
With sleepy eyes, she turned on her room light.

"Oh no!, no, no, not again, this is definitely a curse", she said while staring at the circle patch made on her bed with urine. She just bedwetted.

She quickly changed her night dress and bed sheets, before anybody would come to look for her. This has been the normal routine for almost three months now. She didn't really know what the problem was, but she knew it wasn't normal for a girl of 27 to be bedwetting. She stopped bedwetting at the age of three, only for it to begin three months ago. Depression had started to creep in, and she felt like committing suicide because it denied her a lot of things. She couldn't sleep over at her boyfriend's place because she was afraid she would wet his bed. That would be the biggest embarrasment ever.

She tried seeking medical attention, but almost every doctor kept annoying her. She had seen a lot of annoying doctors, but she could never forget her experience with the first doctor she told her problem.

She walked into his office that faithful morning and took a seat.

"Now please how can I help you", the doctor asked

"Sir, there's this problem I have. For weeks now, anytime I sleep, I tend to pee on myself", she said lowering her voice.

"Ha ha ha ha", the doctor laughed mockingly.

"Are you mocking me, Dr.........Wilson?", she asked squinting her eyes to see his name properly with irritation rising in her voice.

"No, ha ha ha ha ha", he continued laughing.

She stood up immediately and left his office. As she was leaving, she was still hearing his laughter.

"What rubbish. Stupid son of a bitch", she said with a bit of hurt in her voice.

The man just insulted and humiliated her right in her face.

She still went on to see more doctors. Some insulted her, while some gave her some advice. The last doctor she saw, was the best doctor she had encountered since this problem started. When she entered her office, the doctor gave her a "your secrets are safe with me" smile, before she even began to say her problem.

"Please ma, how can I stop bedwetting and what causes it?", she asked the very beautiful female doctor.

The doctor went ahead to give her the explanation, causes and treatments.

"You see my dear, it is medically called Nocturnal Enuresis, that is , bedwetting at night. It can be caused by diabetes, urinary tract abnormalities, Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), and sometimes stress. So don't feel cursed okay", the doctor said.

"How did she know I felt cursed", she thought.

"I will run a test for you, to see if you have diabetes or urinary infections, and if you do, I will give you some drugs. But pills are not the best way to stop bedwetting", she continued.

"You can start by taking little water at night. You can also use an alarm, and set an hour before the time you usually notice you've bedwetted. I hope you are sensitive to alarms?", the doctor asked and she nodded in affirmation.

The truth was that she wasn't, but she could learn, couldn't she?

She left the office with a little feeling satisfaction. The doctor ran the test, and she didn't have diabetes or infection, so she concluded it could be stress. But that was three weeks ago. The alarm idea worked, but not too well, because if it did, she was supposed to have stopped bedwetting.

She ran into the shower and took her bath. When she was through, she dressed up and went to her boyfriend's house. When she arrived, her boyfriend hugged and kissed her passionately. Larry said he was going out to run some errands for about an hour, but she should be comfortable.

Ten minutes after he left, the laundry man knocked and asked for Larry's dirty clothes. She went to his wardrobe to sought out his dirty clothes, when she dipped her hand into one of his jacket pocket, and brought a golden engagement ring.

He was planning to propose.

With excitement she put the ring back, and ran to give the laundry man the dirty clothes she found. She was still smiling happily when something dawned on her. How on earth would she tell Larry her shame.

A week later, Larry asked her out on a date. She knew he had decided to propose. As she got ready for the date, she kept thinking about the bedwetting issue.

"If I tell him about this thing now, he might probably break up with me and I really love him. You see what you've caused this demon", she soliloquiesed.

"But it's better he breaks up with me now, than to divorce me few months after wedding. That will bring a lot of shame. I will swallow my pride and tell him", she said.

Larry arrived some minutes later in a blue Range Rover jeep to pick her up. When she came out through the door, he was happy for he knew he was about to do the right thing. She was indeed very beautiful with a golden heart. She too was looking at him, for he was very handsome. She stared from his blonde hair, to his shining blue eyes, to his fair skin, to that wonderful dimple on his both cheeks and muscular body. He was very loving and romantic. In fact, he was pratically every girl's dream man.

They arrived at the restaurant, took seats and ordered for some wine. Larry looked at her and noticed she was shifting uneasily. She was very nervous, for she was about to tell him her deepest secretes and shame too, which she felt no other person knew apart from the doctors she discussed it with.

"Are you okay?", he asked with concern.

"Am fine", she said smiling awkwardly.

"Tell him now! Tell him now!", her mind kept saying.

She looked around to see if anyone was watching, then she gestured him to come close. With a racing heart of what would be the outcome of what she was about to say, she whispered, "CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET".

August 19, 2020 20:43

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Ugwu Nkechinyere
12:55 Aug 21, 2020

Wonderful story. Great


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Ugwu Tochukwu
20:45 Aug 19, 2020

The writer really tried. I love the consistency of the story, and the creativity too. Keep it up.


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