Creative Nonfiction Happy Teens & Young Adult

Dude, you sure wants to see this girl or you're kind of joking?

See man am not joking seriously, "I can't believe of all the girls its ruqy that's making me go crazy "replied Adam. Then this is really serious said muby. I thought you said this girl isn't your class or kinda girl? You bullied, insulted and made her feel bad for just her status. Adam I thought you said ruqy is just a commoner and an ordinary girl who doesn't deserve a stare from you? This is out of my reach dude, I have to go attend to my work please.


Ma'am ruqy, the director wants to see you. The secretary said, ok answered ruqy.

Sir, you sent for me?

Oh yes ruqy, please take your sit gesturing her to a sit opposite him.

II asked to see you over the new contracts we have signed the Versace group of companies, they're experiencing alot of bankruptcy in their finacies and they need us to help set things right for them. And you're the person they needs precisely. Mr umar son ever since he came back haven't seen any good turnout from his fathers ventures and he wants to break records of his father former sales. So you'll be taking the next flight to Lagos they are expecting you anytime soon.

Ok sir replied ruqy before leaving the office.


Mum I have a business meeting to attend in the next 2 hours and I can't afford to miss it. Please the food can wait I will get something to eat immediately I reach.

But ruqy you know you haven't eaten since morning?

BBu mum I took tea will you please allow me to go already??

Ok my dear, safe trip. Said Mrs amin before allowing her daughter out of the house.


Hello muby, please youll have to be in the office and organize everyone before the arrival of the chartered accountant from Abuja, she have taken her flight and isah have gone to get her from the airport.

Ok man, I will be there soon. I pray the business blooms after her intervention said muby.

"II hope so too dude replied Adam". Alright, see you at the office soon". Yay" see yay bro.


"Arrival of miss ruqy sambo, the best chartered accountant ever'.

Ruqy walked into the conference room and took her seat, the computer operators boot her system and set it to the page of her presentation. After sharing pleasant formalities she started her work.

With the best coordination,courage and dexterity she gave the strategies on how successful Versace group of companies could run there venture effectively. With keen attention everyone listened and the grabbed all what she was saying. After some minutes it was announced they take a break before they continue.


Ruqys PA showed her to where they ate and refreshed. Ruqys phone rang and it was her mum calling to know how she is faring, she picked and was talking to her mum when all of a sudden Adam came in and heard her speaking a language that sounds farmiliar to him. He just passed because he thought ruqy sambo he knew wouldn't be the chattered accountant he employed all the way from Abuja. But his subconscious keeps telling him its ruqy sambo. But he waved it off.


All these are the strategies and procedures, that if employed el take Versace group of companies to greater heights"the success of every business comes from the effort employed in taking the risk in business." I hope I will make a great turn out for this organization in my course of working here for some days. ""

The whole conference hall roars in applause as ruqy concludes her presentation..


"No, no, this can't be, oh my God

OOh my God". Muby see its ruqy that's the cahttered accountant see bro,, she is the one" oh my God!!!!

Calm down bro, so you never knew all these times?

Oh"I knew she was the one".

Yes, I am ruqy sambo, the voice ranged in Adams heard and he stood perplexed.

The same girl you spat and jeered for being an ordinary girl, ghe same girl you called classless and doesn't deserve love from someone like you. Though it was the truth, I was no body but I thought you we're a good man mr Adams, this is the dirty ruqy sambo you always call "the last girl on my mind"each time I threw glances at you and your friends will laugh at me. Its that same ruqy who you thought won't amount to any good in life. The daughter of your poor cleaner. But here we are mr Adams, I am now the chartered account who is gonna work for you. I never knew life is this a small circle.

Am so sorry ruqy was all Adams could say.


I took you for nothing ruqysambo but today you've lifted me from my fall. All the ladies I thought we're my class have all gone into extinction but its still you here helping me out of bankruptcy.

TThe last lady on my mind have became the occupant of my heart. For years I have toiled in search of you to appologise but no way. Thank God for a day like this ruqy.

I am so grateful, and will forever be. Thank you for saving my business. Thank you also for saving my heart ruqy, I love you!

Ruqy smiled and off she went for her residence.


Muby, you didn't do anything and you allowed her to go?

What man? What do you want me to do?

If you want her then try fix things uo between you guys, correct your mistakes and get her for yourself.


Ruqy you don't have to be like this, try and let bygones go. You've secretly admired this man for long now, why not give yourself the chance to love after the hurts?

OOk mum, I will try and let the past go and give him a chance.

That is my girl, "come to mummy"she opened her arms and ruqy rant into it sobbing.

Its ok dear, everything will be fine.


$Dear Adams I have reconsidered and I am ready the be the real owner of your heart, also to help in your business"

Ruqy sambo.

Adam couldn't contend his 😁 joy, he felt his heart beating fast and he jumped up in joy.

The last lady on my mind🌺

December 17, 2020 17:21

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