Drama Fiction Romance


All things that make us feel unhappy begin from being misheard, misunderstood and misinterpreted.

When the going gets tough turn to your inner world for you will have better understanding of who you are than anyone else could do for you.

Chapter 1

Sitting in the bedroom Pearl expelled her words to Jim. As they continued to Argue

Pearl :We just don't get each other, I've been explaining myself for the past 15 minutes you don’t understand me. You just don't understand me

Jim : But I do, I have been listening attentively to you and never disturbed you until you were finished. You always say that I don't understand you.

Pearl : You I don't see the whole point of having to tell you anything, you are so complicated.

Jim :( looks at her in the eyes) why are you saying all these hurtful words to me? Sometimes I think you don't love me anymore, you always have something negative to say about me. Can't you see that I care for you? Can't you see that I love you? (his eyes were watery)

Pearl : I know that you love me and I love you too,but you just don't get me sometimes (she looks away). We can just drop it here because I can see that you always want to put your own words towards what I have spoken.

Jim : Okay (he stood up and left the room)

It hasn't always been like this for these two. There were better moments, moments shared with love and happiness. There were laughters and early morning messages that brought them great joy. They barely ever fought back then. One day Jim was tempted and fell for the trap of a young beautiful lady that stole his attention. He began to spend less time with Pearl, less communication and less messages went to his beloved girlfriend. He did try to hide it for some months, but he couldn't keep up his good deeds in the house as he was. Pearl felt there was something happening behind her back, she began to do some research of what makes a man spend less time with their woman. She found some relevant information of which started to make her feel uncomfortable around her beloved boyfriend. She stayed away though because she thought she was being insecure. She kept on having that gut feeling that there is something Jim is hiding.

Little did Jim know about the upcoming events that were coming in his life. He was doing his daily chores as normal and he heard Pearl calling him from their living room where he forgot his phone. He looked at her, she wasn't smiling, she had her eyes filled with tears. She wasn't the Pearl that he knows. He comes to her and tries to hold her.

Jim: What's happening? Who died?

Pearl : (pulling herself away from him) I did, I just died (continues to sob)

Jim : (confused face) what do you mean? Baby you are still alive. Is this a prank?

Pearl :No Jim, I died and you murdered me. You selfish son of a b....

Jim : (distruts her) oh hold it don't be so violent with me, keep calm. Just tell me what's going on...

Pearl : Who is Tracy?....

Jim stood shocked as if there was a ghost in front of him.

Chapter 2

Jim : She's a friend (trying to lie his way out)

Pearl : Oh God... Jim please don't make this harder than it's supposed to be. You know that's not true. She's your side b*#ch.

Jim : That's not true, she's not my girlfriend. You are...

Pearl : or maybe I am your side b*#ch (continues to cry louder this time)

Jim : Baby you are my one and only, I only love you and I don't have anything going on with her. I promise you.

Pearl : Then why call her baby? why call her what you call me? You know what don't call me baby anymore (She is very emotional and heart broken).

Jim : (doesn't know what to do and decided to tell her the truth) Okay I am having an affair with her.

Pearl : How long have you known her?

Jim : It's not been to long....

Pearl : Jim you know dates very well just tell me how long have you known the girl. Why be so shy now? Huh? Not so confident to do what you do behind my back in front of me? (Angry voice)

Jim : it's been 6 months (he looks down)

Pearl : Wow (keeps quite a bit) half a year... Do you love her?

Jim : No, I don't love her. I love only you...

Pearl : (Interrupts him ) STOP LYING TO ME, YOU CAN'T BE WITH A PERSON FOR 6 MONTHS AND NOT LOVE HER ( shouting angrily) or you guys were just sleeping around? Have you slept with her? Why am I even asking it's so obvious (starts crying again)

Jim : It's not how you are seeing it. I was tempted okay (tries to explain)

Pearl : What did I ever do to you to deserve this? Why didn't you tell me you don't love me anymore rather than cheating on me?

Jim : I am sorry (he was ashamed of himself)

Pearl : you are sorry? Wow you should be sorry, because I am leaving you (stands up and goes to start packing in the room)

Jim : No Pearl please don't leave me. I wasn't thinking straight and I didn't even know I was going to get here with you. I thought I could keep it a secret so that it doesn't hurt you. We only slept twice in 6 months, there on I decided to stop having sex with her.

Pearl : Why didn't you become clean with me then and tell me that you have made a mistake. It was going to hurt me, but not more than me finding it myself. I don't trust anything you are saying right now. I don't even know what else you are hiding from me. I should go checking if you didn't infect me with any diseases.

Jim : I would never do that, I used protection with her. Please just don't go, I will earn your trust back. I will prove to you that I didn't mean to do all those things to you. (talking in fear)

Jim didn't know that this was the beginning of his worst days. He only saw the now of which was stopping Pearl from going. He begged her until she stopped packing. He hugged her but all he heard was a voice of her crying in pain. He comforted her, but she just wanted to be alone and asked him to go and sleep on the couch. He didn't argue he left with an extra blanket.

This is not how Jim planned it to be all things were supposed to be deleted and cleared out. He could've gotten away with this, but he was too faulty in covering his tracks. The only thing that kept him from doing so was his comfort. He never saw the need of clearing his phone because she doesn't touch it. This day taught him to ensure that he clears his phone, to never cheat and to be honest. It was very tough for him since he was no longer going to be trusted, things weren't going to be the same anymore.

Chapter 3

Pearl woke up early in the morning so drained, it looked like she was crying the whole night. Even the way she was walking explained a lot. She didn't even say good morning. She walked into the kitchen and made breakfast she didn't want to say anything to Jim.

Jim felt guilty and he walked up to her very quickly and greeted her.

Jim : Good morning love( he's scared to even talk to her)

Pearl : Hi

Jim : I might not know what to do or say right now, but I really am sorry.

Pearl : (she stood up with her food) I'll go have breakfast alone in the room. I need to think.

Jim : Okay (his heart felt the heaviness around the whole house)

He knew that he has lost one of the most important things in the relationship. Trust.

Going back to the arguments that had arouse due to this heartbreak. The misunderstandings that grew from this broken heart. The endless gloom that covered their hearts. It was overwhelming for the both of them as they tried to work things out. Things kept on falling apart and It was all blamed on Jim. Jim felt like he was the cause of these ups and downs that always occurred.

Chapter 4

5 months passed as they were still eager to try make things work, but Pearl never saw Jim the same way again. It was as if he was a stranger to her. Although she wouldn't make it obvious.

One morning there was a text that came through from Jim's phone. Pearl saw it. The look on her face showed that she just can't stand what she's seeing.

Pearl : (angry face) You still talking with this b*#ch? Oh Jim, you are such a manipulative cheat. I hate you!

Jim : What are you talking about? I am no longer talking to any girl as you said I shouldn't talk to any female because you are still healing.

Pearl : (showing him a message on his screen) then what the f*#k is this? Who's this?

Jim : It's a message and I didn't know that there is one up until now. You showed me that message. (getting irritated)

Pearl : (She throws the phone at him and stood up) I'll be in the bed room. I need some time alone. I just don't trust you anymore. I don't even know if I still feel the same.

Jim : I don't think that you do love me anymore. I think you already concluded that you don't love me.

Pearl : Jim, I love you, but I am hurt and I just don't know what to do. I think you don't understand me.

Jim : you've been saying I don't understand you for the past 5 months, which part of me that doesn't understand you? You aren't being fair to me anymore.

Pearl : You don't understand me Jim. I am going through a lot here and I just want to be alone. I've been saying that I am not okay and it seems like you only care about yourself.

Jim : I care about you, all the deeds I've been doing were to prove that I care about you. I am not even sure if all I am doing will be enough for you anymore. It seems to me that being with me makes you feel empty.

Pearl : You don't understand me. I need to be alone. Let's cut this conversation.

Jim : Okay (he remained alone and sad)

This has been going on for too long. He felt like he made a mistake to talk her into staying. It was draining for the both of them. He just wanted to be in peace. He missed the old days where he used to be happy. He eventually he just wanted to end things with her. Things were very toxic for the both of them. This lead them to a place of uncertainty and they both decided to take some break.

The end....

January 10, 2021 16:45

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