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Adventure Friendship Inspirational

The sky tore open and poured out all its anger onto the town and those in it. It seemed as though their world would end in that very moment with water rushing down the streets eating anything that comes in its way. The winds, stronger than they ever had seen, howled and echoed across the city.

Two men fought their way through the tempest in search of shelter or escape. Thomas, a tall broad shouldered man in his early 20’s, pushed against the relentless wind. Micheal, a regular size college student with a strong mind followed, struggling to keep pace. They had just met a moment ago and shared one thing in common, a hope of survival.

“I think there might be something up ahead!” Thomas shouted, his voice barely reaching Micheal due to the roar of the wind.

Micheal nods in agreement as he lifts his arm to see for himself. Through the blinding sheets of rain, a blurred structure came into view. It appeared to be a barn or storage of some sort. Seeing a possible escape from the storm urged them to push past the ferocity of the storm. The two men battle with the rising water that is now up to their mid thighs , their movements becoming labored as the flowing water pulls at their legs. Through persistence, they carry on.

Upon nearing the building, Thomas was able to detect signs of life and warmth by looking through the glass window. They both approached the entrance of the shelter and opened its doors to see people wrapped in blankets sitting closely together. Walking in, they study those they are sharing the space with. Some with warm drinks in their hands, feeling relieved, and others crying over the separation from their loved ones to reach here. There was a mix of emotions in the air around them. Micheal and Thomas are both assisted by who they assume are owners of the shelter. They are brought blankets and towels to dry off and keep warm. The howling winds of the growing storm are heard from within the building as the men get comfortable. They look at each other with uncertainty for what fate has written for them. Michael was about to sip into his hot chocolate when a frail, desperate cry cut through the noise of the storm. 

The two men, along with others, stood up and looked out the windows to pin where the noise came from. They exchanged glances with one another when they saw an elderly woman barely standing on a surface in order to not be caught by the strong and constant flow of the water. Without hesitation, both men rushed towards the door. 

“We have to get her in here. Now!”, Thomas screamed to Micheal as the noise from the storm overpowered his own voice.

Micheal responded with action as he looked around for a light of some sort. He grabbed the nearest oil lamp and began walking away from the shelter and towards the woman. Likewise, Thomas grabbed a rope that was laying nearby and followed with determined steps. The others in the shelter watched curiously through the windows as the men entered the water once again. The water was now waist high and it had become very difficult to take steps, but the men knew they had to help the old woman. 

She was clinging to a lamp post while standing what seemed to be the leftover of a roof. Thomas reached her first and asked if she was alright before attempting to lift her. She was too timid to give in, but the sight of the rising water and growing winds compelled her to trust the man. Thomas grabbed her left arm and brought it around his shoulder. With his arm around her frail frame, he began bringing her down while Micheal clutched onto her left arm. As they began walking towards the shelter and against the storm, Thomas began getting a strange feeling of weakness in his limbs. They looked up to see that they were only halfway there. Both men struggled to keep footing as the powerful flow of water showed no mercy.

The woman started to shift and had a look of lost hope on her face. Micheal, noticing this, grabbed onto her tighter, taking load away from Thomas and told her, “Hold on ma’am! We’re almost there!”. A sudden wave of water pushed against them and caused Thomas to lose his footing and slip into the water. Micheal swung his arm and caught hold of Thomas’s hand and tried to pull him up, but he had only so much strength in him between carrying the woman, his own weight, and trying to help his friend. 

Thomas cried out, “Help! Micheal!” He held on tight to Micheals arm.

With another wave, the flood claimed Thomas, tearing him apart from Micheal and carrying him away swiftly. Micheal reached out his free arm and screamed, “NO!” after the sudden separation. He watched as the water carried Thomas away, salty tears welling in his eyes. Within that moment, reality hit him when a tree fell down in the distance. He re-shifted his focus back onto the old lady, pushing harder and harder to get to the shelter. With his free hand, he pushed objects out of the way so that the woman wouldn’t get hurt. After many determined steps and a heavy heart, Micheal was able to bring the old woman to safety. 

He placed her on the porch before getting on it himself. A man from inside rushed to the door to open it from them and upon entering the little kids cheered for Micheal. He was applauded by others for his heroic efforts while some women brought blankets and warmers to the old lady. Although he appreciated the recognition, he accepted it with an aching heart. He knew that Thomas was the real hero. If not for him, Micheal would still be stuck in the ditch where Thomas found him. 

Soft light crept its way in through the cracks of the boarded window. Micheal woke up to find men putting on their coats, women waking up their children and others heading out of the shelter. He picked himself off the floor and walked out. The skies had cleared and a strange hush enveloped the area. The relentless flood waters were nowhere to be seen but the scar it left behind surely was evident. Micheal’s eyes wandered over the sight of trees blocking streets from being ripped out the ground, homes without roofs, and an array of items scattered across the streets and lawns of people’s homes. Micheal saw in the distance people swarming around ambulances and police, asking about their loved ones. And so Micheal began walking.

September 14, 2024 00:33

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1 comment

Martin Ross
14:30 Sep 19, 2024

A great opening draws the reader in, and that first sentence just grabbed me. From there, the story propelled me — a vivid description of crisis and heroism. Then you finished off with a quiet but very powerful ending. Well-done — welcome to Reedsy, and have fun!


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