Mystery Horror

She was, for all manner of speaking, a newly minted wife. Her role seemed so simple at first.

The wedding had been a grand thing that offered headaches of cherry blossoms and white frills from the cross altar to the backdrop of the after party. Too-wide porcelain toothed smiles surrounded Dolly from every hampered angle and it left her feeling slightly awkward. She'd never garnered this much attention in her lifetime, being the middle child between two doctors and one other prodigal younger sister meant that not much attention had ever been directed towards her.

That was perfectly fine by Dolly up until the point she realized that she'd aimlessly ridden through life on a metaphysical pair of training wheels that she had never quite learned how to cruise without while everyone else had.

Now her white gown felt like lead and her veil felt like a chain that permanently symbolled that she would be tied to her husband till death did them part. The gifts were nice, sure, overall the wedding was everything she'd ever dreamed of as a child, a loving husband, a happy crowd, a vibrant party. She was taking off spectacularly.

The festivities ended and Dolly and Jamie the newlyweds drove out to the mountains of Big Bear for their honeymoon. Dolly herself wasn't a big fan of snow past the few times she made snowmen as a chubby fingered child but Jamie was a huge skiing buff and she loved to watch so there was no harm done.

Their cabin was a generous size, wide pane windows, logs, and sleek wood all around. There was a wooden fenced patio where Dolly had taken to seating herself under the pergola. She placed her hands in her lap, gazing around her at the sea of white.

"Beautiful," Dolly said in admiration.

"Told you you'd learn to love it," Jamie said as he tied the laces of his large boots. He gave a firm hunkering tap and rose to his tall stature, rubbing the cold off his nose. "Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"Tomorrow maybe, right now I'm exhausted from the trip here. I think I'll take a nap then prepare us some lunch."

"Alrighty then, have a nice rest honey I'll be back from the resort in a few hours."

He leaned down. Dolly lifted her head. She was surprised when he kissed her forehead rather than her lips but felt pleased nonetheless.

"Love you, Jamie."

"Love you, Dolly. Don't stay out here for too long, you might catch a cold."

"Okay baby, have fun!"

Dolly waited until the jeep disappeared into the pines to reach into her pocket for a pack of Malboro's. She cupped her hand like a makeshift haven for the small flame coming from the bic lighter until the butt of the cigarette caught flame. The small stick felt good against her mouth, already she could feel her anxiety ebbing away from her like leaves in the wind. Dolly couldn't help feeling slightly guilty, she'd told Jamie she quit years ago. Still it felt nice to have something her own, even something like this, to keep from him.

The memory came rolling in like a thick fog not unlike the one surrounding her.

Jamie's younger, eyes heavy set against his angled features. He's shouting at Dolly about something but the words slide over her face and mind like liquid, as unimpressionable as her facial movements. There's a ringing in her ears that let's her know something is wrong but Dolly is too lost to care.

When Dolly arrived to the present it was to find her cigarette more than halfway done. She extinguished the butt beside her on the bench and got up to bury the remnants in the snow with the scuff of her shoe.

The bed was soft, a luxurious size in comparison to the twin she'd slept in at her family home. Warm fire from the corner of the room tickled her limbs as she took seat in front of it at the foot of the bed. Staring into the flickering flames, observing as the whorls of orange and yellow rose higher into the chimney was cathartic for Dolly. It reminded her of the winter days spent in Virginia by her siblings and parents after supper. She would never go home again, at least not as her parent's daughter. She's be Mrs. Cartwright, a guest.

Dolly frowned at the thought. She checked the antiquated clock. 3:30 pm.

When had time flown by?

Quickly she went downstairs to produce a hearty soup for her and Jamie. It was a family recipe, one her mother had made sure to drill into her head a number of times. She retrieved a small rectangular brown package from her purse. The weight felt snug in her hand. The secret ingredient.

One from Dad, one from Mom, one from Micheal, one from Sarah, and one from the youngest Amy.

And for the final piece Dolly retrieved a knife from a kitchen drawer and got to work. She wouldn't need much. But just enough so she could go home one day and warmly tell her family with twinkling eyes and tell them she'd upheld their family tradition.

She settled for a piece of thigh, Micheal (her doctor older brother), had taught her how to cut it safely. It was painful at first but once it was over Dolly couldn't help the satisfaction that blossomed across her chest. She cooked the pieces halfway and tossed them into the soup along with some rosemary and oregano for some flavor. When the soup cane to a raging boil Dolly lowered the heat and let it simmer for some time.

The front door squeaked open and Dolly bristled with excitement. She undid her apron with nimble finger and set aside on the kitchen counter to go run and meet her husband.

"You're back!" Dolly said, hugging him.

"Of course I am, did you expect otherwise?"

Dolly was silent for a moment. "I made lunch...I suppose at this time it may as well be dinner."

"Ah, the famous Payne family soup. I am honored to at last be able to try it," Jamie jibed.

They set the table and sat down to eat. Dolly watched with hawkish eyes as Jamie took his first mouthful. His eyes sparked with affectionate warmth as he gazed up at Dolly. "Delicious. What's it made with?"

"That's a family secret." Dolly smiled. "Let's just say, we put a bit of all of us into it."

She'd fulfilled her role as a newlywed Payne- now Cartwright wife. At last, Dolly was content.

July 02, 2021 16:10

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