Another Day In Hell

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt



Father: Only one hour left until the anniversary. 

Me: Do NOT remind me!

Father: How is drinking going? 

Me: Not good when you are pestering me. 

Father: Oh, very funny

Father: How much had you have already?

Me: Why do you even care? 

Father: That’s a stupid question. I am your father. I loved your mother. So I mourn her too. Naturally.

Me: 6 shots so far…

Father: Good, I had 10 already…

Me: Another 6 coming up… 

Father: Trying to beat me? 

Me: Always

Father: You should join me at AA meeting, we are meeting in 15. 

Me: No. I am not an alcoholic.

Father: Sure, keep telling yourself that… 

Father: They can help you cope with our loss too. 

Me: Stop it. I am not going!

Father: sigh 

Father: What about your team? 

Father: They could help you, right?

Me: I do not need their help. I am pretty content where I am right now. 

Father: No shit. You have to talk to someone. All these emotions will eat you up alive, trust me I know. I have been there…

Me: I do not need to talk…

Me: just shots to ease pain…

Father: God, you need help.

Me: I do not need help!

Me: But I will ask for it when I do.

Father: Alright, you know where to find me. 


Baby: Hey Alar, where are you? 

Me: Bar

Baby: Today is a game night, remember? Will you come? 

Me: Yes and no

Pain in the ass: Wow, you are really talkative today. What crawled up your ass and died? 

Me: Fuck off, Xander! 

Baby: Why not?

Baby: What exactly are you doing right now? 

Baby: Alar? 

Baby: Are you there? 

Pain in the ass: Meh. J4I he is drinking himself into oblivion. IYKWIM 

Baby: What? 

Pain in the ass: TBBH he’s drowning his anxiety. 

Pain in the ass: His Friday habit, BTW. 

Pain in the ass: Shots are probably flying in his direction one by one. 

Pain in the ass: Did you picked up some skirt already? 

Me: You nosy shit! Shut the fuck up already!!! 

Baby: Alar you promised me you will be here! 

Mother hen: Get your ass over here! You are late! 

Me: Not you too Hunter. This is my only night off after a month! 

Mother hen: It's ours too, by the way, but we came…

Me: Give me a break. I need some time alone. 

Pain in the ass: WE, leave him alone, it's his loss. 

Pain in the ass: BITMT we can enjoy ourselves without him. Hm…

Pain in the ass: Do I see popcorn? 

Mother hen: Do not taunt him Xander. You know how he gets. 

Pain in the ass: Nachos? 

Baby: This is not going anywhere…

Pain in the ass: I see PZA! Your favorite one Alar. Yum yum. CSG. 

Mother hen: You are impossible

Pain in the ass: FIF

Mother hen: And stop using shortcuts, I do not have time to google it all the time 

Pain in the ass: Old hag

Mother hen: What? 

Mother hen: FU, we are the same age! 

Pain in the ass: OMGYS 

Mother hen: Xander SYY

Pain in the ass: NT

Pain in the ass: ROFL

Pain in the ass: TFF

Me: For the love of God, stop spamming my phone!

Pain in the ass: No will do

Me: Do you have a death wish? 

Pain in the ass: As usual, and you love me for that. 

Pain in the ass: What would you do without me?

Me: Xander just one more word and I swear I will come and strangle you myself.

Pain in the ass: So you will come? 

Me: No. I am busy

Pain in the ass: What? Shots are gathering in front of you? 

Mother hen: Stop you two!

Me: I am asking you one last time to leave me alone!!


Baby: Alar? 

Me: Ugh what now? 

Baby: Why are you drinking? 

Me: Private reasons

Baby: Will you tell me? 

Me: No

Baby: Then some other time? 

Me: Maybe

Me: Now, leave me alone. Other shots arrived. 

Baby: No, you should be here with us… 

Baby: We need to sort things out… 

Baby: I, need you here

Baby: Alcohol will not solve whatever you are trying to deal with. 

Me: For me, it does every time.

Baby: Bullshit! 

Baby: We can help, you know? 

Me: Not interested

Me: I can handle it alone

Baby: What? 

Baby: You can not be serious!

Baby: We are a team, and we stick together like a family.

Me: I am serious

Me: I am staying right here in my favorite bar sitting on my favorite stool. Gulping the best tequila in the city. 

Baby: Oh come one. I prepared a monopoly… my the most favorite game ever.

Baby: And a ton of junk food...

Baby: Hurry up or Xander will eat it all up!

Baby: Alar? 

Baby: You there? 

Me: Yes

Baby: And? 

Me: I am not coming. I have unfinished business here. 

Baby: Ugh! Please, for me? 

Me: No

Baby: Pretty please? 

Baby: I know I could help if you open up

Me: NO! 

Me: How many times do I have to tell you that? 

Me: Leave me the fuck ALONE! 

Me: We are not a family, we are nothing!! 

Me: You are nothing to me! 

Me: So stop bothering me and leave me alone already!!!


Mother hen: What did you do? 

Mother hen: Bree just threw her phone to the wall! 

Mother hen: What did you do to piss her off? 

Pain in the ass: She is crying now. Hopelessly. I am pissed now! 

Me: Fuck

Pain in the ass: Wish you could hear it. I can not stand it! 

Mother hen: What did you do?! 

Me: Ask her, she is the one to blame!

Mother hen: For heaven’s sake I am asking you!!

Mother hen: Alar. Will. You. Answer. Me?! 

Pain in the ass: I want answers too! ASAP! 

Pain in the ass: Nothing?! UHGTBSM, you coward!

Mother hen: Alar? This is the last time I am asking...

Mother hen: then I will personally come to your bar and…

Me: Okay, okay I fucked up. Happy? 

Pain in the ass: That is nothing new, Sherlock…

Pain in the ass: give us more details…how?

Mother hen: Xander you are not helping. Do us a favor and do something useful. 

Mother hen: Alar, explain! 

Me: She pressured me and I snapped. 

Pain in the ass: I just read the messages you SOAB!

Pain in the ass: You screwed up. Tremendously. FOAD! How could you?!

Mother hen: Xander, leave the conversation. NOW!

Pain in the ass: We are not finished!!

Mother hen: Alar why are you acting this way? Why do you push her away?

Mother hen: I know our team is not working smoothly right now, but we could fix it if you would show up. I now we can.

Me: Can’t

Mother hen: Is this night so important for you?

Me: Yes

Mother hen: Why? 

Mother hen: Wait, the date…it is today, right? The anniversary?

Me: Yes 

Mother hen: God Christ. How much time? 

Me: 20 minutes… 

Mother hen: I get it now, but…

Mother hen: You know, despite all that, you should not snap at her?

Mother hen: She is the only one holding us together. 

Mother hen: She is the best addition to our team we could hope for.

Me: Fuck. I am aware

Mother hen: She just tried to help. Do not shut her out, not now when she finally opened up to us….

Me: Gah, I should have not snapped as I did...

Mother hen: Then fix it! And arrive! 

Me: But I… 

Mother hen: I do not care about your buts. FIX IT! Then come to us so we can talk…

Mother hen: the whole team is in your hands… 

Mother hen: she will leave us if we keep acting this way


Me: Bree? 

Me: Baby, I am sorry

Me: I should not have snapped at you

Baby: Not fair Alar, not fair

Baby: I barely know you guys but I thought I have a place among you, your team. 

Baby: That we could be some sort of a family. I trusted you

Me: We could be just that. You still have and always will have a place among us. We need you. 

Me: To be true, I need you

Baby: Then do not push me away. And trust me...

Me: I’ll try

Baby: Promise? I am not stupid I can get your reasons when you explain them to me…

Me: Promise. I am sorry

Me: I will arrive later when I am done

Baby: Okay, take your time

Baby: But not so much, I can not ensure that there will be any food left. Xander is stuffing his mouth full...

Pain in the ass: No PZA for you DERP

Me: Well I deserve that. The last shots arrived…

Me: Screw it, I just leave them be...

Me: Baby will you help me deal?

Baby: YES

Me: I am on my way..

Me: See you in 10

Abbreviations explained:

AA(alcoholics anonymous), J4I(just or information), IYKWIM(if you know what I mean), TBBH(to be brutally honest), BTW(by the way), WE(whatever), BITMT(but in the meantime), PZA(pizza), CSG(chuckle, snicker, grin), FIF(fuck I am funny), FU(fuck you), OMGYS(oh my god you suck), SYY(shut your yapper), NT(nice try), ROFL(rolling on the flood laughing), TFF(too fucking funny), ASAP(as soon as possible), UHGTBSM (you have got to be shitting with me), SOAB(son of a bitch), FOAD(fuck off and die), DERP(stupid, silly)

March 26, 2020 20:15

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