Fiction Science Fiction Friendship

Knock. Knock. A gentle knock was heard from Mr. Williams door into the study.

“Who is there?”, Mr. Williams bellowed as he set down the reading material that was loosely placed on his hands.

“Tis I, Jessica, the only maiden in this dull house, the princess of your creation, master Williams”. The lovely voice of a girl could be heard from the other side of the door.

“I believe you have acquired a new upgrade, my daughter, humor. Come in”, Mr. Williams said, grabbing his mug of black coffee and settling down on his study chair. 

The door swung open and a petite, young lady of the age of 15, maybe 20 walked in gracefully. She stood in front of Mr. Williams desk, waiting patiently for him to finish his sip of coffee. The color looked like motor oil to Jessica, she thought. It tasted like it too. 

“I assume today’s Saturday, since the maids aren’t here”. He grabbed another sip before he proceeded. “And you have plans outside with whatever their names are...Jason, Alex or something, is it not?”, he enquired.

“Those are not their names, Papa. Anyway, I need not tell you about my plans ‘outside’ the mansion, seeing as you are only the Master of this house”, Jessica said, making a large circle, suggesting that Mr. Williams is only in charge of what happens in Jessica’s life inside the house. “Whatever happens outside, is none of your business”, she chuckled.

“If you wish to go outside ever again, you have to tell me your plans”, Mr. Williams smiled cunningly. Jessica, speechless for words to counterattack.

“Janet, Alicia and I are going to town”, she said, annoyed.

“Those two are the reasons you have gained an insane amount of negative qualities, I believe you should know, sarcasm, laziness, the immense ability to annoy everyone around you, especially your maids. They might not complain, but I see how you are with them. Running around, forcing them to chase after you”, Mr. Williams bombarded Jessica with insults. As he addressed her faults, Jessica pouted. “However, you have been exceeding the standard expectations of your progress a little earlier. You might be able to achieve your ‘dream’ a lot faster”, he continued.

“So, can I go-”

“Have you finished your chores?”

“I finished it in 5 minutes”

“Jessica, if you want to blend in with your friends, you have to do things like your friends. That means, using your enhanced abilities like super speed is a big no-no, do you understand?”

“Yes, Papa. I apologize”

“You may go”

Jessica dashed out of the house, her hat, scarf and purse in hand. She met up with Janet and Alicia near the crossroads from their houses a bit further ahead. Exchanging greetings, they went on their journey through the grasslands, over fences and across farms, passing by cattle and horses grazing. They arrived in town, a while after, securing a place in one of the cafes to plan on where to head to next. 

“I will have some coffee”, Janet requested.

“Earl Grey for me, please”, Alicia said.

“I will have a piece of the chocolate fudge cake to-go”, ordered Jessica.

“Don’t you want something to have for now? I have never seen you eating or drinking anything in front of us? Are you on a diet? I mean, it is working, your body never gets fat”, said Janet.

“Oh...no. I just... I don't have the appetite to eat”, Jessica persuaded.

“Oh my God, Jessica look, it’s John Winchester”, Alicia whispered.

‘Oh, that’s right. He meets up with his partners here. Apparently, his father wants him to be familiar with the family’s connections before he inherits the fortune”, Janet said.

“Hopefully, the Winchester’s ball tonight will be as appealing as he is. You’re lucky, Jessica. You have a charming man with the right amount of money fawning over you. You’re perfectly secured”, Alicia added.

“Yes, of course I am lucky”, Jessica said, sarcastically. “However, I have other matters on my mind currently”

“Oh, do you now? Pray tell, what matters do you have, Miss I-don’t-have-to-do-squat-for-I-have-a-rich-husband-in-the-making?”, asked Janet.

“The matter of getting a gown for tonight’s ball, of course. Hurry up”, Jessica nudged both of the girls out of their chairs and out of the cafe.

The trio marched through the boutique doors and greeted their dear friend, Angelica, who owns the boutique shop, with a hug. Apart from being extremely talented in the arts of needlework, Angelica was a beauty in everyone’s eyes. She earned the favor of a wealthy man and was convinced to marry by both their families. Despite her fear of never being able to work again, her husband was delighted by her passion to pursue her dream. 

“Are the three of you, extremely busy, to the point you could not meet me for a cup of coffee together?’, Angelica chastised.

“Excuse you, missy, you were the one who is extremely busy being a dutiful wife and a successful career woman, so do not try to pin this one on us”, Janet laughed.

“I am going to be a mother, too”, Angelica informed.

Janet and Jessica were speechless. Their face lightened up while Alicia choked on her saliva. The room was filled with Janet and Jessica’s squealing. The two pulled Angelica into their hug gently as Alicia gagged and gasped with her hand up in the air, gesturing a thumbs up.

Amidst all the happiness, Jessica, thought of the wonders of being able to carry a child. To feel like a real woman, which was something unattainable for her. 

“Oh god, having a child, that’s my dream, you know. Someday, I’m going to find a man and I will...no, no, I must bear his child”, declared Alicia.

“ A child will only be a burden, no offense, Angelica, truly happy for you, but that’s my opinion. Being a mother is not easy, it’s a lifetime commitment”, defended Janet.

Alicia scoffed at Janet’s remark. “I remember my mother used to say to me that a woman is only complete if she bore a child”.

“Well, my mother told me to find a man, and take all his money”, Janet replied. 

They all laughed at Janet, except for Jessica, who appeared to be deep in thought. The laughter died down as everyone looked at Jessica, sitting alone in her chair, staring out the window.

“Jessica,...”, Angelica called. “What is your opinion on this?”

Jessica turned her head, startled at the sudden question. She had to make up a lie quickly to not appear suspicious. 

“I believe that having a dream is wonderful. If it is your dream to get married and have children, I think you should be very grateful”, Jessica said, with careful consideration. “Not many of us are fortunate enough”, she said, under her breath as she turned away from the giggles of the three friends. 

“Jessica’s dream is to woo Mr. Winchester at the ball tonight”, Janet teased. “You did make a perfect gown for her, didn’t you Angelica? Maybe, something that can enhance her bust area to capture the wandering eyes of her future husband?”

Jessica grabbed a book from the shelf behind her and threw it at Janet, hitting her in the shins.

“Don’t disrespect books. Knowledge is meant to be absorbed, not to be used as weapons”, Angelica lectured.

“Well, not all of us could have a memory like Jessica’s. She can memorize an encyclopedia, worse yet, the thickest dictionary in the world. How ever will you get married, Jessica?”, questioned Alicia.

“As if that is my top priority as of this moment”, Jessica mocked.

“Then, what is your priority? What goes on in that head of yours every time you zone out? What are you dreaming about?”, asked Alicia.

Jessica fell silent, clutching the book to her chest.

At that moment, Angelica came through the doors with our gowns.

“Here you are, darlings. Handmade, by yours truly”, 

“These are absolutely amazing, Angelica. You have really outdone yourself”, Jessica praised.

“Do you think I would look fat in this?”, Alicia asked.

“Nonsense, you would be the prettiest of them all”, Janet replied, sincerely.

Time passed quickly as we chatted throughout the evening and it was time for the girls to head home. Jessica reached her house at about a quarter past eight. She had enough time to freshen up.

Jessica donned on her gown, adorned herself with jewelries made up of pearls. Grabbing her purse and tucking it into the side pocket of her gown that she specifically requested from Angelica, she rushed down to her father’s study. The pitter patter of rain could be heard falling on the roof.

“Papa, I brought you cake from the cafe”, she said, placing the box on the desk.

Mr. Williams spun around in his chair, a paper in hand. “My daughter, I just received a letter from Winchester Manor. It seems the master of the house had invited you personally to accompany him to the ball”

“I refuse”

“Good, I will send word that you are unable to make it to tonight’s ball for you have other businesses to attend”, Mr. Williams said, relieved.

“Oh no, Papa. I am going to the ball, just not with him”

“I’m afraid I cannot allow that, Jessica. You are far too vulnerable to be let outside at this time of night, especially now that we are aware that many are in pursuit of you. There’s no telling what they might do to you and if they find out what you are, they might take you away from me”

“But Papa, I need to go. I have to meet some-”

“You are meeting someone? Is this someone a man? Your lover?”. Papa was enraged.

“It’s just important that I meet him”

“Don’t you understand, Jessica? You can never be with someone physically. You are unable to love, unable to feel, unable to reproduce. That is who you are. You cannot change that. That dream of yours will never be achieved”

Tears streamed down Jessica’s eye sockets. It felt sticky and salty to taste. She had never cried before, and it was a feeling that she hoped will never have to endure. A lump was forming in her throat before she spoke.

“I do not care for men or what they have to offer me, be it love or lust, fortune or protection. I do not want any of that”, Jessica said, angrily, her lips quivering. “Forgive me, but I have to go”

Jessica scurried out of there, clutching the purse in hand. Gratefully, the rain had stopped. She grabbed the hems of her dress and trudged through the mud. Her father watched her leave from the window, dreading over the thought that something terrible might happen. Although she wasn’t his 'biological' daughter, he still worried for her. He slumped in his chair, diverting his attention towards work.

Jessica reached Alicia’s house around twenty minutes after she left. Janet was already in her bedroom, fixing her corset with help from Alicia’s maids. As Jessica stomped into the bedroom and plopped herself on the bed, the girls each simultaneously froze in their activities, especially Alicia who was devastated by the mud tracks on her carpet and bedding. 

“Alicia, I need shoes, the blue dainty ones so it matches with the dress”

Alicia, still shocked, threw the shoes on the bed and ran out of the room. There was a trail of mud, from the door to the spiral staircase. Alicia immediately requested the maids to clean them up before her parents arrived home. With the commotion happening outside, Jessica took the shoes and started wearing them, tugging on the ribbons harshly. 

“So, what’s the matter?”, Janet interrogated, as she inched closer and sat on the other side of the bed.

“It’s my father. He said something horrible to me and I just-”, Jessica explained, holding back her tears.

Janet looked at me, evidently concerned as she held my hand. 

“It’s fine. I just need to let out some air”, Jessica continued, squeezing Janet’s hand.

“If you really want to release some tension, you can help me with this corset. For your information, I might sound like I’m dying but I assure you I’m perfectly fine”, said Janet.

As Jessica helped out Janet, Alicia came bursting into the room, screaming gibberish and walked into her closet. She came out looking all sparkly and neat, with her pink gown.

“Someone please help me with my hair before I explode”, said Alicia.

“Hold on, dear. Let me fix Janet’s hair and I will get on to yours in a second. Oh, and Alicia, I’m so sorry about the mess, sweetie. I didn’t realise until I came in here. I didn’t mean-”, Jessica apologized sincerely to her friend.

“Oh god, it’s fine, Jessica. I understood you were upset. Anyway, fill me in. What happened?”

“Daddy issues, darling. Better not pry into it any further”, Janet interrupted, winking at Jessica.

Jessica mouthed a ‘thank you’ towards Janet who got off the chair to allow Alicia to sit.

“Jessica, I was wondering, why didn’t you get ready with us?”, asked Alicia.

Jessica needed to think of an excuse immediately before they became suspicious again. With enough time, they will begin to piece everything together and confront her. If that happens, she would need to go into hiding.

“I just didn’t want to be a burden. I live further away from you both. Imagine if something happened to me on my walk here and was delayed. I wouldn’t be able to get ready in time. It pays to be extra careful, you know”, explained Jessica.

 A while after, the neighs of horses can be heard from outside.

“The carriage is here, girls. Better hurry up”, Janet urged, looking out the window.

The girls got up on the carriage and took off for the ball. The ride was more than thrilling for the three of them, with the bumps and holes in the road. Thrashing and turning, the girls giggled at the sight of each other’s misfortunes. As we reached the ball, we were ushered into the huge ballroom, with prince and princesses, dukes and duchesses. This was the moment the town’s bachelors began their pursuit for their future wives. Jessica was more than pleased to be surrounded by millions of people, the room was a dashing gold in color, marble statues were placed against the walls. It was truly a feast for the eyes.

“Why Papa does not enjoy balls is something I can never understand”, Jessica sighed.

“Must be due to his lack of communication skills and of course, because he is just an old grump”, laughed Janet.

Jessica rolled her eyes and at that slight moment, she found the man she was looking for. He was heading out onto the balcony. This was my chance, Jessica thought. 

“Now then, shall I grab us a drink?”, asked Jessica.

“Yes, please”, the friends said together, while watching the handsome, young men on the other side of the room.

Jessica rushed out, following the man towards the balcony. She looked around and saw his silhouette, holding a glass of champagne.

“Mr. Shepherd, my name is Jessica Williams, I am here to retrieve the device”, Jessica called out.

“Come closer, Ms. Williams. Come look over here”, the man said, pointing to the empty space beside him.

Jessica took one, big breath and neared the man slowly. The balcony overlooked a magnificent garden, with red and white roses. Lights lit up the pathways separating the red and white from each other. 

“There’s a fairytale called Snow White and Rose Red, my mother read it to me when I was growing up. It’s a fantasy book, if I may add”, Mr. Shepherd said. “Now, if you look at all this, the garden, the flowers, the trees, the lights, and you look straight towards the horizon, it all feels like a dream, doesn’t it?”

Confused, Jessica looked at the man, not quite understanding what he meant. 

“You wouldn’t understand it now, my girl”. He took out the piece of metal from his pocket, which looked like a rock beaten into a smooth shape. A glowing, luminous light was radiating from the middle. “But with this, you will”

Jessica was in awe, by the mechanism's tiny size, that could fit into her hand so perfectly. She took it from Mr. Shepherd, placed it in her purse and plucked out the few coins she had saved. She extended them to the man, in which he pushed it back towards her. “It’s not common for humans to pay for their dreams”, he said, with a smile. Jessica thanked him and left for her house. As she dashed out, she was stopped by John Winchester. 

“Jessica, I was thinking, maybe you would care to join me out on the balcony to look at the garden?”, he asked.

“Pardon me John, I need to go home. I’m feeling a bit ill”, Jessica lied. 

At home, she ran to her father’s study and burst into the doors. Mr Williams, clearly frightened, dropped his notebook and took cover under the desk.

“For God’s sake, Jessica. I thought you were an assassin”. He stood back up.

Jessica, trying to hold in her laughter, pulled out the mechanism from her purse and showed her father.

“I finally got it. I know you must have many questions but I cannot wait any longer, you have to do it”, Jessica pleaded to her father.

Mr. Williams understood his daughter’s excitement and proceeded to run the operation. Jessica sat down in his chair. With a screwdriver in hand, Mr. Williams switched off all of Jessica’s functions, including her senses, except for her brain. As the world turned black, Jessica’s mind wandered.

I can dream now, like humans, she thought, as a single tear escaped her eye.

February 26, 2021 14:33

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