welcome! :)


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